崇高感,sense of loftiness
1)sense of loftiness崇高感

1.Empirical Ken of Kantian Aesthetics--I Read “An Observation of Sense of Beauty and Sense of Sublimation”康德美学的经验主义视野——读《对美感和崇高感的观察》
2.Did the ghost of that grand passion linger in some corner of his heart?难道那种崇高感情的残魂还逗留在他心田的某一角吗?
3.Culture Difference from Aesthetic Point of View -Research for the Factors of Lofty Weakening in Chinese Classical Tragedy;审美视野下的文化差异——中国古典悲剧崇高感弱化因素探微
4.Great feelings will often take the aspect of error.崇高的感情往往会采取错误的外表。
5.be - ied by sublime music被崇高的音乐感动得飘飘欲仙
6.To fill with sublime emotion;elate.鼓舞使充满崇高的感情,鼓舞,使心满意足
7.The Lofty Beauty: Its Influence in Morality and Enlightenment in Moral Education;崇高美的道德感染生成及对道德教育的启示
8.Grand or noble in thought or deed; exalted.崇高的在思想或行为上高贵或崇高的;崇高的
9.Loftiness of thought or feeling.高尚,崇高崇高的思想或情操
10.Morrel raised his two hands to heaven with an expression of resignation and sublime gratitude.莫雷尔带着一种听天由命和崇高的感激的表情举手向天。
11.For all eyes and for all time, it is an expression of the ethics of the American soldier.我一定要遵循这种方式,结合崇高的理想,唤起自豪感;也要保持谦虚。
12.Maternal love is the most common and yet the greatest affection one can experience in the world. It defines sublimity with platitude.母爱是世界上最普通又最伟大的情感,它会使平凡变得崇高。
13.This is how I embraced the King's words about nobility's having its turn in the world.这就是我听了国王关于崇高的精神终有临世之日后的感受。
14.Lofty Feeling and Magnificent Epic--Mao Zedong and Yang Kaihui presented each other with cipoems;崇高的情感 瑰丽的诗章——毛泽东与杨开慧的互赠诗词
15.The state or quality of being exalted in character.崇高品格崇高的状态或性质
16.Tragedy? Sublime!--Viewing Life from Longinus Essay on Sublimity;悲剧?崇高!——从朗加纳斯的《论崇高》看人生
17.I feel“ the honesty keep promise since is a kind of morals quality and the morals convictions, is also the morals responsibility if each citizen is also a kind of lofty personality power”.我感觉诚实守信是一种精神修养,也是每一位公民都有的一种责任感和崇高的品质。
18.Because the greatest love of all is happening to me是最崇高的爱伴随我,

1.Value of loftiness and human survival—Lofty essence from the point of view of cultural anthropology;崇高与人类生存的价值——从文化人类学的角度看崇高的本质
2.This paper discusses evolvement of lofty theory from its appearance to perfect by the milestone representatives, Langinos, Kant, Hilly, Leotold, during the evolvement of lofty theory.文章以崇高理论演进过程中的具有里程碑意义的朗吉努斯、康德、席勒、利奥塔德的崇高理论为代表,论述了崇高理论由提出到基本完备的演进过程。
3.Hegel made an elaboration about the lofty in detail in the book Esthetics,but his lofty idea are not paid much attention to in the academic fields.黑格尔在《美学》一书中对崇高作了详细阐述,但学界对其崇高思想的关注还远远不够。
1.On Convergence of Chuangtzu s "Big" and Longinus "Sublime";论庄子之“大”与朗加纳斯“崇高”的汇通
2.Lyotard s Sublime Aesthetics under Post-modern Vision;后现代视野中的利奥塔崇高美学
3.The Sublime in Heschel s Depth-theology;海舍尔深度神学视阈中的崇高
1.A Comparison of "Magnificence" in Poetry QualityWith Western "Loftiness";《诗品》“雄浑”与西方“崇高”之比较
2.the Perspective of the Romanticism and the Practical Significance Demonstrated in Longinus s Discuss Loftiness;透视朗吉弩斯《论崇高》所显示的浪漫主义及现实意义
3.Boldness and loftiness - On the cultural meaning of literary spirit in the East and West;豪放与崇高——论中西方两种文学精神的文化内涵
1.Tendency to Eliminate the Contradiction Between Sublimity and Populacition——On the Recreational Functions of Current Literature and Art;消解崇高与平民化趋向——论当下文艺的休闲娱乐功能
2.Strife,one of the Chinese modern spirit traditions,makes sublimity as its counterpart in aesthetics.作为现代精神传统的"竞争"体现在美学上就是崇高。
3.Just as an old saying goes,"A death befalls all men alike,I’ll keep a loyal heart to make a name in history",although their life ends tragically,we may see the sublimity of humanity from them."人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青"虽是悲剧性的结果,却让我们在他们身上看到了人性的崇高!朗加纳斯第一次真正意义上解释崇高,有很高的美学意义
1.A brief analysis of noble and base human natures in Chinese and foreign literary works;浅议中外文学中人性的崇高与卑劣
2.Tragedy often combined with noble,which is more powerful.悲剧常与崇高相结合,崇高的悲剧具有更加强烈的震撼力。
3.Gracefulness and nobleness are both some kind of beauty.优美与崇高美都是美的一种形式。
