认识论美学,epitemologic aesthetics
1)epitemologic aesthetics认识论美学

1.Kant’s Transcendence over Epistemological Aesthetics: with the Scope of Phenomenology;超越认识论美学——康德美学的现象学意义
2.On the Western Aesthetic Trilogy Concerning Artistic Nature(Part Ⅰ)--Artistic Nature:From the Natural Noumenon Aesthetics to Epitemologic Aesthetics;西方美学关于艺术本质的三部曲(上)——艺术本质论:从自然本体论美学到认识论美学
3.The Epistemological Association of the Doctrine of "Psychic Distance" in Aesthetics;美学“心理距离说”的哲学认识论联想
4.To Attain Knowledge by Investigating Things:Neo-Confucian Epistemology and Aesthetic Concepts of Literature and Art;格物致知:理学认识论与文艺审美观
5.Vico s Theoy of Poetic Wisdom and Aesthetic Influence;论维柯的诗性智慧认识论及其美学影响
6.On Aesthetic Perception: A Successful Attempt of Breaking the Epistemological Framework--A New Investigation on JIANG Kongyang s Aesthetic Thought;美感论:突破认识论框架的成功尝试——蒋孔阳美学思想新探
7.The science comprising logic, ethics, aesthetics, metaphysics, and epistemology.哲学由逻辑学、伦理学、美学、文学和认识论组成的学科
8.Aesthetics in the Framework of Materialist Ideology--Further Evaluation of Cai Yi s Aesthetic Ideas;唯物主义认识论框架内的美学——蔡仪美学思想再评价
9.Re-recognition of Life Aesthetics--aesthetic self-discipline;生命美学再认识:美学自律与审美自律
10.How to Understand and Appraise the Aesthetical Ideology;如何正确认识和评价文学“审美意识形态论”——与冯宪光教授商榷
11.Rising of Theory of Knowledge in Modern Western Philosophy Influences Aesthetics Reflection;论西方近代认识论哲学的兴起对美学思考的影响
12.From "the Meaning is in the Front of the Image" to "the Experience Of Non-being";从“意在象先”到“体无”——论王弼哲学的认识论及其美学意蕴
13.On the Law of Tupos and the Law of Beauty: Rethinking of CAI Yi s Aesthetics;论典型的规律与美的规律——蔡仪先生的美学思想再认识
14.The Freedom of Appreciating the Beautiful:the Cognitive Meaning of Content and Form-- Adono s Opinion on the Aesthetic Features of Modern Art;审美自由:内容与形式的认识意义——阿多诺论现代艺术的美学特征
15.On the Leap-over from Epistemology to Noumenon(Continued)--A Comparison Between the Aesthetics of Lukarche and That of Li Zehou;从认识论到本体论的跨越(下)——卢卡奇与李泽厚美学比较
16.On the Leap-over from Epistemology to Noumenon(Part Ⅰ) A Comparison Between the Aesthetics of Lukarche and That of Li Zehou;从认识论到本体论的跨越(上)——卢卡奇与李泽厚美学比较
17.Uphold the Scientific Theory of Knowledge,understand "Rule with Virtue" Properly;坚持科学的认识论,正确认识“以德治国”
18.The "Image" Aesthetics: A Reflection on the Chinese Film-Television Aesthetics System;“意象”美学:中国影视美学体系再认识

aesthetics in matcrialist epistemology唯物认识论美学
3)epistemological musical aesthetics认识论音乐美学
1.The paper analysed Zhao Songguang\'s On Musical Figurativeness with its historical position and significance of theory, pointed out its theoretical basis and historical contribution, and meanwhile Ming Yan made his own rational thinking that Zhao\'s implicit criticisms on epistemological musical aesthetics in the book.指出了赵先生文论的理论基础及其历史贡献,并对赵先生当年隐讳在文论内层的对认识论音乐美学的批判,做出了自己的深度解析与理性思考,认为当东欧和中国的音乐美学家们大多都沉溺于认识论的音乐美学观念中的时候,他就开始寻找补充这种狭隘观念的方法。
4)aesthetic epistemology审美认识论
1.Following the principle of purposiveness,Kant abandons his mechanical epistemology to form his organic aesthetic epistemology in understanding nature,and changes from natural purposiveness to moral purposiveness,and therefore accomplishes the double turns of epistemology and ethics.康德根据合目的性原则,从对自然的机械认识论转向有机整体的审美认识论,由此从自然合目的性过渡到道德合目的性,从而完成了认识论与伦理学的双重转向。
5)theory of aesthetic knowing美感认识论
6)medical epistemology医学认识论

辩证唯物主义认识论(见认识论)辩证唯物主义认识论(见认识论)theory of knowledge of dialectical materialism  blanZhengweiwOZ卜U丫1 rens卜jlUn辩证唯物主义认识论(t heory ofkn。wle此eofd坛lectical mater认价皿)见认识论。