灵感说,inspiration theory
1)inspiration theory灵感说
1.His thought of aesthetics was on the basis of “thought theory” and “inspiration theory”.柏拉图美学思想根植于“理念论”和“灵感说”。

1.Plato s Theory of Inspiration--Directing the Rationality Is Mania;柏拉图的灵感说——指向理智的迷狂
2.And Elisha said, I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me.以利沙说,愿感动你的灵加倍地感动我。
3.And Elisha said, Be pleased to let a special measure of your spirit be on me.以利沙说、愿感动你的灵加倍的感动我。
4.His wife inspired his first novel.他的妻子给了他写第一部小说的灵感。
5."Gentlemen," said he, with an air of inspiration.“先生们,”他用充满灵感的声调说道。
6.The Frenchman said: "I am very happy in Turin.法国人说:"我在都灵感到非常高兴。
7.The Relation of "Spirit Thought" and "Inspiration"--Talk from "Thought May Reach to a Thousand Years in the Past" and "Our Vision May Cross Ten Thousand Leagues";“神思”与“灵感”——从“思接千载”“视通万里”说起
8.Her speeches have ever been a fount of inspiration to her audiences.她的演说对于听众来说永远是灵感之源。
9.fount of inspiration to his audiences对他的听众来说(他的演说, 歌唱等)是灵感之源
10.Old Bacot says when he makes a speech he always trusts to the spur of the moment.老贝柯特说,当他讲演时,他总是依靠即时的灵感。
11.The memory of my father inspired me to write my best novel.对父亲的回忆激发了我写我最好的小说的灵感。
12.These events provided the inspiration for his first novel.这些事件给了他创作第一部小说的灵感。
13.Natural Deviation of Emotion Theory of Yuan Meis Personality Theory;论袁枚性灵说情感理论的自然主义偏向
14.A Comparative Study of Platonic Thought of "Concept -Inspiration" and Veda Theory of "Two Magic;柏拉图“理念—灵感”说与吠陀“二幻”论之比较
15.Seeking the Art of "Human Emotions"--On TIE Ning s Novel Creation;探寻“人类情感”的心灵艺术——铁凝小说创作综论
16.Beat of the Soul Era--May 4~(th) Women in the Novel Era of Loneliness时代灵魂的跃动——五四女性小说中的孤独感
17.Telepathy can be either projective or perceptive, we either send or receive.心灵感应可以投射或感知, 也就是说我们或者发送或者接收它。
18."and the spirit of the Lord will come on you with power, and you will be acting like a prophet with them, and will be changed into another man."耶和华的灵必大大感动你,你就与他们一同受感说话。你要变为新人。

1.Using Structuring Method Solving Problem and Finding Creative Thinking Inspiration;用构造法解题 寻求创新思维灵感
1.This paper considers that the emergence of the afflatus is resulted from creative thinking,while creative thinking is to reorganize the existing knowledge and experience.本文认为灵感状态的出现是创造性思维活动的结果,而创造性思维是对已有知识和经验的重新组织。
2.The major approaches are as follows: to adopt pleasure teaching methods to cultivate writing interest;to overcome writing obstacles to improve their receptivity;to form writing intuition to inspire afflatus;to leave st.要改变这种状况,必须激发大学生的写作欲望和冲动,培养创造性的思维能力及写作技能,主要途径有:采用愉快教学法,培养写作兴趣;克服写作心理障碍,培养和提高感受力;形成写作直觉,激发写作灵感;给学生一个创造的空间,培养创新思维能力。
4)personality theory性灵说
1.Yuan Mei s personality theory has broken through the restriction of traditional Confucian emotion theory, especially the idealist philosophy since Song Dynasty and Ming Dynasty.袁枚性灵说情感理论突破了儒家传统情感理论的藩篱,特别是脱离了宋明以来的理学思想的桎梏,而走向了注重个体自然情感的抒发,对传统文学功利主义是一次有力的反拨。
5)soul expression心灵诉说
6)the voice of heart言说心灵

观音灵感歌观音灵感歌南无观世音菩萨 大发慈悲心功行海洋深 架慈航渡迷津 感化有缘人十四种无畏 三十二化身千手及千眼 降伏众魔军大慈大悲救苦救难 灵感观世音莲座涌慈云 随处现金身杨枝水 洒凡尘 甘露润群生朝念观世音 暮念观世音念念从心起 念佛不离心永离八难 一切灾殃 苦厄化为尘