孔颜之乐,Confucius-Yanhui Happiness View
1)Confucius-Yanhui Happiness View孔颜之乐

1.Analyze Evolution of "The Joy of Kong Yan" Theory by the Way of Criticism HAN Yu从对韩愈的批判看北宋“孔颜之乐”理论的演进
2.The Confucian Concept of Happiness:Thoughts After Reading The Issue of Confucius and Yan Hui s Happiness in Song and Ming Confucianism by Li Huangming;儒家幸福论——读李煌明著《宋明理学中的“孔颜之乐”问题》有感
3.Looking for"Confucius and Yanhui s Cheerfulness" Re-constructing the Spiritual Homestead of Mankind;寻“孔颜乐处” 重构人的精神家园
4.Explanation of the Harmonious Thought of Confucianism from the Perspective of “Kong Yan Le Chu”;从“孔颜乐处”诠释儒家的和谐思想
5.Chenghao and Chengyi’s View of Confucius and Yanhui’s Cheerfulness and the Construction of Harmonious Society二程“孔颜乐处”观与和谐社会建设
6.From Kong Yan Le Chu to Zi Shi Ren Qing--Chen Baisha s Transcendent Explanation to anImportant Proposition of the Neo-Confucianism of the Song and the Ming Dynasties;从“孔颜乐处”到自适任情——陈白沙对理学重要命题的超越
7.Briefly speaking,Confucius' esthetics is that of ceremonial rites and music.孔子的美学概而言之就是礼乐美学。
8.Comparing and Pondering over Yue Fu Folk Song in Han Dynasty Peacock Flies to the Southeast and Ba Jin s Cold Night;汉乐府《孔雀东南飞》与巴金《寒夜》之比较
9.The Modern Meaning of Confucius "Happiness" and "Experience-Rationality;孔子之“乐”与“体验理性”的现代意义
10.Ritual Music:an Ever Green Tree in Traditional Chinese Music --On Ritual Music at Confucian Temple over the Past Dynasties in China;礼乐:中国传统音乐的常青之树——评《中国历代孔庙雅乐》
11.Confucian Ethical Thoughts on Music as Reflected in "Unrestrained Music of Zheng"──Part three of the Study on Music Culture;从“郑声淫”看孔子的音乐美学思想──音乐的文化学研究之三
12.A kind heart is a fountain of gladness, making everything in its vicinity freshen into smiles.-Irving, Washington善良的心是快乐之源,使周围的一切生机盎然,喜笑颜开。--欧文
13.sensuous colors [music]引起美感的颜色 [音乐]
14.On the Non-historical Feature of Xu Fu-guan s Studying Confucius Artistic Spirit from Music;论徐复观之“由音乐探索孔子的艺术精神”的非历史性
15.Confucius’ Artistic Concept of Life : Music Education Excluding that of the Book of Songs ---Re thinkingonConfuciusAesthetics;乐教而非诗教的人生之境艺术观——孔子美学思想再思考
16.The attitude of Confucius to the Songs Of Zhen g and Wei from the musical aesthetics从孔子的音乐美学思想看孔子对待郑卫之音的态度——兼论“思无邪”作何解
17.Resembling a peacock's tail in color, design, or iridescence.似孔雀尾的颜色、图案或虹彩象孔雀尾巴
18.On the Argumentative Methods of Yan Zhitui in Yan Shi Jia Xun;颜之推《颜氏家训》的说理方式初探

Confucius and Hui's cheerfulness孔颜乐处
3)seeking for Confucian optimistic attitude to life寻孔颜乐处
4)On the Bliss of the Confucius and Yan Hui by Zhu Xi朱熹论孔颜乐处
5)Yan Le颜乐
6)music with no sound无乐之乐
1.He believes music with no sound is the best, and this is his real pursuit.他去掉琴的弦、徵,手抚素琴,独与宇宙精神相往来,追求的正是“乐之至”的“无乐之乐”。
