道德自我认同,moral self-identity
1)moral self-identity道德自我认同
1.We think Social work study is a important way of improving student s moral self-identity,because it af- fords opportunities of moral study to understand the relationship between individual value and social value.“社会服务学习”集中体现在对道德自我认同的影响上。
2)moral identity道德认同
1.Ethics significances of moral identity are deepening moral recognization,speeding up moral willing ness,fulfilling moral personality and so on.道德认同就是个体对社会道德体系中诸多规范的认可程度和接受程度。
2.The ceaseless change of moral values of social and the diversification of social roles which played by people make the moral identity in contemporary society has become the most prominent ethical issues, and profoundly affect people\'s moral quality, the establishment of basic social morality and social healthy development.社会道德观念的不断变化和人们所扮演的社会角色的多样化使道德认同成为了当代社会中最突出的伦理问题,并深刻地影响到人的道德素质的提高、社会道德基础的确立和社会的健康发展。

1.Retrieve student lost moral identification--A ponderation on school moral education in the new period;找回学生失落的道德认同——对新时期学校道德教育的一点思考
2.Song and Yuan s Story-Telling Script: Citizen s Word and Moral Approval;宋元话本中市井细民的言说与道德认同
3.Close to Canon:The Morality Identification of Western Sex-related Literature in the 20th Century走近正典:20世纪西方性文学的道德认同
4.Moral Authority and Its Being Recognition --On How to Move Out of the Difficult Situation of Moral Instruction;道德权威及其认同——兼论走出道德教育的困境
5.Research on the Moral Values Approval of the National Defense Undergraduates in the Universities and Colleges;当前我国高校国防生军人道德价值认同研究
6.Strengthening Subject Identification to Improve Effectiveness of Moral Education of College Students;强化主体认同 提高大学生道德教育实效性
7.sanctioned by custom or morality especially sexual morality.被习俗或道德尤其是性道德认可的。
8.Deaf High School Students Cognition of Moral and Non-moral Rules;中学聋生对道德和非道德规则的认知
9.From Rational Acknowledgment to Moral Affirmation --Paying high attention to the issue of moral building in the new era从理性的认同到道德的肯定——新时期道德建设中一个应高度重视的问题
10.Cultural Identity and Moral Education Reform of Our Country in the Multiple-cultural Society;多元文化背景下的文化认同与我国学校道德教育改革
11.The Study of Sports Moral Cognition and Behavior in Youth Athletes of Team Events我国同场对抗性集体项目青少年运动员体育道德认知与行为研究
12.Identifying the Effect of Life Insurance Contract With an Agent Signature and Moral Hazard Prevention代签名人身保险合同效力的认定与道德风险防范
13.Now I think that moral fiber's about...现在我认为, 道德素质是...
14.Prudence is numbered with the cardinal virtues.谨慎被认为是基本道德。
15.Not admitting of moral distinctions or judgments; neither moral nor immoral.非道德范畴的不承认道德差异或判断的;既非道德的也非不道德的
16.Those who follow the Way are one with the Way. Those who follow power are one with power. Those who abandon it are one with abandonment.故从事于 道者,同于道;德者,同于德;失者,同于失。
17.The Study of Moral Cognition Development and Moral Education Strategies of Kindergarten Teachers Training School Students;幼师生道德认知发展及德育对策研究
18.We recognize that morality differs in every society, and is a convenient term for socially approved habits.我们认识到,每个社会的道德观不尽相同,道德观只是一个便于说明社会所认可的习惯的术语而已。

moral identity道德认同
1.Ethics significances of moral identity are deepening moral recognization,speeding up moral willing ness,fulfilling moral personality and so on.道德认同就是个体对社会道德体系中诸多规范的认可程度和接受程度。
2.The ceaseless change of moral values of social and the diversification of social roles which played by people make the moral identity in contemporary society has become the most prominent ethical issues, and profoundly affect people\'s moral quality, the establishment of basic social morality and social healthy development.社会道德观念的不断变化和人们所扮演的社会角色的多样化使道德认同成为了当代社会中最突出的伦理问题,并深刻地影响到人的道德素质的提高、社会道德基础的确立和社会的健康发展。
3)Moral identification道德认同
1.Retrieve student lost moral identification——A ponderation on school moral education in the new period;找回学生失落的道德认同——对新时期学校道德教育的一点思考
4)moral approval道德认同
1.On the analysis of the concrete three charactors of Song and Yuan s story-telling Script, This paper attempts to recarefully examine the word and moral approval of citizen,the concern targets of Song and Yuan s story-telling Script.本文深入到具体文本内部,力图通过对话本中三种人物的分析,重新审视宋元话本所关注对象——市民阶层的话语言说及道德认同。
1.The spirit of self-identification of ancient Chi-nese is of two main traits: the human relations in which theindividual exists, the moral character by which human con-duct is expressed.以儒学为主导的中国传统文化给人的存在提供了一个自我认同的精神家园,中国古代人的自我认同精神,具有在人伦关系中得以确立和以德性化的形式表现出来两个主要特征;自我认同精神的两种特征,在中国古典建筑文化中有相应的表现方式,只有理解这些,才能更好地欣赏中国古典建筑。
2.From the transformation of the self-identification,we can have an insight to the hardship of intellectuals transition.在这自我认同转向的背后,可以看到知识分子自我转变的艰难。
3.While investigating the self-identification of pink-collar, what we can see is the indistinct boundary of this stratum and their special social gender conception, which is between the moder.本文考察了现代中国城市中粉领女性的生活状态、阶层地位与自我认同,认为粉领阶层处于社会结构的中间阶层,其阶层认同正处于建构发展之中,其性别角色观念则介于现代与传统之间。
1.Effect of Social Excluded City Farmers on self-identity and Reconstruction;城市农民工社会排斥透视及对自我认同的影响和重构
2.Rural Migrant Workers Self-Identity——A Case Study in Lanzhou City;农民工身份的自我认同——以兰州市为例
3.An Exploration on the Self-identity Crisis for Contemporary University Students;当代大学生自我认同危机省思

角色认同说角色认同说role identificational theory 角色认同说(role identificational theory)解释性别角色的获得和两性心理行为特征的形成的一种性别差异心理学理论,渊源于精神分析学派,以后也为其他学派所借用。精神分析学家十分强调认同在男女心理发展中的作用,认为认同是保持心理平衡的防御机制。男女儿童为消除恋母、恋父情结,把自己放置于同性父母以及其他同性成人的地位,从而获得相应的性别角色和特定的心理行为特征。当儿童的性心理发展到阳具欲期,才开始形成性别差异。男孩产生的是恋母情结,但由于阉割恐惧,他抑制自己对母亲的性欲冲动,转向与父亲相认同,以达到替代性满足,结果内化了由父亲所代表的社会规范和继承了由父亲所代表的男性权力与品质。女孩由于阳物妒羡产生的是恋父情结,但这种愿望既得不到真正的满足,又得不到彻底的解脱,其性别角色认同获得的是依附、被动、自卑、嫉妒、受虐等女性特征。弗洛伊德解释两性差异形成的阳物中心论观点受到了后人的批评,但其关于性别角色认同的思想则为后来的学者所探讨。社会学习理论在解释性别角色社会化的进程时,也强调了模仿、认同的作用。 (茜冬杏撰高玉样审)