林非,LIN Fei
1)LIN Fei林非
1.LIN Fei s Constitution Theory of the Prose Category System;林非散文理论范畴体系构成论

1.She plays the mandolin superlativelywell.她演奏曼陀林非常出色.
2.African Forestry Commission非洲林业委员会(非洲林委会)
3.Forest fallow is an intermediate class Between forest and non-forest land uses.休耕林是林地和非林地的中间阶段。
4.Forest Industries Advisory Group for Africa非洲森林工业咨询组
5.Inter-African Bureau for Research on Tropical Forestry非洲热带森林研究局
6.The interior of Africa contains the jungle.非洲腹地是片丛林。
7.African Forestry and Wildlife Commission非洲林业和野生生物委员会(非洲林生委)
8.East African Agricultural and Forestry Research Organization东非农业和林业研究组织(东非农林组织)
9.National Olympic Committee of South Africa南非国家奥林匹克委员会(南非奥委会)
10.In case of knowingly purchasing trees unlawfully or wantonly cut in forest districts,在林区非法收购明知是盗伐、滥伐的林木
11.System for the Development of Non-public Forestry in the Northeast State-owned Forest Regions;东北国有林区发展非公有制林业制度体系研究
12.Study on Development of Non-public Forestry in State-owned Forest Zone of Heilongjiang Province;黑龙江省国有林区发展非公有制林业研究
13.Develop Non-public Sector of Forestry to Accelerate Its Sustained Development;发展非公有制林业 促进林业可持续发展
14.Promoting the Development of Non-public Forestry by Using Forest Price Mechanism;利用森林价格机制促进非公有制林业发展
15.Promoting non-public forestry development to achieve sustainable forestry development in China;加快发展非公有制林业 实现林业的可持续发展
16.Development of Non-timber Forest Products Through Agri-forest Compound Ecological System;通过农林复合生态系统发展非木材林产品
17.The Research of Yanbian State-owned Forestry Area Transforms to Public Ownership of Forestry Area延边州国有林区发展非公有制林业的研究
18.Discussion on Inventory and Management of Forest Resources in Non-Forest Land非林地森林资源的调查统计与管理问题探讨

Non-forest region非林带
1.The niche characteristics of dominant species in the regeneration layer of Tsuga longibracteata forest gaps and non-gaps were measured,including niche breadth and niche overlap.对林隙内及其所对应非林隙更新层主要乔木树种的生态位进行了测定,计测指标包括生态位宽度及生态位重叠。
2.First analyse the formation of gap, as well as the factor of characteristics by sample survey and mathematical statistics; then have a comparative study between the gap and the non-gap species on the diversity, the number, the diameter of the contacted surface between the tree and the ground,as well as the tree height; finally analyse the regular number of filled in gaps.本文以关帝山天然次生针叶林为研究对象,利用样地调查和数理统计研究方法,首先分析了林隙形成方式以及特征因子;其次,对林隙与非林隙物种多样性、数量、地径以及树高进行比较研究;最后分析了林隙内填充者数量规律。
4)Non forested area非林区
5)Lin Fei's Prose林非散文
6)Lin Fei phenomenon林非现象
