伦理相对主义,Ethics relativism
1)Ethics relativism伦理相对主义
1.Ethics relativism is a methodology of moral acknowledgement.伦理相对主义作为一种道德认识方法论,在西方肇始于古希腊哲学,在中国出现于春秋战国时期,并一直或显或隐地活跃着。

1.Scheler's Phenomenological Axiology and Ethical Relativism舍勒的现象学价值论与伦理相对主义
2.Although relativists are too extreme, they are correct in guarding against subjectivity.尽管伦理相对主义者的观点比较偏激,但是他们对于主观性所持有的反对态度是正确的。
3.Moral relativism advocates unlimited access to all information and denies any principles of right and wrong.伦理相对主义主张人们对于所有的信息都有获取权,不存在对错之分。
4.Ethical relativists deny the possibility of objectivity, arguing that biases inevitably arise from the subjective perspective of each person.伦理相对主义者否认客观的存在,认为每个人的观点都有主观性,偏见的存在是难以避免的。
5.The Construction of Medical Ethics in Contemporary China and Relativism Medical Ethics;当代中国医德建设与相对主义医学伦理学
6.Contemporary Relativism Medical Ethics and the Construction of Medical Ethics in China;当代相对主义医学伦理学与我国医德建设
7.The Ethical Dilemma of Modern Technologies and Moral Relativism in the Age of Technology;现代技术的伦理困境与技术时代的道德相对主义幽灵
8.Care Political Ethic: Confrontment of Feminism against Justice Political Ethic;关怀政治伦理:女性主义对公正政治伦理的抗争
9.Interpreting the Consciousness of Public Servants from Socialist Contract Ethics;社会主义契约伦理对公仆意识的解读
10.Socialist Views of Honors and Shames in Many Spheres of Vision (special topic for discussion);社会主义荣辱观对学术道德建设的伦理意义
11.What adapts to the socialist market economy is the socialist ethical form of contract.与社会主义市场经济相适应的是社会主义的契约伦理文化。
13.Marxist moral thought马克思主义伦理思想
14.neo-Thomist ethics新托马斯主义伦理学
15.And correspondingly its value enlarges from harmonizing family to stabling country and last to uniting human beings.与伦理主体的扩大相对应,其伦理价值也从“和家”到“安国”再到“和人”。
16.Culture and Communication on Global Networks:Cultural Diversity,Moral Relativism,and Hope for a Global Ethic7;全球网络的文化与交流:文化多元性,道德相对主义,以及一种全球伦理的希望
17.Advocacy for Induced Abortion from the Point of View of Feminist Care Ethics女性主义关怀伦理视阈下对人工流产的辩护
18.Reflections on the Construction of the Course Marxist Ethnics in Universities;对高校“马克思主义伦理学”课程建设的几点思考

relativistic ethics相对主义伦理
3)relativism medical ethics相对主义医学伦理学
4)western ethical relativism西方伦理相对主义
5)An Analysis of Ethics Relativism伦理相对主义浅析
1.The formation of ethnology has its root in the Western thoughts while ethno-ethics belongs to China with its root in our tradition which is waiting for an over-all development based on ethicism.它根植于我们传统思想的深处,有待于在"伦理主义"的基础上得到全面的发展。
