一个经验,an experience
1)an experience一个经验
1.The third is to elaborate Deweyian “experience” and his special concept “an experience”.第一是“活的生物”,说明这个概念与他的一元论哲学之间的关系;第二是杜威美学寻求连续性的特点,其中包括恢复艺术与非艺术的连续性,高雅艺术与通俗艺术的连续性,以及美的艺术与实用的或技术的艺术之间的连续性;第三是杜威的“经验”概念和“一个经验”的观点;第四是杜威的“表现”论;最后,归结到杜威关于艺术与生活关系的论述上来,说明日常生活审美化不是艺术的消亡,而是世界的艺术化。

1.That young man is a experienced seaman.那个年轻人是一个经验丰富的水手。
2.He is an experienced tailor.他是一个经验丰富的裁缝。
3.From inexperience to experience, one must go through a process.从没有经验到有经验,要有一个过程。
4.She was a housewife of experience.她是一个有经验的主妇。
5.An unforgettable experience.一个不会被遗忘的经验
6.an inexperienced and untrained recruit.一个没有经验和未经训练的新入伍。
7.the experience of thinking that a new situation had occurred before.感觉一个新情景曾经发生过的经验。
8.This approach has been tried with good results; Test this recipe.这个方法经检验结果不错;检验一下这个处方。
9.(Note to "Good Experience in Consolidating a Co-operative")(《一个整社的好经验》一文按语)。
10.It is the mixture of the politics between transcendentalism and experientialism.政治理念本身是一个先验性和经验性的混合体。
11.Strategic Remuneration in China:an Embedded View and Its Empirical Test战略薪酬在中国:一个嵌入观点及其经验检验
12.The Sprint phase is an empirical process.冲刺阶段是一个完全根据经验的过程。
13.I trust my affairs to an experienced lawyer. (或:I trust an experienced lawyer with my affairs.)我把事情委托给一个有经验的律师。
14.When it comes to business dealings, he is still a child.提到商业交易,他还是一个没经验的人。
15.Experiences mature him.经验使他成为一个成熟的人。
16.Problem solving is a test of a good manager .解决问题是对一个好经理的检验。
17.It can give you an opportunity to round out your experience.这会给你一个机会来充实你的经验。
18.He is a rule-of-thumb photographer.他是一个靠经验摄影的摄影家。

individual experience个体经验
1.Trust model based on individual experience;基于个体经验的信任模型研究(英文)
2.To improve the trust evaluation accuracy of the DyTrust model,solve the problem of rough granularity of the trust model,and deal with the trust evaluation problems caused by individual experience,based on the DyTrust model,an improved algorithm of trust evaluation was presented after using an experiential factor and the particular services of nodes.为了提高DyTrust模型信任评价的准确度,解决信任模型的粒度比较粗糙以及节点的个体经验对信任评价带来影响的问题,在DyTrust模型的基础上,通过对节点所提供的服务进行细化和引入经验因子的方法,提出了一种改进的信任评价算法。
3.They tonk the composing stance of the narration at the edge and the angle of view of the fixation and inner focusing to describe and manifest much trend the presently social and individual life trueness and existence trueness by the special point of view in the dense subject color story with the intense individual experience an.他们以在边缘处叙述的写作姿态,固定式内聚焦的视角,在强烈的带有个体经验与个体记忆的主观化色彩浓厚的故事中,从特定角度对当下社会和当下个体的生命真实和存在真实进行了多方位的描述和表现,言说了自我对现实的思考,完成了对文学与现实关系的理解。
3)personal experience个体经验
1.From personal experience to literature writing, she creates various female images with the characteristics of blocked, silent, absent and dependent, in order to uncover the chronic illness of the society and arouse people s attention and treatment.张爱玲是一位女性意识极强的作家,从而在其文本创作中体现出强烈的女性主义倾向,她以个体经验走入文本创作之中,塑造了具有内囿、沉默、匮乏、依附等特征的女性形象以揭示痼疾,引起疗救,在"五四"以来的现代女性文学史上,有着不同寻常的意义。
4)individual experience个人经验
1.Secondly, the connection between individual experience and literature history.一是文学与史的关系;二是个人经验与文学史的关系;三是作家与文学史的关系。
5)experience generalization经验一般
6)unified field of experience统一经验场

一个萝卜一个坑1.谓做事认真踏实,亦有拘执呆板意。 2.比喻一顶一,各有专职或各占一席之地。