1.Zhang Wen-tian,both in charge of the chinese communist party and away from the duty of leadership ,gave the enrichment and development to Mao Ze-dong thouaght in practise and theory.本文从张闻天作为党的早期领导人 ,以及离开主要领导岗位以后在实践和理论上的重大贡献入手 ,从几个方面论述了张闻天对毛泽东思想内容的充实和发展。

1.To make more comprehensive or inclusive.扩充,充实使更广泛或包含内容更多的
2.Making Full Use of the Network Resources to Complement the Tangible Collection充分利用网络资源 补充实体馆藏不足
3.Transfer cadres to strengthen organizations at the grass roots抽调干部以充实基层
4.She was complete in herself.她的内心是充实的。
5.financially secure and safe.财政上充实的或安全的。
6.readjustment, consolidation, filling out and raising standard调整、巩固、充实、提高
7.Renzulli's Enrichment Model for the Gifted阮汝理资优充实课程
8.filling of contours充实轮廓(电脑图案处理)
9.the pursuit of life enrichment追求丰富充实的生活
10.He is rich in the spiritual life.他在精神生活上很充实
11.Books are an enrichment of life.书籍乃充实人生之物。
12.a meaty doctoral dissertation内容充实的博士论文
13.First make an outline and then fill in the content.先搭好架子, 再充实内容。
14.You should enrich the mind with knowledge.你应该用知识充实头脑。
15.Reading enriches the mind.读书可以充实头脑.
16.A full life is immune against boredom.充实的生活无烦腻之虞。
17.E nrich your life today. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery.充实今朝,昨日已成为过去,明天充满神奇。
18.Sign up for tours or courses that will enlighten you.报名跟团旅行或是上课充电会让你充实不少。

1.Mencius called fullness beauty.孟子的“充实之谓美”,将道德伦理直接升华为审美体验,强调了磅礴的阳刚之美。
1.Husserl totally turns to the study of the “dynamic” coincident relationship between “meaning” and “fulfilling” in the sixth Logic Investigation.在第六研究中,胡塞尔在总体上转向对“意指”与“充实”之间的“动态”相合关系研究,认识如何可能的问题是在这里才被提出并得到一定的回答:真正的认识是在意向(意义的给予)与直观(意义在直观中的充实)的动态统一中产生的。
2.Firstly, Husserl s concept of "fulfilling" has a fundamental meaning for the entire philosophy, but it has a difficulty that Husserl is unable to explain.从胡塞尔与海德格尔的现象学中是否能够引出一门现象学的意向伦理学?这个问题可分成三个步骤来论述:首先,胡塞尔的“充实”概念对整个哲学都具有基本的意义,但它带有一个胡塞尔无法解决的困难。
5)Solid fill密实充填
6)augmented reality扩充现实
1.The calibration-free augmented reality for landslide visualization is presented for the first time,and the feasibility for the landslide visualization is demonstrated.首次提出了免标定扩充现实技术在滑坡可视化中的应用,论证了基于仿射表示的免标定扩充现实方法及其对滑坡可视化应用的可行性。
2.In this paper, the applications of augmented reality technology to hydraulic engineering are reported for the first time .扩充现实技术使观察者能够同时看到真实世界以及扩充了真实世界的、来自于计算机模型的信息。
3.A new approach for resolving occlusion problem in augmented reality is presented in this paper.提出了一种新的解决扩充现实中遮挡问题的方法。

充实1.使完满;加强。 2.充足;富足。 3.犹充盈。 4.壮实;结实。 5.犹踏实。