审美存在论,Aesthetics on ontology thought
1)Aesthetics on ontology thought审美存在论
2)aesthetic being审美存在
1.Many were proved fruitless,originates from the ill perception for super-substance of aesthetic being.许多讨论之所以无功而返,在于缺乏对审美存在的超实体性的认识。

1.Aesthetic Existence of Mass Culture and Modern Critique of Aesthetic大众文化的审美存在与审美现代性批判
2.Thinking of the Nature of Life and Aesthetic Existence:The Essence of Marcuse s New Sensibility;生命本然与审美存在之思:马尔库塞新感性实质
3.Aesthetic System--The Existence Manner of Aesthetic Anthropology;审美制度——审美人类学的存在方式
4.Study the Difference of Aesthetic Taste between Poems of Tang and Song by Analysing Their Existing Forms;从诗歌存在形态看唐宋诗的审美异趣
5.The Philosophically Aesthetic Judgment on the Principle of Imagery Thinking Reality;对意象思维存在规律的哲学审美判断
6.The Aesthetic ldea of Classic Ecological Existentialism in Taoism;老庄道家古典生态存在论审美观新说
7.The Meaning of Guan as Chinese Classical Aesthetic Category;观:作为中国古典美学审美范畴的意义存在
9.How does ideology exist in aesthetic field?意识形态在审美领域的存在方式是什么?
10.Aesthetic Ideology and Being of Human in Literary Activities“审美意识形态论”与人在文学活动中的存在
11.Aesthetics and Humanity s Freedom Value;美学之存在或审美与人的自由价值——兼论生命美学的失误
12.Art Is the State of Esthetic Creation--on the existence way of art;艺术是物态化的审美创造——论艺术的存在方式
13.A Tentative Discussion on the Aesthetic Awareness of Classical Ecological Existentialism in Book of Songs;试论《诗经》中所蕴涵的古典生态存在论审美意识
14.Aesthetic and Cultural Reflections on Contemporary Chinese Advertising Art;存在与超越:当代中国广告艺术的审美文化反思
15.Examining the existent "Kua Fu"--On aesthetic solicitude of Franz Kafka s novels;追问存在的“夸父”——卡夫卡小说的审美关怀
16.The Ecological Structure of Man s Multilayer Existence and the Aesthetic Experience of Literature and Arts and Ecology;人多重存在的生态结构与文艺生态审美体验
17.A Discussion about Problems over Chinese Enterprise Internal-Auditing with Illustration of Case of WorldCom;从美国“世通案”看我国企业内部审计存在的问题
18.View on the Present Problems of Our Competitive Aerobics through New Rules;用新规则审视我国竞技健美操存在的几个问题

aesthetic being审美存在
1.Many were proved fruitless,originates from the ill perception for super-substance of aesthetic being.许多讨论之所以无功而返,在于缺乏对审美存在的超实体性的认识。
3)ancient existentialist ecological aesthetics古代存在论生态审美观
4)aesthetical view of ecological existentialism生态存在论审美观
1.The aesthetic interpretation of some classic texts is one of the important ways to explore the contemporary aesthetical view of ecological existentialism.当代生态存在论审美观探讨的重要途径之一,就是对于某些经典文本的审美解读。
5)Existential Aesthetics存在论美学
1.Existential Aesthetics of Hade gale plays a very important role in the western aesthetics and can exchange the idea with western aesthetics nearly in any times.海德格尔的存在论美学在西方美学史上具有重要的地位。
6)aesthetic life existence审美生命存在

存在主义伦理学(见存在主义)存在主义伦理学(见存在主义)existentialist ethics  cu陀012加yilun淞Ue存在主义伦理学(existeotialist ethics)见存在主丸