为仁由己,benevolence depending on oneself
1)benevolence depending on oneself为仁由己
1.Kong Zi s thought "benevolence depending on oneself" shows a freedom spirit of the subject by the principle of moral autonomy.孔子的“为仁由己”思想通过道德自律原则体现了一种主体自由精神。

1.The Enlightenment of the Construction of Socialistic View for Honor and Dishonor by the Thought “Benevolence Depending on Oneself” of Confucius;孔子“为仁由己”思想在大学生社会主义荣辱观教育中的借鉴和启示
2."To Subdue Oneself and Return to the Proprieties is Perfect Virtue"--Confucius' reflections on history of the "three dynasties"“克己复礼为仁”——试论孔子对“三代”历史的精神自觉
3.Decoding Yan Yuan s Inquiry on Benevolence--on the Doctrine of Benevolence in Regard to Benevolence-rites & Oneself-others Relationships;“颜渊问仁”章试诠——从“仁—礼”与“人—己”关系看孔子“仁学”
4.He traded upon his brother's kindness to get more money for him.他利用了他的兄弟的宽厚仁慈,为他自己弄到了更多的钱。
5.Through the same kind agency, his mother was secured from want, and made quite happy.由于同一个仁慈的行为,她母亲再也不愁贫困了,日子过得十分幸福。
6.My View of "Humamism" Philosophy,taking"Freedom and Individuality"as the Ideal --In Reply to the Criticism of My Confreres;我的以"自由个性"为理想的"人文主义"哲学观——答诸位同仁的批评
7."The man who has mercy will be rewarded, but the cruel man is the cause of trouble to himself."仁慈的人,善待自己。残忍的人,扰害己身。
8.Compassionate treatment, especially of those under one's power; clemency.慈悲,仁慈仁慈的对待,尤指对处于自己权力控制下的人;仁慈
9.The defendant enters defence of justification被告用可被接受的理由为自己辩护
10.The defendant enter defence of justification.被告用可被接受的理由为自己辩护。
11.You can be justly proud of your achievement.你有理由为自己的成就而自豪.
12.freedom to act or judge on one's own.根据自己的判断决定行为的自由。
13.She sacrificed her life for the sake of freedom.她为争取自由而献出了自己的生命。
14.He has a strong case.他有充足的理由(可为自己辩护)。
15.If you really loved humaneness you would not place anything above it. If you really hated the nonhumaneness, you would not let it near you.好仁者,无以尚之;恶不仁者,其为仁矣,不使不仁者加乎其身。
16.Confucius said: "As for a neighborhood, it is its humaneness that makes it beautiful. If you choose to live in a place that lacks humaneness, how can you grow in wisdom?"子曰:「里仁为美。择不处仁,焉得知」
17.Young Hamlet did not like him because he was not as wise and kind as his father.年轻的哈姆雷特并不喜欢他的叔叔,因为他不像自己的父亲那么睿智和仁慈,
18.We believe that he can overcome the deadly selfishness of class or sect or race by discovering himself as a child of the universal God of love.我们认为,人能够认识到自己是仁爱宇宙之主的孩子,从而克服阶级、教派、种族的致命私利。

as Jen为仁
3)the Thought of Benevolence and Justice居仁由义
4)setting kindness as the ultimate aim以仁为归
5)way of practicing benevolence为仁之方
1.Confucius said that people do not know the way of practicing benevolence,and there is no person who is devoted to fulfilling it.在参考了多家注释之后,认为本章的章旨在于:仁之境界难至,但为仁之方易行。
6)benevolence as the basis以仁为本
1.So from this aspect of aesthetic theory, the manifestation and ingestion of the beauty of personality, the beauty of poems, the beauty of music and the beauty of nature would take benevolence as the basis.孔子的社会政治思想以仁为核心,这使其在美学理论上,不论对于人格美、诗之美、乐之美以及自然美的观照与摄取,都要求以仁为本体,以在人自身的修养与一切活动中,都能“依于仁”,以仁为标准,不仅可望以仁制诗,还幻想以“归仁”达到理想的仁本社会的恢复与重建。

去氢己烯雌酚 ,己烷雌酚,己二烯雌酚药物名称:去氢己烯雌酚英文名:Hexestrol别名: 二酚己烷;二羟二苯己烷;己雌酚;去氢己烯雌酚 ,己烷雌酚,己二烯雌酚外文名:Hexestrol 适应症: 其作用与己烯雌酚同,但作用较弱,耐受性较好。用于治疗:(1)子宫发育不良或因子宫发育不良及因宫颈液稠少而引起的不育症;(2)闭经和用于人工周期;(3)功能性子宫出血;(4)老年性阴道炎;(5)退乳;(6)绝经期综合征;(7)前列腺癌、绝经期10年以上的晚期乳腺癌以及男性乳腺癌。对前列腺增生也有较好的疗效,可使充血减轻、排尿困难好转、肛门指检前列腺缩小、残余尿减少、确有腺体萎缩等;(8)避孕。此外,本品还可用于治疗痤疮(对抗雄激素水平,减少皮脂腺分泌活性,宜与维甲酸、四环素等合用)、骨质疏松(能增加骨骼的钙盐沉积)、与催产素合用于引产(能抑制缩宫素酶)等。 用量用法: 口服:1次0.5~5mg,1日3次。 肌注:1次1~5mg,每周2~3次。 ---------------口服:1~2mg/次。肌注:5mg/次。 注意事项: 1.胃肠道不良反应有恶心、呕吐、厌食,一般较轻早晨较多见。 2.孕妇忌用。 3.可有恶心、呕吐、食欲不振、头痛、水肿、皮疹、子宫出血、子宫肥大、乳房胀痛等。更年期妇女使用时,患子宫内膜癌的发生率增加。经多年观察发现,在妊娠早期应用,则出生的女孩在青春期可患阴道腺癌;久用可诱发子宫颈癌、阴道上皮癌和乳腺癌(绝经期前用时)。孕妇及绝经期前妇女乳腺癌患者忌用;肝、肾功能严重减退者慎用。 规格: 片剂:每片1mg、5mg 针剂:每支3mg(1ml)、5mg(1ml)。 油针剂:5mg/1ml。 类别:性激素及促性激素