距离说,Distance Theory
1)Distance Theory距离说
1.Mutual Complement: Gramsci s and Bullough s Distance Theory;不同语境下的互补——葛兰西和布洛的“距离说”比较

1.The Epistemological Association of the Doctrine of "Psychic Distance" in Aesthetics;美学“心理距离说”的哲学认识论联想
2.The Tragic Glamour of Jude the Obscure Analyzed from the Point of View of Psychological Distance从心理距离说分析《无名的裘德》的悲剧魅力
3.Mutual Complement: Gramsci s and Bullough s Distance Theory;不同语境下的互补——葛兰西和布洛的“距离说”比较
4.The distance to something is always the shortest distance to it; if your opponent finds a shorter distance, you must use that as the distance.在某种情况下这里所说的距离是指最短距离;如果对手发现了较短的距离,就必须使用那个距离。
5.range hand wheel距离手轮, 距离盘
6.Fracturing indicates it was probably at close range.骨骼破裂情况说明是一次近距离射击
7.within speaking range [distance]在听得见说话的范围[距离]内
8.They will often travel long distances", Warren says.他们将经常旅行长距离“,拥挤的地方说。
9.Your story is several removes from the truth.你的说法与事实有些距离.
10.If you want to succeed, you must bridge the gap between "talking" and "doing".要想成功,必须走完从"说"到"做"这段距离。
11.On the art control of psychological distance in Zhang Ailing's novels张爱玲小说的审美距离调控艺术简论
12.distance from midship to center of floatation浮心距船中距离漂心距船中距离
13.range-range positioning圆-圆定位,距离-距离定位
14.stopping distance停车距离(制动距离)
15.at long [short, close] range在远 [近] 距离
16.For West Asians, being kept "at arm's length" signals unfriendliness.对西亚人来说,"保持一臂距离"是不友好的表示。
17."Telecommuting forces managers to use discipline," says Gordon.“远距离工作迫使经理们执行纪律,”戈登说。
18.About half a block up the street, the drunk said.醉汉说,“大概沿这条街往前半个街区的距离。”

theory of psychological distance心理距离说
3)theory of distance of international economy and trade国家经贸距离说
4)terrae potestas finitur ubi finitur armrum vis沿岸驳弹距离说
5)Against the Doctrine of "Psychological Distance驳"心理距离"说
6)the length of a novel;the length of a journey.小说的长度;旅行的距离

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