网络新闻伦理,Internet Journalistic Ethics
1)Internet Journalistic Ethics网络新闻伦理
1.Review on Theory & Practice about China s Internet Journalistic Ethics;我国网络新闻伦理建设的理论与实践探析

1.Review on Theory & Practice about China s Internet Journalistic Ethics;我国网络新闻伦理建设的理论与实践探析
2.Ethically Standardizing News on Internet网络新闻的失范及其传播过程的伦理规范
3.The Vane of Online News Development--the Special Topic of Online News;网络新闻发展的风向标——网络新闻专题
4.The Explanatory Power of Relevance Theory over Internet News Translation论关联理论对网络新闻翻译的阐释力
5.A Study of Chinese-English Online News Translation from the Perspective of Relevance Theory;从关联理论视角看网络新闻汉英翻译
6.Innovate the Theory of University Morality Education and Strengthen Network Ethics Regulation创新高校德育理论 强化网络伦理规范
7.Cyber Communicative Ethic:New Perspective of Teenagers Cyber Moral Education;网络交往伦理:青少年网络道德教育的新视域
8.Networking in Education Ethics: A New Area of Study to Raise Moral Education at Schools;网络伦理教育—学校德育工作的新领域
9.On the problems and the Construction of Netethics;网络伦理存在的问题与网络伦理建设
10.The technical peculiarities of the network makes the network media face the new moral problem of the network.网络在技术上的特殊性使网络媒体面临新的网络伦理问题。
11.Mobile News--Newly Development of Internet Journalism手机新闻——网络新闻传播的新发展 teletype network新闻电传打字机网络
13.Cable News Network [CNN] [United States]有线电视新闻网络〔美国〕
14.The News Chaining of the Newspaper and That of the Network报纸“新闻链接”与网络“新闻链接”研究
15.A Study on Internet News Translation from the Perspective of Nida s Equivalence Theory;从奈达的对等理论看网络新闻英语的翻译
16.Study on the Propaganda and Management of the Internet News;加强网络新闻宣传与管理的对策和评价研究
17.An Analysis on Vulgarization of Online Media and Its Solution;网络新闻媒体的媚俗化现象及其治理对策
18.An Applicability Survey of Relevance Theory in Translation of Internet News;关联理论在网络新闻翻译过程中的适用性调查

journalism ethics新闻伦理
1.Surveying the professionalism and consumerism from angle of journalism ethics,it can be found that the clearing up of professionalism is not the inevitable result of consumerism influ.从新闻伦理学角度对专业主义和消费主义重新进行审视,可知新闻专业主义的消解并非是消费主义影响新闻实践的必然结果,新闻实践中呈现出的专业主义或消费主义是政府、媒介、工商界以及公众四种力量博弈的结果。
2.Journalistic self-regulation is the prominent theme of journalism ethics whose purpose is to provide a conceptual framework for thinking about what it means to be a profession from the moral point of view.新闻自律是新闻伦理学的核心命题。
3.As an important tool for keeping relationship between media and public balanced, journalism ethics runs through journalistic practice.新闻工作的每一个环节都会关系到新闻伦理问题,具有普遍意义。
3)news ethics新闻伦理
1.The construction socialism harmonious society must carry out the news ethics construction in the journalistic circles, eliminates the unharmonious factor in the news work.构建社会主义和谐社会必须在新闻界开展新闻伦理建设,消除新闻工作中的不和谐因素。
2.But if we want to make the best use of the news activity, we must carry out the news ethics construction in the journalistic circles, eliminates the unharmonious factor in the news work.但是,要想真正发挥新闻的作用,就必须在新闻界开展新闻伦理建设,消除新闻活动中的不和谐因素。
4)journalistic ethics新闻伦理
1.Review on Theory & Practice about China s Internet Journalistic Ethics;我国网络新闻伦理建设的理论与实践探析
2.After the incident,the South Korean media made extensive reports of the air disaster, many of which failed to abide by “journalistic ethics”.事件发生后 ,韩国新闻媒体对空难进行了大量报道 ,其中夹杂了许多不合“新闻伦理”的报道。
5)network news control网络新闻管理
1.The paper, at the same time, has held that it is mandatory to intensify network news control in respect of some chaos phenomena in the primary phase of network news. 通过对网络新闻和传统新闻的分析,指出两者的根本属性、网络新闻的特点及其在新闻事业中的地位和作用;同时,针对网络新闻发展初期出现的一些混乱现象,认为加强网络新闻管理势在必行,提出了网络新闻的三种管理模式,以期对网络新闻加强管理、规范传播,促进其健康发展。
6)Network News网络新闻
1.With the popularization of computer and the development of network,network news has entered into the home of the public,and rapidly occupies the market by taking its multi-media advantage of rolling news,continuous reports,photo illustration and captions.随着电脑的普及和网络的发展,网络新闻已"飞入寻常百姓家",并以其快速滚动、连续报道、图文并茂、视像穿插等多媒体优势迅速占领市场。
2.Based on the analysis of the characteristics of the network news audience, this paper proposes some characteristics manifested in the audience s acceptance of network news and discusses the relationships between news communication and audience .文章在分析网络新闻受众特征的基础上,提出他们对新闻的接受性具有9大特点,进而探讨了新 闻传播与受众间的三种关系。
3.The public opinion of network news developed with Internet medium, is a new type ofnews public opinion and has its own characteristics.网络新闻舆论是伴随网络媒体产生的一种新的新闻舆论形式,具有其独特特征。
