思想前提,ideological premise
1)ideological premise思想前提

1.Seeking Truth from Facts--the Ideological Premise for the Development of Scientific Rationality in China科学理性在中国发展的思想前提——实事求是
2.The Premise to Realize the Important Thought of the "Three Represents";自觉践行“三个代表”重要思想的前提
3.Survey of the Premises of the Valid Estimation of Ideological and Political Education思想政治教育有效性评价的前提审视
4.Evaluate the ideological situation of poverty-stricken undergraduates is a prerequisite for doing good ideological education work.把握特困生的思想状况,是做好特困生思想教育工作的前提。
5.To Discuss New Idea and New Policy of the Eighth Congress of the CCP;略论中共八大前后党提出的新思想、新方针
6.On the Premise and key of Joining the Party "in Mind"in the New Period;论新时期党员从“思想上”入党的前提和关键
7.Origin of Schiller s Conception of Aestheti Education ──Theoretical Premise and Philosophical Foundation;席勒美育思想产生的哲学基础和理论前提
8.Probe into Premise and Guarantee s Thinking of Deng Xiaoping s Collective wealth;邓小平关于共同富裕前提与保障的思想探析
9.Emancipating Mind is the Theoretical Precondition in Implementing Scientific Development解放思想是贯彻落实科学发展观的理论前提
10.As early as two thousand years ago,scholars of the Confucian school put forward the systematic management notion of man being the basis.而我国儒家学者们早在2000多年前就提出了系统的人本管理思想。
11.Not long ago, in order to educate people in the revolutionary outlook, some localities again raised the slogan, "Foster proletarian ideology and eliminate bourgeois ideology".前些时候有的地方为了进行革命思想的教育,重提“兴无灭资”的口号。
12.Uncertainty penetrates in our thought and action, which is the presupposition and basis in various theory.不确定性渗透在人类的思想、行动之中,是各种理论的前提和基础。
13.From Dialogue between Myoshu and Yutei to Deus Refuted:A Case Study of the Hesitation of the 17~(th) Century Japanese Thinkers;从《妙贞问答》到《破提宇子》:十七世纪前期日本宗教思想界的徘徊
14.Anti-Corruption Drive of a College: A Prerequisite for Ensuring College Students on an Ideologically and Politically Sound Track;高校的反腐败斗争是做好大学生思想政治工作的一个重要前提
15.The Prerequisite of Distribution and Order -- possible lines of Hayek s thought;分工与秩序的前提性准备——哈耶克思想的可能路数
16.Morality and State: Two Premises of Modern Market - oriented Economy -New Interpretation of Adam Smith s Thoughts;道德与国家:市场经济的两个前提——对亚当·斯密思想的新解读
17.A heads-up. It means to let you know in advance.提前通知。意思让你提前知道。
18.Taoism, Pre-Taoism and Origin of Laozi′s Doctrine;“道家”·前道家思想·老子思想源头

thinking origins思想前孕
3)earlier thought前期思想
4)modern philosophies前沿思想
5)think over again and again前思后想
6)premised reflection前提反思
1.Philosophy of teaching is the premised reflection of teaching ideas;教学哲学是教学思想的前提反思
2.Philosophy of education is the premised reflection of educational ideas.教育哲学是反思教育思想前提的学问,对象是教育思想,方法是前提反思,任务是反思教育思想的前提,揭示教育思想和教育实践的合理性,目的是形成对教育的整体的和根本的认识及系统的教育观,沟通教育的必然、实然和应然之间的联系。

人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)people's army, thought of  renmin iundui sixiQng人民军队思想(pe叩le’s~y,thought(毛泽东关于建设一支由无产阶级政党领的、以马克思列宁主义作指导的新型人民队问题的理性认识,是毛泽东军事思想的要组成部分。见毛泽东军事思想。、,声.2﹃了‘j