中国人价值观,Chinese values
1)Chinese values中国人价值观
1.Studies on values in China need to have measures developed in China itself and to build an elaborated model of Chinese values based on research employing a variety of Chinese participants.研究采用通过系统编制形成的《中国人价值观问卷》,对工人、农民、专业技术人员、大学生和中学生五类人群进行了测量。

1.The Status Quo of Chinese Values Study and Its Trends;中国人价值观研究的现状及发展趋势
2.On human value outlook of China s classic harmonious philosophy;中国经典“和谐”哲学的人生价值观
3.Individualism in American English;个人主义价值观在美国英语中的体现
4.Anthropological Research Value of Chinese Ancient Ideology;反观中国古代思想的人类学研究价值
5.Historic Evolution of Human-centeredness Outlook in China;“以人为本”价值观在中国的历史演进
6.On Values of Life in Ancient China and Their Modern Significance;论中国古代人生价值观及其现代意义
7.The Value of Seeking Truth and Being Enterprising vs.the Chinese Traditional Values;论求实进取价值观与中国传统价值观
8.Modern Transition of "Human" Concept in China s Cultural Core Value;中国文化核心价值观“人”的观念的近代转型
9."Concept of Heaven and Man" in Ancient China and the Construction of Contemporary Ecological Values中国古代“天人观”与当代生态价值观的建构
10.Value Transmission and Social Identity:an Analysis on the Value Expression of the"Who Moved China"Nomination价值传播与社会认同——《感动中国》年度人物价值观呈现与传播分析
11.American Individualism Embodied in Daily Communication;论日常交际中折射出的美国个人主义价值观
12.Discussing the concept of value s leading role in the choice of socialism by Chinese people;价值观对中国人民选择社会主义的引导作用
13.On values orientation of scientific development view of CPC;论当代中国共产党人科学发展观的价值取向
14.The Concept of "Chengren" in Chinese Traditional Education and Its Modern Value;我国传统教育中的成人观及其当代价值
15.A Study on the Traditional Life Values in Chinese College Students;中国大学生传统人生价值观的调查研究
16.On the Ecological Values of Several Generations of Leaders in Communist Party of China论中国共产党几代领导人的生态价值观
17.Deepen the Studies of Value and Build the Value System of the Contemporary China;深化价值观研究与构建当代中国价值观体系
18.A Contrastive Study on Consumption Values and Leisure Values of Chinese Citizens;中国公民消费价值观与闲暇价值观比较分析

Chinese values中国人的价值观
3)Chinese cultural values中国文化价值观
1.Based on a questionnaire survey of Chinese students at the University of Massachusetts,Amherst,the paper analyzes their general travel practices,travel behavior characteristics and perception of Chinese culture and the influences of Chinese cultural values on travel behavior of Chinese students in the USA.以美国马萨诸塞大学中国留学生为例,在问卷调查的基础上,分析了我国在美留学人员的总体旅游习惯、旅游行为特征及其对中国文化的感知,并对中国文化价值观对我国在美留学人员旅游行为的影响进行了客观的分析,发现中国文化价值观是对我国在美留学人员旅游行为特征产生重要影响的因素,研究成果对跨文化旅游研究、旅游开发、旅游产品设计以及旅游目标市场促销等具有重要意义。
4)the Chinese traditional values中国传统价值观
1.It is the fundamental point of constructing the Chinese characteristics socialism core values to do good with the relationship of the capitalism core values,the Chinese traditional values,the basic values of human culture,and display its Chinese styles and characteristics.处理好社会主义核心价值观与资本主义核心价值观、中国传统价值观、人类文明基本价值的关系,凸显其中国风格和中国特色,是建构中国特色社会主义核心价值观的根本着力点。
5)traditional Chinese value ideas中国传统价值观念
1.The author analyses the various conflicts between western value ideas and traditional Chinese value ideas,the deconstruction and reconstruction since the western value ideas challenged the traditional Chinese patriarchal society,then discusses how to creatively integrate western value ideas into traditional Chinese value ideas.首先必须解决法律和道德亦即法治和德治的整合;其次必须实现"义"与"利"的整合;再次要将科学观念与伦理观念进行整合;最后还必须把扬弃中国传统价值观念和批判吸收西方价值观念结合起来。
6)The core values of contemporary Chinese army中国军队核心价值观
