1)anti-art[英]['?nti'ɑ:t][美]['?nti,ɑrt, '?nta?-]反艺术
1.Stressing Music, Not Poetry: A Rectification on Plato s Anti-artistic Theory;厚乐薄诗:柏拉图“反艺术说”辨正
2.He is the only artist inscrolled in art history who upheld the slogan of anti-art.他是西方艺术史上唯一一个举着"反艺术"的旗帜却被载入艺术史册的艺术大师。
3.The "anti-art" tendency of Adorno and Zhuang Tzu is closely related with their philosophy and their views on social reality and ideology.阿多诺与庄子所具有的“反艺术”倾向与他们的哲学思想及对社会现实和意识形态的看法密切相关。

1."Quaii"--Art on Irregularity;杜桑《泉》——反艺术而艺术的创举
2.Unreasonable "Beyond Expectation":Anti-traditional and Anti-artistic Nature in The Metamorphosis;不合情理的“意外”——试论《变形记》的反传统、反艺术
3.Adorno s "Anti-Art" and Zhuang Tzu s "Observing Law of Naturalness and Cherishing Truth";阿多诺的“反艺术”与庄子的“法天贵真”
4.Reflect on Flux--Forecasting Art Education of National Taiwan University of Arts;变迁中的反思——前瞻台湾艺术大学的艺术教育
5.The Resistant Art and the Reaction of Art--A Simple Explanation of Adorno s Modern Theory;抵抗的艺术和艺术的反打——阿多诺现代艺术理论浅析
6.Rebellion and Reflection: Post-modern Art's Thought on the Concept and History of Art反叛与反思:后现代主义艺术对艺术及其历史的思考
7.A Wonderful Work of Art A Unique Skill in China--A Trial Talk about the Artistry of Liang Zongheng's Reversed Calligraphy艺苑奇葩 中华一绝——梁宗亨反体书法艺术试说
8.A Wonderful Work of Art A Unique Skill in China--A Trial Talk about the Artistry of Liang Zongheng s Reversed Calligraphy;艺苑奇葩 中华一绝——梁宗亨反体书法艺术试说
9.Art, specifically Dada, that rejects traditional art forms and theories.反传统艺术,新达达主义,新达达派特指反对传统艺术形式及理论的达达派艺术
10.The contrast of light and shade is important in photography.在摄影艺术中明暗的反差是很重要的.
11.The contrast of light and shade be important in photography在摄影艺术中明暗的反差是很重要的
12.She married an artist with an arbitrary character.她嫁给一个性格反复无常的艺术家。
13.The Art of Irony in Evelyn Waugh s a Handful of Dust;伊夫林·沃《一把尘土》的反讽艺术
14.On the Ironic Art and Its Deep Meaning of <Old Tales Retold>;论《故事新编》的反讽艺术及其深层意蕴
15.On the Art of Irony in A History of the World in 101/2 Chapters;《101/2章世界史》中的反讽艺术
16.Mutual Inspiring:The Central Part of Practical Training--A Self-analysis on Art Teaching;“实训”的核心:“互动”——艺术教学的反思
17.Contrast Phenomenon & Formation of Art Creation Excitation;谈“反差现象”与艺术创作兴奋的形成
18.On Artistic Writing Feature of "Anti-Drama" in Waiting for Godot;论《等待戈多》“反戏剧”的艺术创作特色

the contrasting art反差艺术
1.This paper conducts a systematic investigation into the nature, the aesthetic characteristics of the contrasting art of minifiction.反差艺术是微篇小说在叙事中表现出的前后情境在发展的向度与趋势上的翻转或思想意绪、情感心理、色调氛围在表现程度上的落差。
3)Ironic Art反讽艺术
5)abnormal art反常态艺术
1.He proves that normal art and abnormal art coexist in the world;their evaluation standards should not be mixed.若用正常态艺术的准则去衡量反常态艺术,反常态艺术就是混淆是非、不辨善恶、消解斗志的艺术;若以反常态艺术的准则去审视正常态艺术,正常态艺术又是沉闷、说教,随便找个理由就打人、杀人、破坏的艺术。
6)anti-art[英]['?nti'ɑ:t][美]['?nti,ɑrt, '?nta?-]反传统艺术
