休闲美学,leisure aesthetics
1)leisure aesthetics休闲美学
1.The thoughts of leisure aesthetics, abundant and rich, date back to antiquity in China.中国的休闲美学思想发源很早,蕴藏丰富。
2)Research Summary of Leisure Aesthetics休闲美学研究综述
3)Leisure Philosophy休闲哲学
1.From the visual angle,Leisure Philosophy was probed,in this Paper.本文从哲学视角透视了休闲哲学 ,呼吁重视和加强对此领域的学术研
2.The article considers that leisure is an behavior of people persuring happiness and enjoyment,the leisure philosophy of the Confucionists is built on three leisure elements,which are "becoming"theory,experiencing theory and institution theory of leisure.本文从“成为”理论、体验理论、建制理论角度探讨儒家休闲哲学的基本内涵。
3.In the perspective of leisure philosophy, leisure demand is the essential factor of Carnival s success in china.从休闲哲学的角度来看 ,休闲需求是环球嘉年华在中国成功的根本原因 ,对传统技术的成功整合与创新应用是其成功的关键 ,而文化创新是其成功的重要保证。
4)leisure studies休闲学
1.Science has its basic form,content and method,by which the basic causes and issues,and basic content and method concerning leisure studies can be addressed.科学具有其基本的形式、内容和方法,根据这个方法论,通过演绎的方法,探讨了休闲学研究的基本原因、基本问题、基本内容和基本方法等问题,最终建立起一个新的休闲学理论体系。
2.If leisure studies should be developed as a discipline, we need to define its core conceptions,clarify its nature and study how to develop it into a discipline.要发展作为学科的休闲学,必须要确定休闲学的核心概念,必须要明晰休闲学的学科性质,必须要注重如何使休闲研究发展成为一个学科。

1.A Research on the Construction and Development of Leisure Specialty in Colleges and Universities: A Review on Three Kinds of Textbooks for Leisure Education;国内高校休闲学专业建设与发展现状浅析——兼评三种休闲学教材
2.The Form of Science and Some Issues Related to Leisure Studies;科学的形式与休闲学的几个基本问题
3.Review on Domestic and Foreign Leisure Research: On the Establishment of Leisure Discipline in China;国内外休闲研究扫描——兼谈建立我国休闲学科体系的设想
4.Research of Leisure Behavior and Motive of College Student and Prediction of Leisure Market;大学生休闲行为和休闲动机研究——兼对大学生休闲市场的预测
5.Internal Cultivation:the Philosophy and Culture Connotation of Literary Leisure and Leisure Literature;“内养”:文学休闲与休闲文学的哲学文化内涵
6.Philosophical contemplation of the essence of sports leisure--Also a discussion about the relations between sports leisure and leisure sports体育休闲本质的哲学思考——兼论体育休闲与休闲体育的关系
7.A Survey of Leisure Constraints and Leisure Boredom of College Students;大学生休闲障碍及休闲无聊感的调查研究
8.Leisure: Suitable for both Refined and Popular--Including the Effect of Leisure to Scientific Innovation;休闲:雅俗皆宜——论休闲对科学创新的作用
9.University Students Recreational Education and University Library s Cultural Recreation Function;大学生休闲教育与高校图书馆文化休闲功能
10.Relationship between College Students' Leisure Behavior and Leisure Satisfaction大学生休闲行为与休闲满意度的相关研究
11.The Relationship among Leisure Motivation、Leisure Satisfaction and SWB in College Students;大学生休闲动机、休闲满意度与主观幸福感的关系
12.View Leisure Sports from the Perspective of Sociology--Try to discuss the function of leisure sports to constructing harmonious society;从社会学视角看休闲体育——试论休闲体育对构建和谐社会的作用
13.Music Entertainment:A Friend and Doctor in the Soul--Also Discussing the Music Entertainment and Health;音乐休闲:心灵的朋友和医生——兼谈大学生音乐休闲与健康
14.The Sociological Analysis of Leisure Hot Spot of "Nong Jia Le" --An investigation about ecologically tourist trade of Tuan Jie town;“农家乐”休闲热的社会学分析——对团结乡生态休闲旅游业的调查
15.Leisure and Scientific Creation:A Case Study of Albert Einstein休闲与科学创造——以爱因斯坦为例
16.An Investigation of the Status of Leisure Sports in the Universities of Anhui Province;安徽省高校大学生休闲体育调查研究
17.Ancient Chinese Intellectual s Leisure Life and Literature Creation;中国古代文人的休闲人生与文学创造
18.Study on the Construction of Service System for Recreational Sports of University Student;构建大学生休闲体育服务体系的研究

Research Summary of Leisure Aesthetics休闲美学研究综述
3)Leisure Philosophy休闲哲学
1.From the visual angle,Leisure Philosophy was probed,in this Paper.本文从哲学视角透视了休闲哲学 ,呼吁重视和加强对此领域的学术研
2.The article considers that leisure is an behavior of people persuring happiness and enjoyment,the leisure philosophy of the Confucionists is built on three leisure elements,which are "becoming"theory,experiencing theory and institution theory of leisure.本文从“成为”理论、体验理论、建制理论角度探讨儒家休闲哲学的基本内涵。
3.In the perspective of leisure philosophy, leisure demand is the essential factor of Carnival s success in china.从休闲哲学的角度来看 ,休闲需求是环球嘉年华在中国成功的根本原因 ,对传统技术的成功整合与创新应用是其成功的关键 ,而文化创新是其成功的重要保证。
4)leisure studies休闲学
1.Science has its basic form,content and method,by which the basic causes and issues,and basic content and method concerning leisure studies can be addressed.科学具有其基本的形式、内容和方法,根据这个方法论,通过演绎的方法,探讨了休闲学研究的基本原因、基本问题、基本内容和基本方法等问题,最终建立起一个新的休闲学理论体系。
2.If leisure studies should be developed as a discipline, we need to define its core conceptions,clarify its nature and study how to develop it into a discipline.要发展作为学科的休闲学,必须要确定休闲学的核心概念,必须要明晰休闲学的学科性质,必须要注重如何使休闲研究发展成为一个学科。
5)leisure literature休闲文学
1.Contrast with this, the leisure literature which stresses literary leisure got the same philosophy and culture connotation.休闲方式多种多样 ,都出自人的或生理或心理上的需要 ,其中有一种文学休闲 ,本文作者认为它体现了中国传统的内养文化内涵 ,相应地 ,突出文学休闲作用的休闲文学也就具有了同样的哲学文化内涵。
2.This thesis focuses on the leisure literature of late Ming, and the purpose is to rethink the late Ming literature from a new perspective.本论文以晚明休闲文学为研究对象,从休闲学角度阐述晚明文学,重新解读晚明文学,发掘古代文学中的休闲因素,更好地展示中国古代文学的当代意义,使之在当代得到更好的普及与利用,为当代休闲文学的发展提供有益借鉴。
6)literature for leisure休闲文学
1.It is an undisputalbe fact that literature for leisure has been popular in China.休闲文学在我国“悄然勃兴”已是不争的事实 ,但对其特征的概括以及对其意义的认识却不尽一致。

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