求诸己,rely on oneself
1)rely on oneself求诸己

1.The demands that a gentleman makes are upon himself; those that a small man makes are upon others.君子求诸己,小人求诸人。
2.The Practical Significance of the Confucian "Self-example Education";儒家“反求诸己”教育方法的现实意义
3.As highly intelligent beings, we should not be like the elephant, who, not knowing how to forgive or reflect upon himself, forgot about the kindness done him in the past after one unpleasant experience.我们是高智慧的生灵,不要像这大象一样,不知体谅,不懂反求诸己,而做出以新怨忘旧恩的事情。
4.She went to law for damage她诉诸法律以求赔偿。
5.The elements of the vector are the redundants which can be obtained by solving.列向量的诸元素为诸赘余力,可求解方程来得到。
6.each principality in China constructed its own @great@ wall各诸侯国就已经开始修筑自己的城墙,
7.She tried to sort out her proBlems.她努力想要清楚自己的诸多问题
8.matters exterior to the facts [one's concerns]与诸事实 [自己关心的事] 无关的问题
9.The Red Cross appeals to philanthropy.红十字诉诸(求助于)人类的善心。
10.ZHANG Tai-yan between the Learning and the Reality;求是与致用——读《訄书》(重订本)学术史诸篇
11.Confucianism and Epoch;论“礼失而求诸野”——儒学不能离开时代
12.Ladies and Gentlemen, you have my best wishes for your still greater achievements in your career of science.祝诸位女士、诸位先生在自己的科学事业中取得更大的成就。
13.Early in the evening of May 1, he carried them out.在5月1日傍晚,他把自己的意图付诸实施。
14.more walls were put up to defend the borders of the different kingdoms.各诸侯国为了自己的边境, 分别修筑更多的城墙。
15.It is easier to fight for one's principle than to live up to them.为自己的主义斗争,要比他们施诸实践更容易。
16.Lacking the opportunity of asking pardon of each person.若非单独祈祷,此时同祷诸人彼此请求宽恕。
17.The representative of the Philippines requested that the draft resolution2 be put to the vote.菲律宾的代表要求把2号决议草案付诸表决。
18.at that time King ahaz sent for help to the king of assyria.那时,亚哈斯王差遣人去见亚述诸王,求他们帮助。

Solving shooting problem射击诸元求解
3)resort to; turn to求助于;诉诸于
4)We must not lie down,and cry,"God help us.求神不如求己
5)Near is my shirt, But nearer is my skin求人不如求己
6)Better spare to have of thine own than ask of other men求人不如自己省
