杰里米·边沁,Jeremy Bentham
1)Jeremy Bentham杰里米·边沁
1.Critique of Contract Theories and its Standard--Analysis of Jeremy Bentham s Political Philosophy of Utilitarianism;契约论批判与批判的尺度——杰里米·边沁功利主义政治哲学探析

1.Critique of Contract Theories and its Standard--Analysis of Jeremy Bentham s Political Philosophy of Utilitarianism;契约论批判与批判的尺度——杰里米·边沁功利主义政治哲学探析
2.The economists of his day took their cue from Jeremy Bentham and his “utilitarian” philosophy.他那个时代的经济学家们承袭了杰里米?边沁及其实用主义哲学的衣钵。
3.Jeremy was standing by her, looking as sulky as a bear with a sore head.杰里米站在她身边,满面怒容。
4.The economists of his day took their cue from Jeremy Bentham and his“ utilitarian” philosophy.他那个时代的经济学家们承袭了杰里米?沁及其实用主义哲学的衣钵。
5.This is a picture/portrait of Jeremy's.这是杰里米收藏的画
6.Jeremy looks as cool as a cucumber on any occasion.在任何场合杰里米都看起来镇定自若.
7.At least Jeremy had the good form to go back and apologize.杰里米回去道歉至少是有礼貌的举动。
8.Jeremy is remembered for his great sense of humour.人们不会忘记杰里米那绝妙的幽默感。
9."It is a great pity," began Jeremy in a low guttural voice.“真是不幸得很,”杰里米用他那重浊的喉音说。
10.Jeremy never misses an opportunity to beat the drum for the Social Democrats.杰里米从不失去竭力支持社会民主党人的机会。
11.Jeremy used to have a large circle of friends, but now he likes being alone.杰里米以前交游甚广,但现在他喜欢独处。
12.I woke up Friday morning with a song in my heart and Jeremy's yells in my ears.星期五早晨,杰里米的叫声把我从美梦中吵醒。
13.My mind suddenly switched back to my conversation with Jeremy.我的思绪突然回到了与杰里米的谈话上。
14.Before he retired, Jeremy had been a government/city official.在他退休之前,杰里米一直是位政府/市政府官员。
15.Jack was thinking about the meeting while he inserted the key into the keyhole.杰克一边想着开会的事一边将钥匙插进钥匙孔里。
16.Origin of utilitarian idea of criminal law --Introduction and comment on Bentham s idea of criminal law;功利刑法观的滥觞——边沁刑法思想述评
17.Very quickly Jack stepped to the side of the road, lay down in the ditch, and began to look very intently up into the sky.杰克很快走到路边儿,躺在一条沟里,聚精会神地朝天上看。
18.Recently, one of Jeremy's closest friends asked him to make a speech at a wedding reception.最近,杰里米的一个最亲密的朋友请他在一个婚礼上祝词。

Jeremy Bentham杰里米 边沁
1.On Bentham s Utilitarian Critique of Death Penalty: An Ethic Perspective;边沁功利主义死刑观的伦理审视
2.A review of Jeremy Bentham and his utilitarian education;边沁功利主义教育思想述评
1.From Theory of Pleasure to Principle:Mill s Revision to Betham s Utilitarianism;从快乐理论到幸福学说——密尔对边沁功利主义的修正
2.The revision and development towards Betham s utilitarianism ethics from Mill;密尔对边沁功利主义伦理学的修正和发展
5)Jeremy Bentham边沁
1.Jeremy Bentham s Utilitarianism Theory and Socialist Values and Socialist Honour or Disgrace Values;边沁的功利主义学说与社会主义价值观和荣辱观教育
2.Jeremy Bentham who lived in the late 18 century of England is the founder of the utilitarian legislation, as an important theory in the world, utilitarianism has its profound theoretic and realistic foundation.边沁是18世纪后半叶英国功利主义立法观的确立者,作为有世界影响的重要学说,功利主义有着深厚的理论基础和现实基础。

鲁杰里马拉多纳身后的保障 阿根廷一代铁卫:鲁杰里如果说有一个阿根廷人最完美地演绎了比拉尔多那种为胜利不惜一切代价的足球理念的话,那么这个人无疑便是奥斯卡-鲁杰里,这位上世纪八、九十年代国家队后防中坚凭借异常顽强的作风成为了阿根廷历史上最为出色的后卫之一。只要能守住球门在1986年马拉多纳的个人演出为阿根廷捧回世界杯,但同样不可忽视的还有鲁杰里所统率的那条钢铁防线。在比拉尔多的理念中,阿根廷队的指导思想便是“守住球门,然后进攻的事情交给马拉多纳”,在那届冠军之师中,鲁杰里颇为完美地贯彻了主帅思路中的前一部分,并在同韩国的比赛中攻入一球。如果说墨西哥世界杯上这一点还表现得不够充分的话,那么90年那支被讥讽为“功利丑陋”的阿根廷队中,鲁杰里的作用更加明显地凸现出来。由于整体实力的下滑,意大利世界杯中阿根廷队只能以相对饱受的方式试图通过反击甚至点球大战击败对手,鲁杰里统率的防线经受了更多的考验。对话巴西和南斯拉夫,阿根廷都经历了极为胶着的苦战,鲁杰里和他的搭档们力保球门不失,帮助球队接连淘汰对手晋级,最终赢得亚军。94年的阿根廷队长1991年美洲杯,重新组建的阿根廷队赢得冠军,并以犀利的攻势一扫此前世界杯上表现消极的形象。但在最终的在年终评选南美足球先生时,后防中坚鲁杰里却凭借其出色的领袖气质赢得了更多人的认可,这也成为了鲁杰里职业生涯中的最高个人荣誉。此后的94世界杯鲁杰里打满四场比赛,并在马拉多纳被禁赛之后担任队长,但最终球队灵魂的突然离去导致阿根廷败在罗马尼亚脚下,鲁杰里对此也无可奈何,那场失利也成为鲁杰里在国家队的告别演出,至此他总共代表阿根廷出场94次。退役之后鲁杰里在阿根廷联赛中开始个人执教生涯,目前担任圣洛伦索俱乐部主帅。