美学智慧,Aesthetic wisdom
1)Aesthetic wisdom美学智慧
1.In the world cultural forest,the Chinese culture is most renowned for its aesthetic wisdom.在世界文化之林中,中华文化是最具美学智慧的。

1.The Aesthetic Wisdom of Zen Buddhism: Chinese Aesthetic Traditions and Western Phenomenological Aesthetics;禅宗的美学智慧——中国美学传统与西方现象学美学
2.A Comparative Analysis of Marcuse and Taoist Ecoaesthetic Wisdom;马尔库塞与道家——生态美学智慧比较研究
3.It is of significance to study ecological aesthetic wisdom of the concept of nature of Chan Sect.研究禅宗自然观的生态美学智慧,具有重要的意义。
4.Torturous Wisdom:the Ontological Promisesof Kantian Philosophy and Aesthetics;痛苦智慧:康德哲学美学的本体论承诺
5.The greatest scholar is not endued with perfect wisdom.最伟大的学者并不赋有完美的智慧。
6.Wisdom of Poetic Nature;诗性的智慧——人的存在之美学金枝
7." Light":Calvino aesthetic ideology of novel creation“轻”:卡尔维诺小说美学中的诗性智慧
8.The Wisdom of Teaching Wisdom--An Appreciation of An American Philosophical Lesson Plan;教育的智慧与智慧的教育:一份美国哲学教案的赏析
9.An Aesthetic World of Wisdom and Imagination --A Review of Yan Xianglin s Skepticism Aesthetics;智慧与想象的美学世界——评颜翔林《怀疑论美学》
10.Su Shi s Ecological Wisdom As Viewed in Terms of "Embodying Moral in Matters or Events";从“寓意于物”看苏轼美学思想的生态学智慧
11.Kantian Aesthetics and Poetic Wisdom--From "the True" to " the Good": a Comparison and Investigation of Chinese and Western Wisdom;康德美学与诗性智慧——从“真”到“善”:中西两种慧识的比较与考察
12.Ecosystem Wisdom and Practical Meaning:On the Esthetics of China s Classical Harmony Theory;中国古典和谐论美学的生态智慧及现实意义
13.The Comic Aesthetic Characteristic of " The Wisdom of Hu Lu-A Story of A Fanti;《智慧的葫芦——阿凡提的故事》的喜剧美学特点
14.Vico s Theoy of Poetic Wisdom and Aesthetic Influence;论维柯的诗性智慧认识论及其美学影响
15.She is endowed with both beauty and brains.她有天赐的美貌和智慧。
16.He is inaesthetic and unintellectual.他既无审美感又无智慧。
17.Ji Kang in the View of Ecological Aesthetics生态美学视野中的嵇康——试论嵇康美学的生态智慧及其当代意义
18.Wisdom from Metasynthetic Theory--Preliminary Analysis on Qian Xuesen s Theory of Metasynthetic Wisdom and Thinking of Metasynthetic Wisdom Education;集大成,得智慧——试析钱学森的大成智慧学和大成智慧教育思想

ecological esthetic wisdom生态美学智慧
1.The Zen thought in Hunan consists of the ecological esthetic wisdom of concerning the nature,the awe to life and the pursuing to harmony.湖南禅宗思想中,蕴涵着关爱自然、敬畏生命、追求和谐的生态美学智慧
3)aesthetic wisdom审美智慧
1.The study of aesthetic value in the Book of Songs (Shi Jing) is an innovative one,which is filled with aesthetic wisdom,unity of beauty and kindness being the typical characteristic.在《诗经》中,充满了令人惊奇的审美智慧,美善统一是《诗经》审美的重要特征。
4)beauty of wisdom智慧美
1.The beauty of wisdom of practical writing shows the ability of the writer s overcoming difficulties and solving problems in his/her practical writing activities.应用写作中的智慧美集中体现了作者在写作实践活动中克服种种种困难、解决种种问题的本质力量,体现了作者苦心出异、出新、出巧、出彩的能力,它使人们在应用文中发现了远比大千世界的有形存在更深刻更内在更绚丽更动人的美。
5)Aesthetic wisdom of Han Yu韩愈美学智慧五题
6)Zhuang Tzu's Eco-Aesthetic Wisdom庄子生态美学智慧

《当代西方电影的美学思想》  中国电影理论专著。李幼蒸著。中国社会科学出版社1986年出版。全书分《绪论》、《电影语言》、《电影表现与现实》、《电影"作者"、作品与观众的结构分析》、《反传统电影潮流》和《先锋派电影的实践与理论》 6章21节;介绍了当代西方电影美学研究的重要发展和面临的基本问题;论述了60~70年代西方主要电影美学理论,特别是结构主义和符号学电影理论的基本概念和观点,还涉及电影中的科学研究、哲理表达等问题。