审美化生存,Aesthetic survival
1)Aesthetic survival审美化生存

1.Aesthetic Salvation: from "Classy Life" to "Classical Living";审美救赎论:从“人生的艺术化”到“审美化生存
2.Secularized Rise and Aesthetic Existence of the Popular Culture;大众文化的世俗化崛起与审美化生存
3.On the Aesthetic Living Wisdom--Research into Aesthetic Culture in Qinghai(Part two);审美生存的智慧——青海审美文化研究之二
4.Communism:Unifying of Modernization and Aesthetic Existence共产主义:现代化与审美生存的统一
5.Art Living--A Study Outline of the Aesthetic Culture in Contemporary Guangxi Literature;艺术化生存——当代广西文学的审美文化研究论纲
6.Study on Aesthetic Culture in Guangxi Contemporary Literature;艺术化生存——当代广西文学的审美文化研究
7.A Probe into the Characteristics of Aesthetic Survival of the Dong Nationality;诗意的生存——侗族审美生存特征初探
8.Aestheticism and Life-Rethinking on the Aestheticalization of Daily Life;审美与生活——日常生活审美化再思考
9.Aesthetic Existence of Mass Culture and Modern Critique of Aesthetic大众文化的审美存在与审美现代性批判
11.On the Framework of Contemporary "Aestheticization"-- From"aesthetic turning into everyday life" to "the aestheticization of everyday life";当代“审美泛化”的全息结构——从“审美日常生活化”到“日常生活审美化”
12.Brief Analysis of the value of Young Females in Novels about Tradition and Human Relationships in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.;明清世情小说中女性在两种文化下的审美意蕴和生存价值
13.The Aesthetics of Daily Life and the Defamiliarization of Aesthetics for Contemporary Woman s Body;日常生活审美化与当代女性身体审美的陌生化
14.On the limit of aesthetic life;长歌当哭之后——审美生存限度之考察
15.The Aesthetic ldea of Classic Ecological Existentialism in Taoism;老庄道家古典生态存在论审美观新说
16.The Contemporary Significance of the Study on Aesthetic Culture Ecology and Its History;审美文化生态和审美文化史研究的当代意义
17.The Criticism for Aestheticization of Everyday Life: Perishing and Surmounting on Esthetic;日常生活审美化批判:审美的沉沦与超越
18.A Study on Ecological Environment and Aesthetic Consciousness;论生态环境与审美意识——青海审美文化研究之一

aesthetic existence审美生存
1.Marx s aesthetic existence idea based on the particular theory background : the background of thought history is the tradition of western intellectualism philosophy that covered human s existence ; the direct theory source includes German classical philosophy , British political economics and French socialism doctrine .审美生存是生存的理想方式,也是人生存于世界的本质规定,对审美生存的追求是贯穿马克思学说的一条红线。
2.The solution to predicament of modernization is to build aesthetic existence by historical and materialist methods.现代化的困境体现在人与自然、人与人、人与自身的发展矛盾等方面,坚持历史唯物主义基础上的审美生存是现代化困境的拯救之维,审美的本质、功能和社会作用是克服人与自然、人与人、人自身发展矛盾、实现人与世界和谐的有效途径。
3.He restored the world to its original beauty with uselessness,and transformed the practical relation between man and the world into a connection that transcended utility,thus opening up a new world of aesthetic existence.庄子以"无用之用"反对世人的"有用之用",以审美人性之大用反对以实用为大用的知识观、道德观和艺术观,以"无用"还原世界本真的美,在人与世界单纯的实用关系之外,开出审美生存的新天地,其审美生存的思想对于当今的人文反思有着直接的借鉴意义。
3)aesthetic survival审美生存
1.This paper, guided by theories of ecological aesthetics, probes into the characteristics of aesthetic survival of the Dong nationality-singing as a means of entertainment, harmony as the aesthetic ideal, humor as the aesthetic delight.运用生态美学的理论为指导 ,对侗族审美生存特征进行探讨。
4)The Ideal of Aesthetic Existence审美化的生存理想
5)Individual's Aesthetic Survival个体的审美化生存
6)aesthetic existence experience审美生存体验
