生态存在论,ecological existentialism
1)ecological existentialism生态存在论
1.Heidegger s theory of unitary fourfold is an aesthetic view of ecological existentialism which depicts a magnificent prospect of dwelling poetically.海德格尔的生态存在论美学观提出了天地神人四重整体说,描绘了人类诗意栖居的理想图景。
2.This paper attempts to discuss the aesthetic ideas of classic ecological existentialism in Taoism,its key concepts and the"world of supreme morality"as a model of a society.其实,老庄的道家思想是一种迥异于西方认识论的生态存在论审美观。

1.The Aesthetic ldea of Classic Ecological Existentialism in Taoism;老庄道家古典生态存在论审美观新说
2.Watcher of Ecological Homeland--On Mr. Zeng s Esthetic View of Modern Ecological Ontology;生态家园的守望者——简论曾繁仁先生之“当代生态存在论美学观”
3.A Tentative Discussion on the Aesthetic Awareness of Classical Ecological Existentialism in Book of Songs;试论《诗经》中所蕴涵的古典生态存在论审美意识
4.Poetic Existence and Aesthetic Thinking--Calvino s Fictions under an Ecological Existentialism Horizon;诗意的存在 审美的玄思——生态存在论视域中的卡尔维诺小说
5.Myths about the Sun and the Moon and Ecological Existentialism: A Kind of New Analytic Normal Form;日、月神话与生态存在论:一种新的解析范式
6.Ecological Aesthetics: A New Aesthetical View of Ecological Existentialism in the Postmodernist Context生态美学:后现代语境下崭新的生态存在论美学观
7.The Aesthetics of "The Poetic Dwelling"--The Discussion of Zeng Fan-ren s Ecology Existing Theory Aesthetics;“诗意栖居”的美学之思——曾繁仁“生态存在论美学”研究
8.The Han Dynasty Stone Carvings Containing the Modern Value of Ecologic Wisdom;汉画像石艺术的阴阳本原与古典生态存在论审美观
9.The Comparison between Ancient Chinese Daoism and the Ancient Christian Ecological Existentialist Aesthetics;中国古代道家与西方古代基督教生态存在论审美观之比较
10.On Requirement of Production and Existed Pattern ofInterpretation of Administrative Law;论行政法解释的发生条件和存在形态
11.The World that Exists in Haidegger s Existential Difference;海德格尔存在论差异状态中生存的世界
12.Ideological Ecology:A Vision of and Approach to Existentialism of Universal Ideology;价值生态:普适价值的存在论视域与方法
13.Problems & Solutions about Construction of China's Eco-Constitution论我国生态宪政建设存在的问题与对策
14.Consideration of Ecological Security in Judicial--also on the Question of Ecological Security Legislation Existence;司法中的生态安全考量——兼论生态安全立法存在的问题
15.The existence got in crack-In terms of Lo Yin s existence;夹缝中的生存——罗隐生存状态析论
16.The Object of Existentialism,Theory of Existence and Generative Methodology;存在论、生存论与生成性方法论旨趣
17.The Basis of Being of Theory of Right of Nature--An Analysis of view of Heidegger s Ecological Ethics;自然权利论的存在论根据——海德格尔生态伦理观探析
18.On "Being" in Ontolygy and "Should" in Axiology--The New Dilemma of Ecological Ethics存在论之“是”与价值论之“应该”——生态伦理观的新困境

Ecology Existing Theory Aesthetics生态存在论美学
1.Therefore, the author uses the Ecology Existing Theory Aesthetics as a special perspective to analyze the transformation of Modern Architectural Art.本文不仅仅关注人与自然如何达到生态平衡的审美状态,而且更加注重建立一种人与自然、社会、他人及自身的生态审美关系,因此,以生态存在论美学为视角讨论建筑艺术的转型,同时也是以建筑艺术的转型为文本,讨论当代的“生态存在论美学”。
3)Survive-Existence Theory生存存在论
4)esthetic view of the modern ecological ontology当代生态存在论美学观
5)ancient existentialist ecological aesthetics古代存在论生态审美观
6)aesthetical view of ecological existentialism生态存在论审美观
1.The aesthetic interpretation of some classic texts is one of the important ways to explore the contemporary aesthetical view of ecological existentialism.当代生态存在论审美观探讨的重要途径之一,就是对于某些经典文本的审美解读。

存在主义伦理学(见存在主义)存在主义伦理学(见存在主义)existentialist ethics  cu陀012加yilun淞Ue存在主义伦理学(existeotialist ethics)见存在主丸