宗法等级,clan grade
1)clan grade宗法等级

1.The Chinese feudal society was a grade society of patriarchal clan system.中国封建社会是以血缘关系为纽带组成的宗法等级社会。
2.The system of rites and music reinforced and stabilized this strict patriarchal clan hierarchy.礼乐制度,正是对于这个严密的宗法等级网的强调和固定。
3.In feudal China, patriarchal-feudalism became the dominant ideology and political mainstay.到了封建社会,就形成了封建等级社会固有的“封建宗法性”特征。
4.Of or relating to a hierarchy.属于或有关于宗教职位等级制度的
5.religious texts; monks of a religious order; lords temporal and spiritual; spiritual leaders; spiritual songs.宗教经文;具有宗教等级的僧侣;世俗和宗教的领主;精神领袖;宗教歌曲。
6.High Commission, Court of高等宗教事务法院(委员会)
7.Behaviorally anchored rating scale (bars)行为锚定等级评价法
8.Epic Spell Levels: Epic spells have no fixed level.传奇法术等级:传奇法术没有明确的等级。
9.education is separate from religion, and all citizens, regardless of their religious beliefs, enjoy equal educational opportunities in accordance with the law;教育与宗教相分离,公民不分宗教信仰依法享有平等的受教育机会;
10.Citizens who believe in religion and those who do not believe in religion are equal before the law."无论信仰宗教的公民还是不信仰宗教的公民,在法律面前一律平等。
11.To higher education,"the three major functions" for purpose of creation of "mathematics education" focused on professional level以高等教育“三大职能”为宗旨 创建“数学教育”省级重点专业
12.One of lesser rank than another, especially an associate judge.尤指助理法官等比另一人等级低的人
13.Week of Conjuration: Skill level of all Summoning Magic spells increased to maximum during battles.召唤周:战斗中,所有召唤魔法等级变为最高级。
14.Week of Alteration: kill level of all Dark Magic ell increased to maximum during attles.变化之周:战斗中,所有黑暗魔法等级变为最高级。
15.The patriarchal system is a kind of family system and clan system not only characterized by clan authority and patriarchy, but also containing class antagonism as well.宗法制度是以父权和族权为特征的,包含有阶级对抗内容的一种宗族家族制度。
16.Study on Test Equating Using Method of Item Characteristic Curve Transformation under Graded Response Model;等级反应模型项目特征曲线法等值研究
17.Effects of Grading Methods on Dimension Lumber Grades for Chinese Fir Plantation分等方法对我国人工林杉木规格材等级的影响
18.Gift of the Wild": Rank3 of this ability now has the same range as ranks1 and2.野性赐福"等级3现在与等级1,2有相同的施法范围.

3)hierarchy of patriarchal society education宗法等级教育
1.The content of ideological and political education in the period of Western Zhou Dynasty includes:value education,hierarchy of patriarchal society education,politics and ethics education and belief education.西周时期的思想政治教育内容主要包括:价值观教育、宗法等级教育、政治伦理教育和信仰教育。
4)Classification in Patriarchal Clan System宗法等差
5)grade methods等级方法
6)rule of rank等级法则
1.The rule of rank and rule of time-and-space separation affect the practice and data of police s criminal statistics to a great degree.该项目中的两大法则——等级法则、时空分离法则在很大程度上影响着警方犯罪统计的实践和数据。

陵墓等级也森严-商周陵墓的“羡道”等级陵墓等级也森严-商周陵墓的“羡道”等级   古代统治阶级厚葬成风,在坟墓上糜费大量人力和物资。帝王一级称“山陵”,是从秦汉开始的词。一般说,陵墓分为地下和地上两部分。地下,主要是安置棺柩的墓室;开始(约从商代到汉)用木椁室,随后出现砖石结构墓室,东汉以后成为主流。这种地下砖石构筑物,发展到后来,规模宏大,结构严密,真正成为“地下宫殿”。还有一类墓室,由天然山岩中开凿而成;开凿岩墓始见于汉代,但是用于陵墓一级则主要是唐代。我国早期砖石结构资料,多数来自古代墓葬,表现古代对砖石结构在力学和材料施工技术方面达到的水平;古代墓葬,又包括防水、排水、密封等技术方法的历史资料;古代墓葬的地下结构物较地面建筑保存为多,其中包含大量古代建筑的形象和雕刻、绘画艺术等多方面资料;   地面部分,主要是环绕陵体而形成的一套布置,其作用则是给人以严肃、纪念的气氛,是为影响后人而设的。从地形选择到入口、神道、祭祀场所、陵体,从建筑到绿化,长期积累了不少经验,创作了纪念性建筑群和严肃静穆环境。但是,地面部分比较容易受到破坏,最早的资料只及于商代,而且残缺不全;   商周陵墓,地下以木椁室为主,其东、南、西、北四向有斜坡道由地面通至椁室,称“羡道”,天子级用四出“羡道”,诸侯只可用两出(南北两向)。椁室、羡道及墓葬附近则殉葬大量车、马、器物、祭器以至奴隶。有些商代陵墓,地面不起坟,而在墓上建造祭祀性建筑。