以美引善,kindhearted gained from beauty
1)kindhearted gained from beauty以美引善

1.Guiding Righteousness with Aesthetic Educating People with Aesthetic--On University Students’ Aesthetic Education of Music;以美引善 以美育人——浅谈大学生音乐审美教育
2.Guiding the Good,the True and Sentiments by Beauty--on the function of art education to the Youths All-round Development;以美引善 以美启真 以美怡情——试论美术教育对青少年身心发展的作用
3.On Confucius Aesthetic Standards of Music;以美养善 美善合一——谈孔子的音乐审美观
4.the affirmation of goodness with the introduction of Poetic justice;作品中引入诗意公正,肯定善与美;
5.There was something about a well-planned trip to an exotic spot that was very difficult to pass up.一次安排得尽善尽美,前往一个富有异国情调地点的旅行是难以抗拒的吸引力。
6.The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully: have been kindness, beauty and truth.-Einstein, Albert那些曾为我引路、并不断给我新的勇气以欣然面对人生的理想就是真善美。--爱因斯坦
7."That which is striking and beautiful is not always good, But that which is good is always beautiful"美丽而引人注目的东西不一定都善良,但善良的东西总是美丽的
8.Tibetan and Han Opera Have Identical Aesthetic Ideal-Goodness以善为美:藏、汉戏曲共同的审美理想
9.A Stylistic Study of Wen Xuan--With reference to Guangya;胡刻本李善注《文选》引字书体例考——以引《广雅》为例
10.A Review of An Introduction to English Lexicology(Third Edition);笔耕不辍,求善求美——《英语词汇学引论》(第三版)评介
11.Norton's list is amplified and refined by many other commentators.诺顿所举的事例被许多评论家引伸并加以完善。
12.The ideals which have always shone before me and filled me with the joy of living are goodness, beauty, and truth.这些一直在引导我且令我充满生活乐趣的理想便是真、善、美。
13.The record of American diplomacy is paved with good intentions which had unfortunate results.美国外交记录充满了诸多以不幸收场的善意。
14.Therefore, it is said that Sun Bin's tactics reached the peak of excellence.所以说,孙膑的战术已经达到了尽善尽美的程度。
15.To this pleasure camping gives an exquisite refinement.露营给这种乐趣以尽善尽美的优雅意境。
16.On the Study of the System of Water Right in China--In View of That in America and Australia;我国水权制度完善的法律思考——以美、澳立法为鉴
17.Landscape improvements were also carried out at over 30 roadside amenity plots to beautify the environment.超过30个路旁美化市容地带也进行了园景改善工程,以美化环境。
18.The survey report show that the damage is due to poor packing and you be, therefore, responsible for it.检验报告表明,货损是由于包装不善而引起的,所以你方应当负责。

Holding Good through Beauty以美储善
3)obtaining beauty by goodness以善求美
4)beauty and goodness美善
6)regarding benefit as goodness以利为善

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