实践创造论,Practical creativity
1)Practical creativity实践创造论
2)practice and creation实践创造
1.The construction functions of Marxism dialectics lie in the scientific discovery,law reproduction,future prediction,practice and creation,etc.马克思主义辩证法具有科学发现、规律再现、未来预见、实践创造等建设功能。

1.Practice makes perfect. --Christopher Anstey实践创造完美。——安斯蒂
2.Train Students Ability in Innovation and Practical Work by Carrying out Creative Education;实施创造教育,培养学生的创新精神和实践能力
3.Creative Reading and Practical Teaching;创造性阅读与语文阅读教学实践分析
4.Practice Research of the Creative Thinking Training in Junior Grade One;初一学生“创造性思维”训练实践与研究
5.Upholding Tradition Practising Innovation Building the Highland of Cultivating Person;秉承传统 实践创新 打造人才培养高地
6.WQ Studying Plays an Important Role in Creative Practice;意商研究在创造实践中具有重要地位
7.Theory And Practice Focus On Fostering Innovation Talents;造就创新人才——教育理论与实践的核心
8.The Cleft Tongue-the Writing Practice of "the Novel Modified by the Body"《裂舌》——“身体改造小说”的创作实践
9.The Special Lesson of the Aerobics Trains Students to Practise the Experiment with Innovative Ability to Study;健美操实践教学模式培养学生创造能力的实施
10.The Process of Sinicizing Marxism;创造性运用和运用性创造:马克思主义中国化的实践观察
11.How to Develop Creativity-Theoretical Research and Practice of Creativity-Oriented Teaching of "Skin Texture;如何培养创造力?——肌理构成创造教学法的探索与实践
12.Strengthening Construction of Practice-Instruction Bases Inside and Outside Campus to Create the Practising Platform for Training Enterprising Talents加强校内外实践教学基地建设 打造创业型人才培养实践平台
13.A Study and Practice of the Developing of Creative Thinking in Chinese Teaching in Junior Middle Schools;初中语文教学中创造性思维培养的研究与实践
14.A Practical Research into Training Students Creative Thinking in Poetry Teaching;在诗歌教学中培养学生创造性思维的实践研究
15.Practice and Exploration of Cultivating Students Creativity in English Teaching;英语教学中培养学生创造力的实践与探索
16.The Theory and Practice Research about the Recreation Teaching in the Mathematics of High School;高中数学“再创造”教学的理论和实践研究
17.A Study of Theory and Practice on Human Resource Creativity Development in Enterprise;企业人力资源创造力开发的理论与实践研究
18.The Study Of Some Theoretical And Practical Problems In Creative Teaching;创造性教学的若干理论与实践问题研究

practice and creation实践创造
1.The construction functions of Marxism dialectics lie in the scientific discovery,law reproduction,future prediction,practice and creation,etc.马克思主义辩证法具有科学发现、规律再现、未来预见、实践创造等建设功能。
3)creative practice创造实践
1.In current domestic and international situations, creative practice has become the main practice style, and the WQ studying plays an important role in it.在当前的国际环境和国内形势下,创造实践已经成为人们的主要实践方式。
4)practice creation实践-创造
5)creative practice创造性实践
1.Because man s needs unavoidably develop into really creative practice , it is the creative practice that initiates the unity between man and nature, man and man s history in accordance with the purpose and law.人与动物的根本区别就在于人是一种具有自我表现、自我扩张、自我超越倾向的创造性动物,这种创造性的潜在形式就是意志,由于人的需要的推动必然发展为现实的创造性实践,正是创造性实践开辟了人与自然、人与人的历史的合目的性与合规律性的统一。
2.From the angle of view which concerned with the theory of dialectical unity of value and creative practice and based on the practice of building socialism with Chinese characteristics created and leaded by Deng Xiaoping,the aim of value advocated by Deng Xiaoping was demonstrated.本文从价值和创造性实践辩证统一的理论视角 ,以邓小平开创并领导的建设有中国特色的社会主义实践为现实基础 ,论述了邓小平的价值观是以“建设有中国特色的社会主义”为价值目标 ,以不断探索和创新的创造性实践为实现途径和实现动力 ,以“三个有利于”为价值评价标准的创造价值观。
6)creation and practice创造与实践
