审美幻象,aesthetic mirage
1)aesthetic mirage审美幻象
1.The real difficulties and suffering bring the aesthetic mirage of distant era.现实的困难与不幸给我们带来了悠远时代的审美幻象
2)The overlapping aesthetical imagination多重叠合的审美幻象
3)Aesthetic Fantasies审美幻觉
4)illusions of beauty美的幻象
1.On the basis of perusal of textual A Dream of Red Mansions alongside the relevant theory of criti- cism in feminism,it is pointed out that the"daughters"in the Grand Garden are created by Cao Xueqin,which are a series of illusions of beauty used by Cao Xueqin for the opposition to the elapse of time,for the filling of empti- ness in life.在细读《红楼梦》文本的基础上,结合女性主义批评的相关理论,指出:大观园中的"女儿"是曹雪芹创造的、贾宝玉用来抗拒时间的流逝、填补生命空虚的一系列关于美的幻象。
5)aesthetic imagination审美想象
1.This article, based on the aesthetic apperceive, aesthetic imagination and aesthetic creativity, argues that the beauties of chemistry are characterized by conciseness, harmony and novelty.化学科学美是指客观物质世界在化学运动过程中产生的美的属性,文章从化学科学审美感知、审美想象、审美创新三个方面阐述了化学科学美的主要特征是简明、和谐、新奇。
2.As the most free creatively mental representation, aesthetic imagination exists in all aspects of human being s aesthetic activity, especially in the fields of art and science.审美想象作为一种最具自由品格的创造性心理形式,广泛存在于人类的一切审美活动之中,尤其是在艺术和科学领域。
3.Tales of A Lonely Studio acquire more readers because of its aesthetic imagination,On the coutrary , Sketches of Yuewei Humble Cottage is not as good as the former because of its excess rational care.但是两者的审美想象和理性观照之差异较为突出,《聊斋志异》用审美想象征服了读者,而《阅微草堂笔记》却因过多的理性观照稍逊风骚。

1.The Aesthetic Sensation·Aesthetic Experience.Aesthetic Imagination.Aesthetic Creation--On the Elements of Creating the Aesthetic Stage Image;审美感知·审美体验·审美想象·审美创造——谈戏剧舞台审美形象的生成要素
2.On the Aesthetic Psychology of Nostalgia;想象的文化记忆———论怀旧的审美心理
3.Study of Geiger s Aesthetics: Experience and Subject;审美经验与审美对象——莫里茨·盖格尔美学思想研究之
4.Imagery experience & Poetic Imagination of Musical Appreciation Experience;音乐审美体验中的意象感受与诗意想象
5.The Fundamental Approach towards the Construction of Aesthetic Utopia--on Herbert Marcuse s Imagination;构筑审美乌托邦的根本途径——论马尔库塞的“想象”
6.Creating a Perfect in a Defect--the Image of Xue Bao-qin and Cao Xue-qin s Aesthetic Ideal;在缺失里营造的完美——薛宝琴形象与曹雪芹的审美理想
7.His thought of aesthetic education consists of three aspects, namely, unique art imago;其审美教育思想主要由以下三个方面组成:一、独特的艺术意象;
8.The Imaginative Feeling Expression of Amusing God and Man--On Dongba Dance from the Perspective of Aesthetic Anthropology;娱神与娱人的想象性情感表现——审美人类学视野中的东巴舞
9.A New Exploration of Aesthetic Phenomena;审美现象新探——兼评关于审美现象的若干说法
10.The female foxes of Liao Zhai Zhi Yi are beautiful in appearance and heart.聊斋志异》中的狐女是被高度理想化和审美化的艺术形象,是美和爱的象征。
11.Art Images,Aesthetic Images and Scientific Images:The Theory and Experimentation of Differences and Similarities between Mental Images of Creative Activities;艺术意象·审美意象·科学意象——创造活动心理图像异同的理论与实证构想
12.Tasting Aesthetics is a Aesthetic Foundation for the Teaching of Aesthetic Reading;味象审美奠定审美化阅读教学美学基础
13.Jiang Kongyang s Aesthetic Theory: An Aesthetics Returns to Aesthetic Phenomenology;蒋孔阳的美学——还原为审美现象的美学
14.From Symbol to Aesthetic Image--A historical survey on Chinese classical image theory in aesthetic field;从“易象”到“审美意象”——中国古典审美意象的历史嬗变
15.Imagining America-The Image of USA of Chinese-American Literature想象美国:旅美华人文学的美国形象
16.The Thought of Aesthetic Disinterestedness of British Empirical Aesthetics and Aesthetic Modernity;经验派美学“审美无利害”思想与审美现代性
17.Phenomenological Intentionality and the Generation of Aesthetic Images of Poetry;现象学的意向性与诗审美意象的生成
18.On the Objective Things Group and the Aesthetic View of the "Rain" Image;论“雨”意象的客观物象群及其审美角度

The overlapping aesthetical imagination多重叠合的审美幻象
3)Aesthetic Fantasies审美幻觉
4)illusions of beauty美的幻象
1.On the basis of perusal of textual A Dream of Red Mansions alongside the relevant theory of criti- cism in feminism,it is pointed out that the"daughters"in the Grand Garden are created by Cao Xueqin,which are a series of illusions of beauty used by Cao Xueqin for the opposition to the elapse of time,for the filling of empti- ness in life.在细读《红楼梦》文本的基础上,结合女性主义批评的相关理论,指出:大观园中的"女儿"是曹雪芹创造的、贾宝玉用来抗拒时间的流逝、填补生命空虚的一系列关于美的幻象。
5)aesthetic imagination审美想象
1.This article, based on the aesthetic apperceive, aesthetic imagination and aesthetic creativity, argues that the beauties of chemistry are characterized by conciseness, harmony and novelty.化学科学美是指客观物质世界在化学运动过程中产生的美的属性,文章从化学科学审美感知、审美想象、审美创新三个方面阐述了化学科学美的主要特征是简明、和谐、新奇。
2.As the most free creatively mental representation, aesthetic imagination exists in all aspects of human being s aesthetic activity, especially in the fields of art and science.审美想象作为一种最具自由品格的创造性心理形式,广泛存在于人类的一切审美活动之中,尤其是在艺术和科学领域。
3.Tales of A Lonely Studio acquire more readers because of its aesthetic imagination,On the coutrary , Sketches of Yuewei Humble Cottage is not as good as the former because of its excess rational care.但是两者的审美想象和理性观照之差异较为突出,《聊斋志异》用审美想象征服了读者,而《阅微草堂笔记》却因过多的理性观照稍逊风骚。
6)aesthetic object审美对象
1.The essence of all aesthetic activities lies in the issue of aesthetic liberty,of which the liberty of aesthetic object is one of the significant aspects.审美自由问题是整个审美活动本质之所在,而审美对象的自由问题是其中一个重要的方面。
2.Mikel Dufrenne held that the aesthetic object is a pure object of perception.杜夫海纳认为审美对象是纯粹知觉对象。
3.In Ingarden s opinion,the aesthetic experience begins with the cognition of the real object,and the aesthetic object is the result of the activities of the aesthetic experience.英伽登认为审美经验活动开始于对实在事物的认识,审美对象是审美经验的产物,但是审美对象不同于实在事物,审美对象形成后也不局限于实在事物。

幻象【幻象】 (杂名)幻化之象也。性灵集八曰:“觉朝无多虎,悟日莫幻象。”