德福统一,the unification of morality and happiness
1)the unification of morality and happiness德福统一
1.Justice is the basic approach to the unification of morality and happiness,for the basic meaning of justice is the unification of "what should be done"(moral obligations) and "what to be deserved "(Happiness).正义是通向德福统一的基本路径,因为正义的基本含义就是“应尽”(道德义务)和“应得”(现实幸福)的统一。

1.Unity of Moral and Good Fortune is the Necessary Need of Social Justice--Concurrently on the value foundation of the administrative ethic construction;德福统一是社会公正的必然要求——兼论行政伦理建设的价值基础
2.Virtues and Happiness:MacIntyre's Narration of Relationship between Virtues and Happiness in the Classical Tradition美德与幸福——麦金太尔对古典传统中美德与幸福之关系的叙述
3.CVC roller system (continuously variable crown roller system)连续可变锥度轧辊系统(德国蒙福茨制)
4.M.de Mauves was an arrogant foo德基福先生是一个夜郎自大的傻瓜。
5.‘Good morning, Mrs Crawford,’ the children shouted in unison.“早上好,克劳福德夫人。”孩子们一齐喊道。
6.MRS. BENNETT: And get one in Stamford?班纳特夫人:打算在斯坦福德租一个?
7.Teacher s Eudemonia:A Psychological Characteristic Based on Teacher s Morality;教师幸福:一种基于师德的心性能力
8.Former American President Ronald Reagan has returned borne to California after a brain operation.美国前总统罗纳德-里根在接受一次脑部手术后,已经回到他的家乡——加利福尼亚州。
9.Guilford said pigeons use their own navigational system when doing long-distance trips or when a bird does a journey for the first time.吉尔福德说鸽子在长途飞行或者第一次飞行新航线时依靠的是它们自身的导航系统。
10.Over the first four laps, Bedford stayed abreast of the German runner.在头四圈里,贝德福德一直与那名德国赛跑选手并驾齐驱。
11.Edmund came on the very same business that had brought Miss Crawford.埃德蒙德到这里的目的和克劳福德小姐完全一样。
12.Andrew Wood, of Sanford Bernstein, an investment-research company, does not think that is likely.桑福德.伯恩斯坦的安德鲁.武德,一家投资研究公司,认为这个不可能。
13.He shared Clifford's concern about the interregnum.他同克利福德对新旧总统的交替期都抱有忧虑。
14."Bedford palace, complete plans, security system, soup to nuts."“贝德福皇宫,完整的规则,安全系统,从头到尾!”
15.Systematic Review of Adefovir Effects on Treating Chronic Virus Hepatitis B;阿德福韦治疗慢性乙型肝炎疗效的系统评价
16.Dreyfus' Criticism of Traditional Creeds of Artificial Intelligence Research德雷福斯对传统人工智能研究信条的批判
17."An American in Europe: The Life of Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford"一个美国人在欧洲:拉母福德伯爵的一生
18.Madame de Villefort merely cried,--"Be still, Edward!"维尔福夫人只喊了一声,“不许多嘴,爱德华

consistency between morality and happiness德福一致
1.It is the necessary condition to guarantee political purity and consistency between morality and happiness.所谓"宪政民主",就是遵循名副其实的宪法之指导原则——自由与平等以及人道与公正诸社会治理道德原则——而受其限制的民主,因而也就是保障政治清明和德福一致而防止政治腐败和德福背离的充分且必要条件,是政治清明和德福一致的普遍的必然的根源。
3)combine of moral ad prosperous德福合一
4)the tension between virtue and happiness德福不一
5)unification of morality and ability德能统一
1.The author listed the problems existing in current teacher s morality construction,pointed out that ideological education must be put in the first place of teacher s morality construction,suggested to establish perfect rules and regulations,improve the invigorative system,attach importance to the unification of morality and ability of teachers.指出当前师德建设存在的问题,提出师德建设必须把教师队伍的思想教育放在首位,建立健全规章制度,完善激励机制,同时要注重教师的教师德能统一的建议。
6)German reunification德国统一
1.It had poured spirit and belief for German reunification,and promoted European international relation still rela.两德关系的发展为德国统一注入了精神信念,并在客观上推动了欧洲国际关系的继续缓和,为统一提供了有利的外部条件。
2.Germany was reunified in the form that East Germany joined the Federal Rep ublic of Germany in the late1980s and early 1990s,Frances attitude to German reunification was very complicated and subtle.上个世纪80年代末、90年代初,以东德“加入”联邦德国的方式实现了德国统一。

五福德──说法五福德【五福德──说法五福德】  ﹝出贤者五福德经﹞  [一、长寿],谓前世说法时,上中下语一一皆善。若好杀者,以闻法故,而能止杀,是故今世得长寿福德。(上中下语,即经之序分、正宗分、流通分也。)  [二、多财],谓前世说法时,上中下语教人布施。若盗窃者,闻法不盗,便能行施,是故今世得多财福德。  [三、端正无比],谓前世说法时,上中下语随顺正法,令闻法者,和气安心,颜色悦怿,自生光泽,是故今世得端正无比福德。  [四、名誉远闻],谓前世说法时,上中下语以善及人,令闻法者,归敬三宝,相从者众,是故今世得名誉远闻福德。(三宝者,佛宝、法宝、僧宝也。)  [五、聪明大智],谓前世说法时,上中下语乐说无吝,令闻法者妙慧开解,是故今世得聪明大智福德。