内在利益,internal goods
1)internal goods内在利益
1.He thinks that practice is a form of cooperative human activity through which man can realize external and internal goods, and then he points out that internal goods and virtue are close.他认为,实践是一种人类协作性活动方式,在这种活动中,人既获得外在利益又获得内在利益,并且指出实践活动中内在利益与德性的密不可分。
2)the internal interests benefit from teaching practice教育实践的内在利益
3)Interests in China在华利益
1.Knox Plan: America Vying with Japanese-Russo for Interests in China;诺克斯计划:美国与日俄在华利益的争夺

1.Knox Plan: America Vying with Japanese-Russo for Interests in China;诺克斯计划:美国与日俄在华利益的争夺
2.After Japan unleashed a full scale war against China, Germany gradually showed favour towards Japan and its interests in China had to be subordinate to its strategy of expansion in Europe.日本全面侵华以后 ,德国远东政策的重心逐渐偏向日本 ,其在华利益服从于它的欧洲扩张战略。
3.Group Interests Role in the Construction of National Interests:From Perspective on Chinese Exclusion of U.S.A;从美国“排华法案”看集团利益在国家利益构建中的作用
4.For it serves the interests not only of the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese nation but also of the international communist movement.这不但是中国共产党的利益所在,中华民族的利益所在,而且是国际共产主义运动的利益所在。
5.Reunification of the country embodies the fundamental interest of the Chinese nation.中国的统一是中华民族的根本利益所在。
6.Cliques United for Mutual Interes: Their Position and Role in U.S.Politics--And about the influence of American interest groups on the policies to China;利益集团在美国政治中的地位和作用——兼论利益集团对美国政府对华政策的影响
7.However, he said incidents were sporadic and not damaging to overall Japanese interests.但他表示,这些是零星事件,并未破坏日本在华的整体利益。
8.In international trade talks, it sticks up for Quebec dairy farmers.在国际贸易谈判中,渥太华为魁北克的牛奶农场主争取利益。
9.The preservation of solidarity and unity of the Chinese nation is the very foundation for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and is where the fundamental interests of the people of all ethnic groups lie.维护中华民族的团结统一,是中华民族伟大复兴的根本基础,是全国各族人民的根本利益所在。
11.The Chinese community is knit together by common interests.共同的利益使华人社区团结起来。
12.Unification of China is the highest benefit of Chinese people.祖国统一是中华民族的最高利益。
13.Interest Analysis of Clinton and Bush Administrations China Policies;克林顿、布什政府对华政策的利益分析
14.Article50 The People's Republic of China protects the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese nationals residing abroad and protects the lawful rights and interests of returned overseas Chinese and of the family members of Chinese nationals residing abroad.第五十条中华人民共和国保护华侨的正当的权利和利益,保护归侨和侨眷的合法的权利和利益。
15.The Empirical Research of the Interest Demand of the Core Stakeholders in Jiuhua Mountain Beauty Spot九华山风景区核心利益相关者利益要求实证研究
16.know which side one's bread is buttered o知道自己的利益所在
17.He knows where his interest lies.他知道自己的利益所在。
18.If that should happen, it would be a serious blow to the company.这在益中是非常不利的。

the internal interests benefit from teaching practice教育实践的内在利益
3)Interests in China在华利益
1.Knox Plan: America Vying with Japanese-Russo for Interests in China;诺克斯计划:美国与日俄在华利益的争夺
4)Content of Benefit利益内涵
1.A Study on the Cause of the Conflict bwtween NPV and IRR;净贴现值和内在收益率的非自洽性及其深层原因研究
6)limit of benefit existence利益存在限度

十种利益──慈忍十种利益【十种利益──慈忍十种利益】  ﹝出月灯三昧经﹞  慈即爱念,忍即安忍。谓修菩萨行者,于一切违顺等境,皆能慈忍,故获此十种利益也。  [一、火不能烧],谓修菩萨行者,但为利益众生,常怀慈忍之心,于一切违逆之境,了知身心自性本空,悉无所恼,是以嗔恚之火,所不能烧也。  [二、刀不能割],谓修菩萨行者,但为利益众生,常怀慈忍之心,于一切横逆之境,了知自身体性空寂,悉无所畏,是以嗔恚利刀,所不能割也。  [三、毒不能中],谓修菩萨行者,但为利益众生,常怀慈忍之心,人或有所加害,了知身心本空,不以为意,是以贪嗔毒药,所不能中也。  [四、水不能漂],谓修菩萨行者,但为利益众生,常怀慈忍之心,于一切顺情之境,了知诸法本空,悉无所染,是以贪爱之水,所不能漂也。  [五、为非人护],非人,即鬼神之类。谓修菩萨行者,但为利益众生,常怀慈忍之心,于一切时处,鬼神之类,悉皆护卫也。  [六、身相庄严],谓修菩萨行者,但为利益众生,常怀慈忍之心,爱念于人,是以能感色身相好庄严之报也。  [七、闭诸恶道],谓修菩萨行者,但为利益众生,常怀慈忍之心,成就善法,是以恶道之门,自然闭而不开也。  [八、随乐梵天],梵天,即色界初禅天也。谓修菩萨行者,慈忍具足,梵行无亏,故报尽命终,随其意乐,而得生于梵天也。  [九、昼夜常安],谓修菩萨行者,常行慈忍之心,利益有情,而不恼害,故得身心寂静,昼夜常安也。  [十、不离喜乐],谓修菩萨行者,常怀慈忍之心,利益众生,令其各获安隐,是以自之身心,亦不离于喜乐也。