隆礼,worshipping ceremony
1)worshipping ceremony隆礼
1.Xun Zi s theory of evil human nature, worshipping ceremony and advocating law;论荀子的“人性恶”及“隆礼”、“重法”思想

1.On XUNZI′s Ideas of Morals and Law and Its Modern Significance;论荀子“隆礼至法”的礼法观及其现实意义
2.Research on Xunzi s Thoughts of Prospering Etiquettes and Respecting Laws and Inheritance;荀子“隆礼重法”思想及其传承研究
3.Xun Zi s theory of evil human nature, worshipping ceremony and advocating law;论荀子的“人性恶”及“隆礼”、“重法”思想
4."Devoting Much Attention to Propriety and Law" and the Combination of Benevolent Government and Hegemony--An Analysis of the Political Thoughts of Xunzi;“隆礼重法”与王霸兼用——荀子政治思想研读
5.The Enlightenment of Xunzi s "advocating rites and emphasizing law"on China s Administrative Cultural Construction;荀子“隆礼重法”思想对我国行政文化建设的启示
6.Worshipping the Rites and Filial Piety: The Fourth Criticism on the Influence of the Customs in the Wei and Jin Periods upon the Novelist Wu Jingzi;隆礼与崇孝——四论魏晋风尚对吴敬梓的影响
7.Probing and Analyzing Xunzi s Thought about the Human Effect in"Respecting Etiquette and Observing the Law;试析荀子关于人在“隆礼至法”中作用之思想
8.Received an honorable burial.得到隆重体面的葬礼
9.The funeral was a fine thing.丧礼搞得颇为隆重。
10.The Queen was crowned with much ceremony.女王加冕礼仪很隆重.
11.Bury a person with full military honours, ie with a special ceremony to honour the dead soldier以隆重的军葬礼埋葬死者
12.The inauguration was a solemn event.就职典礼是一件隆重的大事。
13.The Queen was crowned with all solemnity/with all the proper solemnities.女王在隆重之至的典礼中加冕.
14.So the little tailor became a prince, and a grand wedding it was, too.于是,小个子裁缝成了驸马,婚礼也办得非常隆重。
15.A little given seasonably excuses a great gift.适合时宜的小赠品抵得上一件隆重的礼物。
16.Two Questions in the Stele Inscription of Uighurian Mosque Written by Emperor Qianlong;乾隆御制《敕建回人礼拜寺碑记》的两个问题
17.'Nation' and 'Monarch':the Funeral of the Empress LongYu Under the Perspective of the Political Culture“国”与“君”——政治文化视角下的隆裕太后葬礼
18.I don't like too much standing on ceremony at a simple party like this.在这样一个并不隆重的晚会上,我不喜欢过份拘于礼节。

advocating rites and emphasizing law隆礼重法
1.The Enlightenment of Xunzi s "advocating rites and emphasizing law"on China s Administrative Cultural Construction;荀子“隆礼重法”思想对我国行政文化建设的启示
3)respecting etiquette and observing the law隆礼至法
1.On Xun Zi’s Adornment Aesthetics Based on "Respecting Etiquette and Observing the Law"荀子“隆礼至法”的服饰美学思想
4)obeying etiquettes隆礼情结
5)a honourable burial隆重的葬礼
6)a grand ceremony隆重的典礼

隆礼1.尊崇礼法。 2.以隆重的礼节相待。