1.As the modern extension of aesthetics,absurdity is in the mid-tache between aesthetics and uglitics.作为美学的现代延伸,荒诞处于美学向丑学过渡的中介环节,或者说荒诞以悲、喜、丑的突破和杂糅形塑了新质的审美形态。
2.Beauty is showy and appreciated, while uglitics is to be endorsed and appreceived.丑学的心性气质是迟暮、不惑、老成;它的思想特点是寒俭、沉重、苦涩;其精神张力是“他在”、反响、化裁。

1.Appreciation of the Ugly in the West and the Concept of Ugliness in Chinese Avant-garde Novels;西方现代审丑思潮与中国先锋小说丑学观念
2.The Precursor of Xianxue--Also about the Synthesis of Aesthetics and Uglinics;咸学的先声——兼论美学与丑学的合题
3.A Brief Discussion on Ugliness--The concise analysis of harlequin s in literature;丑之微论——文学作品中丑角形象之微探
4.On Literary Aesthetical Views of "Contrast of Beauty and Ugliness" and "Taking Ugliness for Beauty";论“美丑对照”与“以丑为美”的文艺美学观
5."It really is too ugly," the astronomer said.“它是太丑了。” 天文学家说。
6.Treasure Pearl Spring from Humble Clam,Beautiful Jade Spring from Ugly Uncut Jade--Discuss the appreciation of ugly language in literary works;贵珠出乎贱蚌,美玉出乎丑璞——论文学语言的审丑
7.Reading of "Coucou and Tutu" by Xiao Tigao;童心抒真意 妙笔赋新篇——读肖体高儿童文学集《丑丑和秃秃》
8.Talking About the Special Meaning of Clown in the Art of Literature and the Restriction of Turning Clown to Beauty;论丑在文学艺术中的特殊意义及化丑为美的限制性
9.Because of the scandal the school has fallen into disrepute.丑闻使这所学校名誉扫地。
10.A graduator student of Shanghai Traditional Opera School, mainly acts 'Wu Chou' (a buffoon who has acrobatic and fighting skills in Kunju Opera).上海戏曲学校首届昆曲班毕业,工武丑。
11.Studies on biology and control of Hyperaeschra pallida Butler黄檀丑舟蛾生物学特性及防治的研究
12.On the Formation of Western Ugly Art and the Aesthetic Significance试论西方丑的艺术的形成及美学意义
13.On the Aesthetic Meaning of"Ugly"in Modern Artistic Context;试论近现代艺术语境中“丑”的美学意义
14.On "the Ugliness" and "the Absurdity" as the Western Modern Aesthetic Categories;论作为美学范畴的“丑”和“荒诞”
15.The Cognizant and Scientific Connotation of the Ugly Duckling Theorem and Its Corollaries;丑小鸭定理及其推论的认知科学涵义
16.The Aesthetic Significance of the "Oddness" and "Ugliness" of the Dictionin HAN Yu s poesy;韩愈诗歌“奇”“丑”用语的美学意义
17.The Appreciation of the Beautiful and the Appreciation of the Ugly in the Literature at the End of 20th Century;二十世纪末叶文学的审美论与审丑论
18.On Characteristics of Ugliness of Russian Literature in the 19th Century;试论19世纪俄罗斯文学的审丑特性

aesthetics of the ugly丑学
1.It also puts forward an important problem being neglected in the history of aesthetics that the aesthetics of the ugly should be established in China.从中国古代审丑意识入手 ,探讨审丑意识的产生、发展以及中西审丑意识的不同 ,进而提出了感性学史上一个久已被忽视的重要课题 :中国当代丑学的建
3)Ugliness·the Appreciation of Ugliness·the Study of Ugliness丑·审丑·丑学
4)aesthetic of the ugly审丑美学
1.Different from the aesthetic of the beautiful which takes beauty as the criterion of aesthetic judgment,the aesthetic of the ugly deconstructs and then reconstructs the traditional aesthetics, regarding ugliness as an indispensable part of our life.审美美学是把“美”作为价值判断的标准,而与之不同的是,审丑美学解构并重新建构了传统美学,认为“丑”同样也是人们生活中密不可分的一部分。
5)Embodiment of Uglitics丑学的体性
1.On transformation of esthetic interest of popular entertainment——Interest of popular entertainment in ugliness;论大众娱乐审美趣味的转变——大众娱乐出现审丑趋势
2.From “beauty” to “ugliness”:Change of Jia Pingwa′s Aesthetic Perspective——Taking “Gao Laozhuang” as an example;由“美”及“丑”:贾平凹审美观照的转换——以《高老庄》为例
3.A Comparison on Ugliness between Chinese and Western Aesthetica Culture;中西方审美文化中审美范畴“丑"之比较

战掉丑奴儿 本名添字丑奴儿 紫极宫加持,【诗文】:莱州道众修黄,各各虔诚。无不专精。邀我加持默念经。救亡灵。奈何邻舍屠魁刽,不顾前程。宰杀为生。猪痛哀鸣不忍听。最伤情。【注释】:【出处】: