存在观,existential attitude
1)existential attitude存在观
2)objective existence客观存在
1.The hyposthesis means true objective existence.虚拟不是虚无 ,不是虚幻 ,不是虚假 ,虚拟是真实的客观存在。
2.The objective existence of universal value is incontestable;it is commonly viewed,global,spontaneous,contemporary and principled.普世价值的客观存在是不可否认的,其存在具有共识性、全球性、自发性、时代性和原则性等主要特点。

1.the state of actually existing objectively.实际客观存在的状态。
2.Preliminary Analysis of the Existence of Informal Organization in Enterprises;浅析非正式组织在企业中的客观存在
3.Matter objectively exists independent of human consciousness.物质是客观存在,不以人的意志为转移。
4.Everything that exist objectively can be understand.客观存在的每一件事都是可以理解的。
5.Everything that exists objectively can be understood.客观存在的事物都是能够被理解的。
6.Kilter Disease & Organic Disease :objective existence & subjective cognition;状态病与器官病——客观存在与主观认识的思考
7.A Discussion about How to Understand Objective Reality of Microscopic Matter;关于如何理解微观物质的客观存在的讨论
8.Objectivity means that the content reflected by the proof must be objective facts.客观性是指证据所反映的内容必须是客观存在的事实。
9.Religion is an objective social phenomenon and develops according to objective law.宗教作为客观存在的社会现象,有其自身发展的客观规律。
10.Our emotions exist and they are part of our personality.我们的情感客观存在着,是我们个性的一部分。
11.Class struggle is an objective reality, independent of man's will.阶级斗争是客观存在,不依人的意志为转移的。
12.The influences of biothythm on human beings universally exist objectively.生物节律对人体的影响也普遍地客观存在
13.Analysis of Existing and Influencing Factors of Home Advantage in CBA Regular Seasons;CBA常规赛主场优势客观存在及影响因素的分析
14.Objective Reality of China English as an English Language Variety;从国别语体看“中国英语”客观存在的合理性
15.Studies of Technology as the Objective Existence of Man-made Nature and Its Development;试论技术作为人工自然的客观存在及其进步
16.Influence of the Objective Existence of Emotional Quotient on Economic Operation;情商成功的客观存在性对经济运行的影响
17.This is an objective reality and a historical fact.这是客观的存在,历史的事实。
18.existing in or in conformity with nature or the observable world.存在于或与自然或客观世界一致的。

objective existence客观存在
1.The hyposthesis means true objective existence.虚拟不是虚无 ,不是虚幻 ,不是虚假 ,虚拟是真实的客观存在。
2.The objective existence of universal value is incontestable;it is commonly viewed,global,spontaneous,contemporary and principled.普世价值的客观存在是不可否认的,其存在具有共识性、全球性、自发性、时代性和原则性等主要特点。
3)objective reality客观存在
1.The fault is the objective reality of human activities, integrating with the development of human society and existing in all sides of the society.错误作为人类活动中的一种客观存在,存在于社会生活的各个方面。
2.Their Chinese way of thinking, therefore, is an objective reality, which to some extent disturb their study of English.因此,他们的汉语思维是一种客观存在,这种思维定势与英语的思維习惯确实存在着矛盾,在一定程度上对他们学习英语起着干扰(负迁移)作用。
4)the existential ideas存在主义观
1.John Fowles novel The French Lieutenant s Woman uncovers the existential ideas and the feminist tendencies of the author by Sala choice on the fate.福尔斯的《法国中尉的女人》中,萨拉对命运的抉择超越了维多利亚时代传统的束缚,获得了自由,体现了作者的存在主义观和女权主义倾向。
5)illiberal existence view粗鄙存在观
6)outlook on nihilistic existence虚无存在观
1.Wang Yuanxiang put forward the aesthetic transcendental theory in the process which overcome the outlook on illiberal existence which is began with human s absolute perfect condition and it is an outlook on nihilistic existence.但这种审美超越论却是从人类的某个绝对完美的状态出发的,是一种虚无存在观

存在主义伦理学(见存在主义)存在主义伦理学(见存在主义)existentialist ethics  cu陀012加yilun淞Ue存在主义伦理学(existeotialist ethics)见存在主丸