民风淳朴,simple folk cus-toms
1)simple folk cus-toms民风淳朴

1.It is full of breath-taking landscape, ancient history, simple folkway, wonderful culture.可谓是风景秀丽,历史古老,民风淳朴,文化灿烂。
2.Luohe is a national advanced city for comprehensive security, the residents are sincere and honest, and the society is steady.漯河市是全国社会治安综合治理先进城市,居民民风淳朴,社会稳定,人民群众安居乐业。
3.Linyi is plentiful with tourism resources such as beautiful landscape and sceneries, and prosperous agriculture, and Linyi people are also simple and honest.临沂市的农业旅游资源十分丰富,山川秀美,风光旖旎,农业兴旺,民风淳朴
4.With its cultural background, rich culture activities, civil customs and pleasant living environment; Taicang has attracted an increasing number of guests from both home and aboard.深厚的文化底蕴、富的文化生活、良的淳朴民风、好的创业环境,吸引了众多的中外客人。
5.The simple and honorable folk custom character and style and the ancient workshop cultural inside story, called on is the paradise which the natural landscape and the cultural tradition enhances one another's beauty.淳朴的民俗风情和古老作坊的文化共存,称得上是自然景观与文化传统交相辉映的世外桃源。
6.Honesty and Meaningfulness,Plainness and Naturalness--On the Poem Attributes by Kang Jizhao;淳厚隽永,质朴自然——试论康纪钊的诗歌风格
7.He's an honest peasant.他是一个淳朴的庄稼人。
8.a blue - jeaned look and a down - home attitude.身着牛仔服,举止淳朴
9.Beautiful Luzhou City and its honest people eagerly await your early arrival.We believe that your future and prospect in Luzhou are promising.美丽的泸州城、淳朴的泸州人民热忱期盼你的到来!来泸州大有作为!
10.Healthy and strong, but provincial and unsophisticated.淳朴的健壮的但土气且纯朴的
11.From this series of paintings, we see the brave and unsophisticated character of the Tibetan people and their poor and backward living conditions.《西藏组画》的确比较成功地表现了藏民的淳朴、强悍,以及他们贫穷和落后的状态。
12.So phistication wars with simplicity, with only one possible conclusion.阴险和淳朴一交锋,只能有一个结局。
13.a woman of artless grace and simple goodness.淡漠雅致而又淳朴善良的女子
14.She was an honest country woman.她是一个淳朴的农村妇女。
15.The essence of French savoir-vivre is simplicity.法国人的处世之道的实质就是淳朴。
16.Analysis of the Simple, Kind Equal Love in The Izu Dancer;析《伊豆的舞女》淳朴亲切的平等之爱
17.The Intellectual Energy Beyond real intellectual;朴淳、率真背后的理性——陶渊明人生解读
18.Hard work and plain living is a cherished heritage of the Chinese people.艰苦朴素的作风是中国人民的传家宝。

honest folkway淳朴民风
3)The people are honest and warmhearted民风淳厚
1.Return to truth, simplicity and nature is the connotation of TAO s poems.向本真、淳朴、自然的人性回归,是陶诗回归主题的本质内涵。
5)pure and sincere淳朴率真
6)purity and simplicity淳和质朴
1.The spirit of the custom is purity and simplicity,which manifests common customs of feminized culture.其总体精神是“淳和质朴”,是阴柔文化的世俗化。
