人类社会发展,social development of human being
1)social development of human being人类社会发展

1.A Study on the Relations of the Society Law of Development and the Socialist Construction Rule;论人类社会发展规律与社会主义建设规律关系
2.A Research on the Relations Between Ideological Emancipation and Development of Human Society;思想解放与人类社会发展的关系研究
3.Improving the Writing Ability Needs of Social Development;提高写作能力是人类社会发展的需要
4.The history of human social development is one of human emancipation.人类社会发展史就是一部个人解放的历史。
5.The stock market is the inevitable outcome of the development of human society.股市是人类社会发展到一定阶段的必然产物。
6.Committee on Human Development and Civil Society人类发展和公民社会委员会
7.Social Development, Population and Human Settlement Division社会发展、人口和人类住区司
9.Actionable Agenda for Human and Social Development in the 1990s and Beyond 1990年代及其后人类和社会发展行动议程
10.Social Development, Environment and Human Settlement Division社会发展、环境和人类住区司
11.Harmony:The Essence That Social History Of Mankind Develop Incline To;和谐:人类社会历史发展的本质趋向
12.The Division of the Stages of Human Society Based on a Mathematic Model;用数学模型表现人类社会的发展阶段
13.To make deeper cognition for the development regulations of human social history;深化对人类社会历史发展规律的认识
14.The development of human society is the development history of a philosophy social science.人类社会的发展就是一部哲学社会科学的发展史。
15.Marxist theory will advance and so will socialist theory; They will both advance as social practice and science advance.马克思主义要发展,社会主义理论要发展,要随着人类社会实践的发展和科学的发展而向前发展。
16.It is inevitable that the development of human society will come to depend more and more on the ocean.人类社会的发展必然会越来越多地依赖海洋。
17.the developmental history of the society tells us that man has evolved from apes.社会发展史告诉我们, 人是从类人猿进化而来 的.
18.The developmental history of the society tells us that man has evolved from the ape.社会发展史告诉我们人是从类人猿进化来的。

development of human society人类社会的发展
1.Any individual person s development can t do without the development of human society because the latter is the historic presupposition of the former.但不管哪一种人的发展都离不开人类社会的发展。
3)the law of the social development人类社会发展的规律
4)the society law of development人类社会发展规律
1.The relations between the society law of development and the socialist construction rule are the most important topics of the time and the major problems to solve.人类社会发展规律与社会主义建设规律的关系是马克思主义研究的时代课题之一,是社会主义建设必须解决的重大问题之一。
5)sustainable development of human society人类社会可持续发展
6)Social Personality Development社会人格发展

社会结构(见人类社会)社会结构(见人类社会)social structure  shehul〕legou社会结构(、oeialstruct“re)见人类社会。