美意识,aesthetic consciousness
1)aesthetic consciousness美意识

1.An excellent literary supplement editor should possess such consciousness as scheming consciousness、 creative consciousness、 polity consciousness、 aesthetic consciousness and devoted consciousness.优秀的文艺副刊编辑应具各策划意识、新意识、品意识、美意识、梯意识。
2.The Unification of Aesthetic Consciousness and Moral Consciousness of the Lament;《离骚》审美意识与道德意识的统一
3.Aesthetic Standard along with Totem Worship --Further Discussion of Chinese Primitive Aesthetic Standard (III);与图腾意识共生的审美意识——中国原始审美意识再探讨(三)
4.Life consciousness, gender consciousness, self-examination consciousness and aesthetic consciousness are all forms of expression of feminine consciousness at the present stage.生命意识、性别意识、自审意识和审美意识是现阶段女性意识的表现形态。
5.On the Cultivation of Aesthetic Consciousness in the Art Education of Infant浅谈幼儿美术教育中审美意识的培养
6.The Cultural Interpretation of"Introspective Consciousness" in Chinese Aesthetics;中国美学"内省"审美意识的文化阐释
7.Chinese Character Mei (美) and Aesthetic Consciousness of Chinese;双重阐释:汉字“美”和中国人的美意识
8."feminization" of aesthetic consciousness in Cultural Implications;宋词“女性化”审美意识中的文化意蕴
9.On Symbolization and Aesthetic Conceptions in Ling-Nan Literature;试论岭南文学的文化意蕴与审美意识
10.Aesthetics Consciousness in the Metaphor of Skin Sense;肤觉比喻中的审美意识因素——肤觉经验与审美意识之二
11.A Few Doubts about the Article "Re-understanding of Aesthetic Ideology;对《审美意识形态论的再认识》一文的几点置疑
12.Hans-Georg Gadamer's Criticism on esthetic consciousness andthe revelations therefrom伽达默尔的审美意识批判及其启示
13.Argue on the Aesthetic Consciousness of Design in Primitive Society论原始社会中艺术设计的审美意识
14."The Aesthetical Ideology" and the Doctrinism of Critical Theories“审美意识形态”与批判理论的学科化
15.The Chinese Version of the Ideology of the Aesthetic in China: Acceptance and Deviations;《审美意识形态》中译本:接受与疏离
16.On the National Aesthetic Consciousness from the Development of the Chinese Figure Painting;从中国人物画的发展看民族审美意识
17.The "Image" Aesthetics: A Reflection on the Chinese Film-Television Aesthetics System;“意象”美学:中国影视美学体系再认识
18.On Jianzhen Prose s Buddhist Consciousness and Aesthetic Sentiment;论简女真散文的佛学意识和审美意蕴

Aesthetic Consciousness审美意识
1.The aesthetic consciousness that the editors should possess in the strategy of creating the name brand journal;论编辑在实施品牌书刊战略中应具备的审美意识
2.Editorial aesthetic consciousness in natural science;自然科学编辑的审美意识
3.Deaf students painting techniques and fragmentary ideas on aesthetic consciousness;聋生绘画技法与审美意识断想
3)aesthetic awareness审美意识
1.On the Effect of Aesthetic Awareness on the Direction of the Reproduction of Original Piano Works Performance;钢琴表演中审美意识的适度把握问题探析
2.This article aims at improving the quality of binding and lay out of periodicals by strengthening the art editors' creative,modern and aesthetic awareness.提高期刊的装帧设计质量 ,必须强化美编的创新意识、现代意识和审美意识
3.On cultivating students ability of the audio-visual thinking in teaching Mathematics Analysis, the paper discusses such five points as: the encouragement of students bold guess, the emphasis on the general analysis, the teaching of students intuition, the improvement of students aesthetic awareness and the building of students cognitive structure.对如何在数学分析教学中培养学生的直觉思维能力作了5点探讨:鼓励学生大胆猜测、注重引导整体分析、注意教学的直观性、提高学生审美意识、建立坚实认知结构。
4)aesthetics consciousness美学意识
1.This paper discusses that there should be good aesthetics consciousness and advancing scientific consciousness for sci-tech journals editing,to organize,produce and create the perfect sci-tech journals by means of objective law of aesthetics and scientific methods.科技期刊编辑应具有良好的美学意识和超前的科学意识,按照美学的客观规律,用科学的方法去组织、生产、创造科技期刊的美。
5)esthetic consciousness审美意识
1.Today the modern books shape ideal request should be one kind of harmony which in under modern people s esthetic consciousness,the energetic demand,the function request produces,practical and can create for the reader influences the mind the shape.今天现代书籍形态的理想要求应该是在现代人的审美意识、精神需求、功能要求下产生的一种和谐、实用并能为读者创造陶冶心灵的形态。
2.The Aristocrat s esthetic consciousness is one kind of esthetic pursue,like self-conscious,reflect society s lofty esthetic interest.贵族化审美意识是一种自觉的、反映社会高雅的审美趣味的美学追求,是文学超越性的具体表现。
3.However,due to their differences in cultural,philosophical and aesthetical aspects,they resort to different images,linguistic styles and artistic conceptions that reflect their outstanding differences in aesthetic consciousness.在诗歌创作中采用了不同的意象,不同的语言风格,创造出相异的意境,从而反映出不同的审美意识
6)idea of virtues美德意识

萘丁美酮 ,萘普酮,瑞力芬,萘布美通, 纳布美通,萘美酮药物名称:萘普酮英文名:Nabumetone别名: 萘丁美酮 ,萘普酮,瑞力芬,萘布美通, 纳布美通,萘美酮外文名:Nabumetone, NAB, Nabuser, Relifex, Relafen适应症: 用于治疗类风湿性关节炎、骨关节炎等,以及其他需抗炎治疗的类似症状。 用量用法: 口服:每次1g,临睡前服。对严重或持续症状,或急性加重期,可另增加500mg-1g,清晨给药。老年人每日不超过1g,一些患者服用500mg会得到令人满意的效果。 注意事项: 少数患者有胃不适、腹胀等,长期服用可自行消失,有急、慢性胃炎、胃或十二指肠溃疡、有药物过敏史者慎用。 对阿期匹林过敏的患者用萘丁美酮可能有相似的反应。肝功能损害的患者慎用。不推荐孕妇及哺乳期妇女使用。 禁忌: 有活动性消化性溃疡病和有严重肝损害的病人。 药物相互作用: 在同时接受口服抗凝血剂、乙内酰脲类抗惊厥药或磺酰脲类降低血糖的药物治疗时,应检查这些药物过量的征兆。 规格: 片剂:0.25g,0.5g,0.56g。胶囊:0.25g. 类别:抗炎止痛药