自然适意,natural and simple life
1)natural and simple life自然适意
2)reform of nature适应自然
1.Because of limitation of human ability in reform of nature,it is necessary to use both of adapting means and reform means to cope with the nature.探讨了人与自然和谐相处的含义,认为从人类改造自然的能力有限性出发,人类必须同时运用适应自然和改造自然两手段去应对自然。

1.Development and Application of a Gaze-Tracking System Adapting to Natural Head-Movements一种可适应自然头动的视线追踪系统的研制及应用
2.This, of course, only refers to the women whom men fall in love with.自然,这只适应于为男人所爱的女人。
3.Language as an Adaptation by Natural Selection;语言——自然选择的一种适应(英文)
4.Self-Adaptive Maximum Likelihood Method for GPS Bit Synchronization一种自适应最大似然GPS比特同步方法
5.Adaptive Image Denoising Based on Maximum Likelihood Estimation基于最大似然估计的自适应图像降噪
6.Human motion tracking in natural scene based on adaptive model基于自适应模型的自然场景下人体跟踪
7.The Acculturation Viewed from Reading Response to Naturalistic Novels in Late-19th Century s Britain;从自然主义在英国的读者反应看文化适应问题
8.Maise, millet and kaoliang adapt readily to varying natural conditions.玉米、小米和高粱较易适应不同的自然条件。
9.They are adapted to various climates, soils and other natural conditions.它们能适应各种气候、壤和其他自然条件。
10.Four, ability for physiological adjustment most importantly the ability to adjust to the natural world.四,生理调节能力,主要指对自然环境的适应能力。
11.Studies on the Ecological Adaptability of Growing Rice with Floating Bed on the Natural Waters自然水域无土栽培水稻的生态适应性研究
12.The Research on the Cedar Resistance to the Cold under the Situation of Naturally Decreasing in Temperature;自然降温过程中雪松抗寒性及其适应性的研究
13.J.A.Comenius Principle of Natural Adaptability and Its Practical Significance;夸美纽斯自然适应性原则及其现实意义
14.Discussion on the Mutuality and Suitability of the Herzhes Traditional Culture and the Nature;试论赫哲族传统文化与自然环境的互动和适应
15.The Study of Adaptive Active Noise Control for the Nature Gas Booster Station天然气增压站自适应主动降噪技术研究
16.Self-adaptive Control of Air-fuel Ratio for Lean Burn CNG Engine Based on GPC基于GPC的稀燃天然气发动机空燃比自适应控制
17.Adaptive on-line registration algorithm based on GLR基于广义似然比的自适应在线配准算法
18.But what is true of the natural world is true also of society.然而适用于自然界的,也适用于社会。

reform of nature适应自然
1.Because of limitation of human ability in reform of nature,it is necessary to use both of adapting means and reform means to cope with the nature.探讨了人与自然和谐相处的含义,认为从人类改造自然的能力有限性出发,人类必须同时运用适应自然和改造自然两手段去应对自然。
3)adaptability to nature自然适应
1.Based on thought of nature,it stresses that healthy housing design should reflect"outlook on nature","adaptability to nature"and"coordination with nature".从健康住宅的基本需求和基本特点入手,对如何创建健康住宅进行了分析;突出强调健康住宅设计需要自然优先的设计理念和方法,并着重提出我国健康住宅设计中基于自然思考应该体现在自然观、自然适应、与自然协作的技术三个方面。
4)fitting to nature适性自然
5)natural consciousness自然意识
1.The paper draws a conclusion that the natural consciousness is the key of each development concept which is founded and replaced by analyzing the three stages above.本文认为自然意识是这三种人地关系类型确立和更替的关键。
2.With the New Criticism and Deconstructionism the author of this paper probes into the growth of Isaac McCaslin,the hero of The Bear,with the conclusion that the Bear calls for natural consciousness and social morality.麦卡斯林的成长过程进行了分析,认为“熊”是在呼唤自然意识和社会道德。
3.It indicates that we must rectify the natural philosophy, then grasp the key of shaping the natural consciousness to match it.人类只有从变革传统的自然哲学入手 ,紧紧抓住自然意识建设这个中心环节 ,才是解决目前人类面临的各种资源环境危机与实施可持续发展的有效办法和根本出路。
6)the natural meaning自然意蕴
