尚俭,the tendency of consumption toward economy
1)the tendency of consumption toward economy尚俭
2)reverencing thrifty and enjoying peace in the poverty尚俭安贫
3)to advocate industry and thrift崇尚勤俭
4)valuing frugality and refraining from luxury尚俭戒奢
5)esteem extravagance or thriftiness崇奢与尚俭
1.This article makes a systematic exposition of the moral connotation and requirement of industry and thrift, and the moral practice of the Chinese nation s advocating traditional industry and thrift as well, aiming to expound the view that virtues of industry and thrift are of great contemporary value in moral construction in China.本文系统地阐述了勤与俭的道德内涵和道德要求,以及中华民族崇尚勤俭传统的道德实践,论述了勤俭思想对当代中国道德建设的借鉴、启迪价值。
2.Thrift is the very basis for the various virtues in ancient China.俭 ,是中国古代各种德性的基础。

1.It is easy for the frugal to become extravagant,But very difficult to reverse the procedure从人奢易由奢返
2.It is easy to go from frugality to extravagance, But difficult to go from extravagance to frugality.由入奢易,由奢入难。
3.We must encourage diligence and thrift in running the household, running the co-operative and building the country.要提倡勤持家,勤办社,勤建国。
4."Save while you may, no morning sun lasts a whole day"能节时就节,朝阳难照一整天
5.an economical meal; an economical shopper; a frugal farmer; a frugal lunch; a sparing father and a spending son; sparing in their use of heat and light; stinting in bestowing gifts; thrifty because they remember the great Depression; (`scotch' is used only informally).节的一顿饭;节的购物者;节的农夫;节的午餐;节的父亲和浪费的儿子。
6.From mediocre frugality to enterprising frugality--Also on frugal thought in socialist honor - humiliation outlook;从中庸之到进取之——兼析社会主义荣辱观中的节思想
7.We had to scrimp and save to pay the bills.我们得省吃用来付帐.
8."He led his life, pinching and scraping."他省吃用地过日子。
9.We have to scrimp and save to pay the bill我们得省吃用来付帐
10.tighten one's belt (eat less food,spend less money,etc)勒紧腰带(省吃用)
11.He lived with frugality.他过着朴的生活。
12.The French are rather thrifty.法国人是相当省的。
13.Diligence and thrift made him a possessor of warm fortunes.勤使他成为富翁。
14.We should run all undertakings industrially and thriftily.我们要勤办一切事业。
15.Be thrifty and hardworking in whatever undertaking you are to start on.办任何事情都要勤
16.She is an economical housewife.她是个节的家庭主妇。
17.We live very economically.我们生活得很节
18.living on a shoe-string过着极节的生活.

reverencing thrifty and enjoying peace in the poverty尚俭安贫
3)to advocate industry and thrift崇尚勤俭
4)valuing frugality and refraining from luxury尚俭戒奢
5)esteem extravagance or thriftiness崇奢与尚俭
1.This article makes a systematic exposition of the moral connotation and requirement of industry and thrift, and the moral practice of the Chinese nation s advocating traditional industry and thrift as well, aiming to expound the view that virtues of industry and thrift are of great contemporary value in moral construction in China.本文系统地阐述了勤与俭的道德内涵和道德要求,以及中华民族崇尚勤俭传统的道德实践,论述了勤俭思想对当代中国道德建设的借鉴、启迪价值。
2.Thrift is the very basis for the various virtues in ancient China.俭 ,是中国古代各种德性的基础。
