本体价值观,Ontic Values
1)Ontic Values本体价值观
1.Evolution of Ontic Values of Ghost Novels in Ancient China;古代志怪小说本体价值观的演变
2)Social Basic Values基本价值观
1.On Reconstruction of Social Basic Values;社会基本价值观建设简论

1.Essential Values and Differences in Social Behaviors between the Chinese and the Americans;基本价值观与中美人的社会行为差异
2.Basic American Values --An Introduction to American culture;美国基本价值观的渊源——美国文化入门
3.The Basic Concept of the Social Democratic Party and the Modern Transformation of the Values of "The Third Way"社会民主主义基本价值观念与“第三条道路”价值观念的现代转型
4.Discussion on the Chinese and American Essential Values from the Perspective of Religion and Faith;从宗教与信仰视角解读中美基本价值观
5.On the Evolution of Socialist International s Views of Value During the Post-Cold-War Period;冷战后社会党国际基本价值观演变述评
6.Applied Ethics: A Basic Value or Programmatic Methodology;基本价值观还是程序方法论——论应用伦理学的基本特性
7.Taking Man as the Foundation: The Basic Value Orientation of the Scientific Development Concept;以人为本:科学发展观的基本价值取向
8.Y: What are the most fundamental values of the Jewish religion?杨:犹太教最基本的价值观是什么?
9.Characteristics of the Contemporary Juvenile Values Evolvement;当代未成年人价值观演变的基本特征
10.On Basic Contents of the Education of the Leading Values for University Students;论大学生主导价值观教育的基本内容
11.On the basic Sheared Values in Management And Its Significance;论管理中的基本共享价值观及其意义
12.Features on Constructing Value Concept in Modern China;当代中国社会价值观建设的基本特征
13.Basic Features of Modern Chinese Young People s Views on Value;试论当代中国青年价值观的基本特征
14.Macro-value and Fundamental Function of "Northern Literature;“北方文学”的宏观价值与基本功能
15.The first part, is the basic study, explains basic characteristic and main content of values digs into.对于价值观的基本特征以及价值观研究的主要内容予以了说明。
16.I will assert and support key values and principles.我会坚守和支持《基本法》的重要价值观和原则。
17.The Basic Construction Direction for Main-Stream Value Idea in the Present Chinese Society;当代中国社会主导价值观建设的基本路向
18.Basic Concepts and Strategies of Modern Minors Values Education;当代未成年人价值观教育的基本理念与策略

Social Basic Values基本价值观
1.On Reconstruction of Social Basic Values;社会基本价值观建设简论
3)values nonmenon价值本体
4)noumenon value本体价值
1.This paper analyzes the course of the changes of higher education from free education to versatile education, then to cultural education, and puts forward that the changes to the higher education thoughts are based on the noumenon value of higher education and cultural quality education is a result of opposite thoughts. 对大学思想由自由教育向通才教育再向文化素质教育转变的分析表明,高等教育思想的转变是以高等教育本体价值为"轴心"。
5)Ontological value本体价值
1.As China\'s HE entered the Era of Massification,ontological value of HE also takes on a connotation quite different from that of Elite Education Era.在大众化时代高等教育的个体价值转换和升迁为一种主导性因素、起主要支配作用,同时高等教育个体价值具有内在性、先天性和基础性的特征,这些特点使得个体价值成为本体价值。
6)body axiology身体价值观
1.It has been illustrated that the body axiology is in relation to three critical factors: a way of body estimation; ideal body image; sexual facfor.提出身体价值观涉及的几个主要方面,身体评价的方式,理想的身体形象,性别角色的影响。
