1.Through a psycho-analytic study of Angel Clare s confession this paper reveals Angel s treacherous honesty, hypercritical sincerity, coward bravery and cold-heartedness and holds that Tess tragical marriage is on a large degree.通过对安琪儿忏悔时的心理分析 ,揭示出安琪儿奸猾、虚伪、自私、冷酷而又懦弱的内心世界 ,提出苔丝婚后的坎坷生活和悲惨结局在很大程度上是由于她被安琪儿的虚假外表蒙蔽所造成的。
2.His poem Wang Lang Song is a reflection of his confession.明末清初诗人吴梅村因曾屈节仕清,其后半生都处于深深的忏悔之中。
3.The confessions of Tolstoy not only have the major characters of confessional discourse of western autobiography,but also have his own traits.《忏悔录》集中了托尔斯泰一生的思想探索,描绘了他晚年精神危机的发生、发展和结局。

1.Of, relating to, or resembling confession.忏悔忏悔的、与忏悔有关的、或象是忏悔
2."Confessional:Of, relating to, or resembling confession."忏悔的:忏悔的、与忏悔有关的、或象是忏悔的.
3.The condition or quality of being penitent; regret for wrongdoing.忏悔,悔过忏悔的状况或品质;因过错而忏悔
4.A person performing penance under the direction of a confessor.忏悔者,苦修者在忏悔的神文指导下行忏悔的人
5."Of what must I repent?"“我忏悔什么呢?”
6.To hear the confession of(a penitent).聆听(信徒的)忏悔
7.To disclose one's sins to a priest.忏悔向神父忏悔自己的罪行
8.From confession flows repentance and from repentance forgiveness.由忏悔必生悔罪,由悔罪必得饶
9.I cast off all remorse.我撇开了一切的忏悔
10.Thoughts of repentance enveloped him.忏悔的念头萦绕着他。
11.said he. 'Now, you tell me why.'他说,“我有什么好忏悔的?”
12.Confession, everyone wants to.忏悔嘛,人人都想做。
13.an unapologetic believer.一个不知忏悔的信徒。
14.a person who sins (without repenting).有罪的人(没有忏悔)。
15.showing or constituting penance.表现出或进行忏悔的。
16.the pre-Lenten festival of Shrove Tuesday.忏悔星期二的斋戒日。
17.Repent and ask God's forgiveness.你要忏悔, 请求上帝宽恕.
18.Maximus THE CONFESSOR, SAINT圣马克西穆斯(忏悔者)

1.Subject of repentance in Shakespeare s dramas;莎士比亚戏剧中的忏悔母题
2.A Study of the Thoughts about Repentance in Chinese Buddhism;中国汉传佛教忏悔思想研究
3.Bearing the blame,the poet reflects his own feature through persons and figures of all forms with extremely ambiguous and obscure language so as to manifest his mind which fall into repentance and eager to extrication.诗人怀着一种负罪感,以极为含混和隐晦的语言通过不同的人称和形形色色的人物折射出“我”的形象,昭示着诗人那颗忏悔与渴望解脱的心。
1.In the Mid Ming Dynasty,the mentality of the school of "back to the ancients" including Li Mengyang,He Jingming,Kang Hai,Wang Tingxiang and Xu Zhenqing,changed from the confession of merchants in the ethical and moral level to the self-regret in the literary level.元明文学中出现了若干忏悔赎罪的商贾形象,这对于当时文人自悔自赎的心态颇有影响。
2.) to the western world;nominated as "the National Conscience" and "the Cultural Bishop" for his attention to "the Political Trilogy" of the Russian fate;thus confessed for his conscience.索尔仁尼琴是诺贝尔文学奖获得者,因为第一个把古拉格的秘密揭露给西方世界而受到普遍尊敬,因为关注俄罗斯国家命运的“政论三部曲”而被誉为“民族的良心”、“文化的主教”,因为他还有“民族的良心”而在“忏悔”。
5)the view of repentance忏悔观
6)inner confession心灵忏悔
1.As the aesthetical essence of the tragic spirit in Western literature is a rethinking of the contradictions in human history,one of the aesthetical characteristics of the tragic spirit is therefore an acute inner confession.西方悲剧精神的审美本质是反思人类社会历史矛盾,因而其悲剧精神的审美特征之一是浓郁的心灵忏悔

忏悔【忏悔】 (术语)止观七曰:“忏名陈露先恶,悔名改往修来。”然忏为梵语忏摩Ks!amayati之略,而非汉语,故台宗之子弟不取之。四明之金光明经文句记三曰:“忏悔二字,乃双举二音。梵语忏摩,华言悔过。”悔过之译,不叶本义。忏摩者请他忍恕之义也。又谓发露已犯罪,则梵语提舍那矣Des/ayati或Des/anakarani^ya,译曰说罪也。玄应音义十四曰:“忏悔,此言讹略也。书无忏字,正言叉摩,此云忍。谓容恕我罪也。”南山戒疏一下曰:“忏悔,悔是此土之言,忏是西方略语,如梵本言忏摩也。忏字非苍雅所陈,近俗相传故耳。”寄归传二曰:“旧云忏悔,非关说罪,何者?忏摩乃是西音,自当忍义。悔乃东夏之字,追悔为目,忏之与忍,回不相干。(中略)恐怀后滞,就他致谢。即说忏摩之言,必若自己陈罪,乃云提舍耶矣。”有部毗奈耶十五注曰:“言忏摩者,此方正译当乞容恕,容忍致谢义也。若触误前人,欲乞欢喜者,皆云忏摩。无问大小,咸同此说。若悔罪者,本云阿钵底提舍那A^pattides/ana,阿钵底是罪,提舍那是说,应言说罪。云忏悔者,忏是西音,悔是东语。不当请恕,复非说罪,诚无由致。”慧苑音义下曰:“忏悔谓忏摩,此云请忍,谓请前人忍受我悔罪。”