理学美学,Neo-Confucian aesthetics
1)Neo-Confucian aesthetics理学美学
2)aesthetic geography美学地理学
1.Diversity:objective foundation of aesthetic geography;多样性:美学地理学的客观基础
3)ethical aesthetics伦理学美学
1.His emphasis on the subjectivity, classification of the senses of beauty and sublimation and his ideas of ethical aesthetics in "The Observation" are succeeded and developed in the later "The Critique of Judgement", which transcends the empirical method in "The Observation" at the level of transcendenta.《观察》中对主体性的强调、对美感和崇高感的分类、以及伦理学美学思想都为后来的《判断力批判》所继承和发挥,而《判断力批判》则在先验哲学的层面上对《观察》中的经验主义方法实现了超越。
4)aesthetic pathology美学病理学
5)physiology of aesthetics美学生理学
1.He thought that this should be the task of a new subject:physiology of aesthetics.尼采以“肉体——生命”为尺度重估一切价值,颠覆了西方的整个形而上学体系,也对西方的思辨美学提出了质疑,尼采主张应从“肉体——生命”的角度重新研究美和艺术对于人生的意义,尼采认为承担这一研究的学科应当是美学生理学。

1.Nietzche's Subversion of Aesthetics--A Tentative Analysis of Nietzche's Physiology of Aesthetics尼采对美学的颠覆——试论尼采的美学生理学
2.Application of Aesthetics in Bed-side Pediatrics Teaching for Medical Students;美学原理在医学生儿科学临床教学中的应用
3.On American College Students Afairs Administration of Promoting Their Individual Development;促进学生个性发展的美国大学学生事务管理
4.On the Role of Art Teaching in Training the students Health Psychology;美术教学对培养学生健康心理的作用
5.Artification of Life--On Michel Foucault s aesthetic ethics;论生活的艺术化——谈福柯的美学伦理学
6.Observing the Managerial Expertise of the American Community Colleges from a Student Handbook;从《学生手册》看美国社区学院的管理
7.Effects of Shaping ExercisesTeaching on Nurturing Psychological Quality of College Students;健美操教学对大学生心理素质的培养
8.The Influence of Aerobics on Students Psychological Quality;健美操教学对大学生心理素质的影响
9.Analysis about the Esthetic Psychology of University Students Learning and Library Esthetic Coaching;大学生学习审美心理分析与图书馆审美辅导
10.The application of student development theories in practice introduction to US s student development theories;学生发展理论在学生事务管理中的应用——美国学生发展理论简介
11.The aesthetics of the tea art is both of life and existence.茶艺美学是生活美学,也是人生美学。
12.The aesthetic education of university student of science and technology is to be strengthened应加强对理工科大学生的科学与技术美学教育
14.Analyzing Ecological Ethics and Ecological Aesthetics from the Perspective of Process Philosophy;生态伦理与生态审美的过程哲学解析
15.What do American students study at college?美国学生在大学学什么?
16.EA is the theory of rumination about human EA conception.生态美学是对人类生态审美观念反思的理论。
17.A Case Study on Perfectionism of College Students with Majoring in Psychology;心理学专业大学生完美主义心理个案研究
18.Get students to discover and appreciate beauty. Raise their sense of art.让学生发现美、赏美、养学生的审美情趣。

aesthetic geography美学地理学
1.Diversity:objective foundation of aesthetic geography;多样性:美学地理学的客观基础
3)ethical aesthetics伦理学美学
1.His emphasis on the subjectivity, classification of the senses of beauty and sublimation and his ideas of ethical aesthetics in "The Observation" are succeeded and developed in the later "The Critique of Judgement", which transcends the empirical method in "The Observation" at the level of transcendenta.《观察》中对主体性的强调、对美感和崇高感的分类、以及伦理学美学思想都为后来的《判断力批判》所继承和发挥,而《判断力批判》则在先验哲学的层面上对《观察》中的经验主义方法实现了超越。
4)aesthetic pathology美学病理学
5)physiology of aesthetics美学生理学
1.He thought that this should be the task of a new subject:physiology of aesthetics.尼采以“肉体——生命”为尺度重估一切价值,颠覆了西方的整个形而上学体系,也对西方的思辨美学提出了质疑,尼采主张应从“肉体——生命”的角度重新研究美和艺术对于人生的意义,尼采认为承担这一研究的学科应当是美学生理学。
6)psychology of aesthetics美学心理学

《当代西方电影的美学思想》  中国电影理论专著。李幼蒸著。中国社会科学出版社1986年出版。全书分《绪论》、《电影语言》、《电影表现与现实》、《电影"作者"、作品与观众的结构分析》、《反传统电影潮流》和《先锋派电影的实践与理论》 6章21节;介绍了当代西方电影美学研究的重要发展和面临的基本问题;论述了60~70年代西方主要电影美学理论,特别是结构主义和符号学电影理论的基本概念和观点,还涉及电影中的科学研究、哲理表达等问题。