当代转换,contemporary transformation
1)contemporary transformation当代转换

1.On the Political-Ethical Meaning and Contemporary Transition of “Zhong” and “Xin”;论“忠”与“信”的政治伦理意蕴与当代转换
2.Construction of the Citizen Morals and Contemporary Transformation of Confucianism Ethical Resources公民道德建设与儒家伦理资源的当代转换
3.From Traditional Development Concept to Scientific Development Concept:Contemporary Conversion of Development Concept;从传统发展观到科学发展观:发展观的当代转换
4.The Contemporary Transition of Marxist Theory of Aesthetic Ideology;马克思主义审美意识形态论的当代转换
5.The Modernity of Marx Philosophy and the Transition of Contemporary Philosophical Ontology;当代哲学的本体论转换与马克思哲学的当代性
6.The Political Analysis on the Transformation of Contemporary Chinese Farmers Status;当代中国农民身份转换的政治学思考
7.The Study about the Orientation of Administrative Pattern in Contemporary China;当代中国政府管理模式转换途径研究
8.Transformation of "The Poem Speaking out the Poet′s Ideal" and Construction of Contemporary Literary Theory;“诗言志”的转换与当代文学理论建设
9.The Changing Theme and Future Trend in Philosophical Research;当代哲学研究主题的转换及未来走势
10.Present-day Civilization Development and Cleaning Transforming of Energy Resources Structure;当代文明发展与能源结构清洁化转换
11.The Analysis of the Basis and Significance of the Change of the Theme of the World;试析当代世界主题转换的依据和意义
12.From Adaptation to Construction--the transition of training pattern at the present age;从认同到建构——当代学习模式的转换
13.The Principal Contradiction of the Present Chinese Society and Countermeasures;当代中国社会主要矛盾的转换及对策
14.On the Transformation of Contemporary Teacher Education Form in Our Country论当代我国教师教育形态转换的路向
15.Why cannot Chinese Modern Engraving Turn to the Contemporary?--Engraving Aphonia and Language Transfer中国现代版画何以不能转向当代?——版画之失语与语言转换
16.The Ideas of Rule of Law Reform and Its Thinking Mode s Conversions in Contemporary China;当代中国法治理念的变革及其思维方式的转换
17.Sinolization of Marxism and Transformation of Contemporary Discourse Systems;马克思主义中国化与当代话语系统转换
18.Information Culture Trend and the Transformation of Contemporary Aesthetic Culture;信息文化潮流与当代审美文化的范式转换

philosophy basis of the orient societies当代性转换
3)Modern Transformation当代转型
1.On Chinese Traditional Mediation System and Its Modern Transformation;论中国的传统调解及其当代转型
2.Hence,it depicts the basic meaning of Chinese traditional ethics from the point of view of its development,and clarifies the precondition and foundation of modern transformation to make it clear that under modern condition it is inevitable to make it transform.因此,文章从中国传统伦理的发展和特征来把握其基本内涵,以明确其实现当代转型的前提和基础,进而从传统伦理的当下境遇提出其实现转型的必然性,最后提出转型的意义和出路。
4)a contemporary transition当代转折
5)modern or contemporary transition现当代转型
6)the Transformation Period in contemporary当代转型期

可转换证券的转换价值 可转换证券的转换价值——  如果一种可转换证券可以立即转让,它可转换的普通股票的市场价格与转换比率的乘积就是可转换证券的转换价值,即转换价值等于普通股票的市价乘以转换比率。