上帝观,Thought on God
1)Thought on God上帝观
1.Heinrich Ott s Thought on God;海因利希·奥特的上帝观

1.On Similarities and Differences between the Mohist Concept of Gods and Ghosts and the Christian God;墨家天鬼观与《圣经》上帝观之异同
2.On the God in the Christian Religion and the Sage in the Confucian Culture“圣人观”和“上帝观”对中西政治文化的影响
3.Therefore, viewed solely from the religious ceremonies to offer sacrifices to God or to ancestors, the Confucian idea of God in ancient China is hardly compatible with that of the Christians.所以,如果单从宗教的祭祀层面上看,古代儒家的上帝观与基督教的上帝观是很难调和的。
4.On the Role of the Faith in God in Boyle s Scientific Thoughts;上帝观念在波义耳科学思想中的作用探析
5.Le concept de Dieu à l époque des Lumières;启蒙时代的上帝观——洛克和伏尔泰之比较
6.The Development of the Idea of God from Husserl to Heidegger;论上帝观念从胡塞尔到海德格尔的演化
7.God. Used with the.上帝上帝。和the连用
8.The Death of God and the View of Anxiety in Existentialism;“上帝之死”与存在哲学之“焦虑”观
9.The theological virtue defined as secure belief in God and a trusting acceptance of God's will.宗教信仰坚定的信奉上帝和忠诚的接受上帝的旨意的宗教观念
10.belief based on mystical insight into the nature of God and the soul.以神秘主义观点洞察上帝和灵魂的信仰。
11.We don't believe the myth that racial discrimination was imposed by God.我们并不相信种族歧视是上帝加诸于人的观念。
12.A Christian View of Creativity: Creativity as God;基督教关于创造性的观点:作为上帝的创造性
13.Reason and the perfect integration of a priori;理性与先验的完美整合——论笛卡尔的“上帝”观
14.In other words, God is needed to transform moral sentiment from a subjective feeling into an objective requirement.换句话说,需要上帝来将道德情操从主观感觉转变为客观要求。
15."The most important concept of this religion is that of celestials, fairies and immortal Taoists. The supreme god is the Jade Emperor ruling the Celestial Kingdom. "道教最重要的观念是神仙观念。至上神是统治天庭的御皇大帝。
16.God has waited six thousand years for a looker-on to his work.上帝足足等待了6000年,让一个旁观者去见证他的业绩。
17.The theistic God is almost as sterile a principle.有神论的上帝也是与这种观念差不多同样贫乏的一种原理。
18.the view of that time was that all species were immutable, created by God.那个时代的观点是所有的物种都是不变的,由上帝创造的。

Concept of God上帝观念
1.The Exploration of Extraterrestrial Life and the Debate on Whether Is God from Cosmos;宇宙地外生命探索与有无上帝的辩论
2.The Image of "God" in Mu Dan’s Poems;穆旦诗歌中的“上帝”意象
3.Irony and Subversion——Comment on Vernon God Little;讽刺与颠覆——评DBC·彼埃尔的《弗农小上帝》
4)the God上帝
1.Updike s novels revealed the crisis of faith in contemporary America: the old America protected the God,but the young America abandoned the God and tried to replace the God by sex.厄普代克的长篇小说意在揭示当代美国人的信仰危机:昔日的美国守护上帝,而年轻的美国遗弃上帝,并试图用性替代上帝的位置。
2.Meanwhile,they help to reveal the holy position and authority of the God in The Old Testament.同时,它们在客观上帮助体现出上帝在《圣经。
5)Christian traditonal notion of God基督教传统上帝观
6)The View of the Bible on God is Love上帝是爱的圣经观
