公忠,Common Loyalty
1)Common Loyalty公忠
1.Chinese Traditional Common Loyalty and the Socialist Construction in Modern Morality;传统公忠思想与当代道德建设析论
2.Common loyalty was regarded as the most important ethic criterion in the Chinese traditional morality.公忠在中国传统道德中被视为最重要的伦理规范,公忠伦理对传统社会的作用之大,主要体现在治国、修身、养德等方面。

1.An Analysis of the Image of a Family Official of Feudal Times of “Gongzhong” and “Sizhong” in the Historical Records of Pre-Qin Dynasty;先秦史籍中公忠、私忠并重的家臣形象分析
2.conference loyalty regime班轮公会忠诚信约制度
3.Our company is faithful to the promised terms.我们公司忠实于自己承诺的条件。;我们公司忠实于自己的诺言。
4.We all have a loyalty to the company.我们对公司都有效忠的义务.
5.From first to last, he has been a faithful public servant.他自始至终一直是个忠实的公务员。
6.owe loyalty to a political party, one's union, the company, etc对某政党、 联盟、 公司等效忠.
7.The loyalty factor was an important one.忠于职守的精神对公司来说很重要。
8.an employee whose first loyalty is to the company rather than to fellow workers.忠于公司资产胜于同事的雇员。
9.The workers' loyalty to you.这些雇员对公司会有忠于职守的精神。
10.Tax officials must implement the law impartially and devote themselves to their duties.税务人员必须秉公执法,忠于职守
11.They cited my loyalty and my value to the company.他们列举了我对公司的忠实和重要性。
12.Loyal citizens ranged themselves with the King.忠实的公民们与他们的国王站在一起。
13.I've been a faithful public servant all my life.我一生都是一名忠实的人民公仆。
14.Fin, fur, and feather are fair, faithful friends.鱼类` 兽类和鸟类都是公正`忠诚的朋友。
15.Mr. Brown is a very reliable client of our company.布朗先生是我们公司忠诚可靠的客户。
16.Talking about the Relationship Between the Tendency of the Military and Confucian Flow Together in Ming Dynasty and the Book "Chen Zilong s Opinions of Military to the Emperor";明代兵儒合流与《陈忠裕公兵垣奏议》
17.Faith of Democracy--Review of Feng Jizhong's Academic Theories公民的信念——回顾冯纪忠的学术思想
18."Loyalty to one's company is gone and lost, But people are more devoted to their professions."对公司的忠诚,可说是荡然无存;但是对职业的忠诚,反而增加。

a just loyal official公忠之臣
3)be loyal and incorruptible公忠廉洁
4)Shuang Zhong Gong双忠公
5)loyal to motherland忠公爱国
6)"loyalty" formula忠诚公式
