心理生态学,psychological ecology
1)psychological ecology心理生态学
1.The author summarizes the recent studies of the eco-psychology ,probes into the influences of eco-psychology on the mental treatment and the standards of the mental health ,and ponders the issues in the eco-psychology theory and puts forward the values and meanings of the existence of eco-psychology.总结了近年来国内生态心理学领域的重要研究成果,探讨了生态心理学思想对于心理治疗、心理健康标准的影响,反思了生态心理学理论本身的问题及其对心理学发展的意义与价值。
2.As a reform of modern psychology and a methodology of this science,eco-psychology naturally got its own clear philosophical base.生态心理学主张在真实环境中研究人的心理和行为。

1.Ecological Psychology:The New Pattern of Psychological Research;生态心理学——心理学研究模式的转向
2.Situated Perspective on Ecological Psychology: New Viewpoints in Learning and Teaching;生态心理学的情境观:学与教的新视角
3.Reconciling Evolutionary Psychology and Ecological Psychology: How to Perceive Fitness Affordances;进化心理学与生态心理学的整合:理解适宜可用性(英文)
4.Self-Psychological Health for New Students and Occupation Selection PsychologicalConditions of University Students;新生自我心理保健与大学生择业心态
5.European Center for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals (ECETOC)欧洲化学品生态毒理学和毒理学中心
6.A Study of the Ecological Values Among Adolescents in China from a Psychological Perspective;青少年学生生态价值观的心理学研究
7.European Chemical Industry Ecology and Toxicology Centre欧洲化学工业生态学和毒理学中心
8.International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology国际昆虫生理学和生态学中心(昆虫中心)
9.University Student Ecology Psychologically Healthy Education System Research;大学生生态心理健康教育的系统研究
10.Modern Cognitive Psychology in an Ecological Perspective;生态学视野下的现代认知心理学研究
11.P.E. Learning Psychological Characteristics and Adjustment of University Men;大学生体育学习心理状态特点与调控
12.Effect of Mental Attitude of Self-esteem and Competitiveness to the Mental Health of College Students自尊心理与竞争态度对大学生心理健康的影响
13.The effect of students psycholoyical factors on psychology in pounting teaching简析绘画教学中学生心理因素对心态的影响
14.An Empirical Study of High School Students Psychological Status in English Learning;高中生英语学习心理状态的实证研究
15.Analysis on Psychosocial Factors of Undergraduates Attitude to Suicide;大学生自杀态度的心理社会因素分析
16.Sublation of Human Being s Centralism;人类中心主义的扬弃——生态伦理学
17.The Base Research for University Student s Athlete s Psychological State Before the Match;大学生田径运动员赛前心理状态探析
18.A survey and analysis of psychological states of college students seeking medical advice;高校学生患者就医心理状态调查分析

1.The author summarizes the recent studies of the eco-psychology ,probes into the influences of eco-psychology on the mental treatment and the standards of the mental health ,and ponders the issues in the eco-psychology theory and puts forward the values and meanings of the existence of eco-psychology.总结了近年来国内生态心理学领域的重要研究成果,探讨了生态心理学思想对于心理治疗、心理健康标准的影响,反思了生态心理学理论本身的问题及其对心理学发展的意义与价值。
2.As a reform of modern psychology and a methodology of this science,eco-psychology naturally got its own clear philosophical base.生态心理学主张在真实环境中研究人的心理和行为。
3)ecological psychology生态心理学
1.Situated perspective oriented by ecological psychology forms the different knowledge perspective, learning perspective and teaching perspective from behavioral perspective and cognitive perspective.生态心理学取向的情境观形成了不同于行为观和认知观的知识观、学习观和教学观。
2.Gibson (1979), ecological psychology has analyzed the adaptive fit between organisms and environments with regard to perception, judgment, and action.同样,生态心理学在Brunswik(1956)和 Gibson(1979)开创引领下,探讨了有机体的知觉、判断、行为等因素在环境适应中的作用。
3.<Abstrcat> At present, ecological psychology is not forming a unified paradigm, so calling it an approach is better than calling it a subject, which can better reflect its complicated inner state, and is more inclusive.生态心理学目前还没有形成一种统一的范式,把它称为一种取向比把它称为一种学科更为合适,更能反映它内部复杂的现状,也更具包容性。
4)ecological cognitive psychology生态认知心理学
1.The cognitive phenomenon is paying close attention to the reality while according with ecological cognitive psychology.生态认知心理学关注现实性的认知现象,强调心理学现象只能在“与境”中被理解;网络游戏教学环境为学生创设一个虚拟的学习环境;主要从心理学角度探讨网络游戏中的学习环境设计相关问题。
5)Discussion on Ecopsychology生态心理学探讨
1.It was found that grassland tourism possesses four functions: nurturing of eco-mentality,appreciation of eco-culture,physiological enjoyment of primary ecology of nature,and sightseeing of achievements in grassland ecological agriculture.对青海省都兰县吐谷浑古王国墓葬群山谷地及其周围3 600 km2范围内生态环境进行考察后认为,完善的草地旅游应具有生态心理抚育、生态文化鉴赏、自然原生态的生理享有以及草地生态农业成就观光4个方面的生态功能。

昆虫个体生态学(见昆虫生态学)昆虫个体生态学(见昆虫生态学)  昆虫个体生态学见昆虫生态学