人格美学,Personality Aesthetics
1)Personality Aesthetics人格美学
1.Centring on how to foster ideal personality,Wang Yang-ming formed a whole set of personality aesthetics.围绕着如何成就理想人格(即圣人人格),王阳明形成了一整套人格美学思想。

1.Foundation of Confucian Aesthetics:Essence of Confucious Ideology of Aesthetics;儒家审美的基石——孔子人格美学思想述要
2.On the Social Ethics and Human Dignity Expressed in China's Ancient Aesthetics论中国古代美学中的社会美与人格美
3.A Tentative Discussion on Ideal of Personality Aesthetics;“淡”趣之美——魏晋玄学的人格审美理想
4.Research and Analysis of College Students Recognition of Physical Beauty,Sporting Beauty and Personality Beauty;大学生身体美、运动美和人格美认知的调查分析
5.Time Refines Personality Beauty--A Comment on Exploring the Psychology of Time and Personality;时间磨砺人格美——评《时间与人格心理学探索》
6.Cultivating Perfect Personality for VCS Based on Humanism;以人文精神塑造高职学生的完美人格
7.Aesthetic and Personality--The Two Dimension of the Classical Chinese Teaching in Middle School;审美与人格——中学文言教学的双重指向
8.The chorus teaching and the creation of college students beauty of personality;浅谈合唱教学与大学生人格美的塑造
9.Literary Creation: the Aesthetic Personification of Non-literary Factors;文学创作:非文学因素的审美性人格化
10.On Zhong Dian-fei s View on Film Aesthetics and His Personality;论钟惦棐的电影美学观念和人格精神
11.The Portrait of the Beauty of Minority College Students Personality;少数民族大学生应加强人格美的塑造
12.P.E. Function on Perfecting Personal Character;体育对塑造大学生人格美的理论思考
13.On Personality Implication of Traditional Aesthetics In The Art of Erhu;论传统美学在二胡艺术中的人格蕴涵
14.Character Education of US Service Academies and Its Reference Value美国军官学校人格教育及其借鉴意义
15.Complying with to Personality Characteristics Vigilance Look at Hegel's Personage Character Theory Re-read Hegel's Aesthetics从对个性特征警觉看黑格尔的人物性格理论——重读黑格尔《美学》
16.The Personalities of Ancient Chinese Scholars from the Viewpoint of Herb从“香草”的美学意蕴看中国古代文人的人格建构
17.Research on the Cultivation of College Students' Healthy Personality in Calisthenics Teaching对健美操教学中大学生健康人格培养的研究
18.Chinese Undergraduates' Quest for Harmony in the Likableness Rating of Personality-Trait Words --A Comparative study Betwean Chinese and Americans大学生人格评定的和谐追求——200个人格词汇喜好度中美对比研究

Personality of directing aesthetics导演美学人格
3)the cultural personality esthetics文化人格美学
4)the Aesthetics of Cultural personality文化美学人格
1.The essay discusses the personality the TV programs concerns and its several links to realize it: recurrence of main personality, the achievement of main personality and some attentive problems achieving main personality.本文具体研究了电视节目应具有的人格美感并论述了实现人格美的几个环节 ,诸如 :主体人格的回归 ,主体人格的实现以及实现主体人格应注意的几个问题。
2.The author outpoured his own subjective emotion in it,which embodied the attraction of artistic conception and personality,and pushed travel notes of natural scenery to the peak of creation in this aspect.柳宗元的《永州八记》突破了前人对景物客观摹写的传统旧习,倾注了自己强烈的主观情感,体现出意境美、人格美,将山水游记的创作推向了一个新的高峰。
6)personality beauty人格美
1.From personality beauty in philosophical Taoism to immortality beauty in religious Taoism;道家人格美到道教“仙格”美的嬗变──《河上公章句》与《想尔注》美学思想综论之一
2.College students have the most same cognition on personality beauty to P.大学生在对体育运动人格美的认知上具有较高的近似性。
3.Based on such understandings,this paper makes some investigations of the elements of the beauty in sports,that is,physical beauty,sporting beauty and personality beauty.基于这一认识就体育运动美中的各要素,即身体美、运动美、人格美等对大学生进行了一定层面的认知调查。

《当代西方电影的美学思想》  中国电影理论专著。李幼蒸著。中国社会科学出版社1986年出版。全书分《绪论》、《电影语言》、《电影表现与现实》、《电影"作者"、作品与观众的结构分析》、《反传统电影潮流》和《先锋派电影的实践与理论》 6章21节;介绍了当代西方电影美学研究的重要发展和面临的基本问题;论述了60~70年代西方主要电影美学理论,特别是结构主义和符号学电影理论的基本概念和观点,还涉及电影中的科学研究、哲理表达等问题。