人性完善,perfect the human nature
1)perfect the human nature人性完善

1.Regression of Educational Value--From Utilitarian to Humanity Perfection;教育价值的回归——从功利到人性完善
2.The main goal of humanities is to develop human nature and perfect human dignity.人文学科的主要目标是发展人性完善人格。
3.Cultivating Perfect Human Nature, Creating Perfect Personality--Discussion about Handwriting and Aesthetic Education;培养完善人性 铸造完美人格——论书法与美育
4.Humanism service calls for consummating nursing services culture倡导人性化服务 完善护理服务文化
5.Perfect of human nature is fine value and target.人性的完善是人类追求的终极价值和目的。
6.The Essence Position and Functions Perfection of Judicila Police of the People s Procuratorate;人民检察院司法警察的性质定位和职权完善
7.From Heroism to Talk about the Cultivation of the Personality s Perfection and Individuality;从“侠义英雄主义”谈人格的完善与个性的培养
8.On the Deficiency and Perfection of Chinese Adult Higher Education;论我国成人高等教育公平性的缺失与完善
9.Self-Improvement of Personality of Male Characters in Poe s "Usher;从《危舍府的倒塌》看男性人格自我完善的趋势
11.the faultiness of man's reasoning power人类推理能力之不完善
12.Striving for Perfection in Contradiction-On Relation among Human Nature,Human Studies and Literature in Ancient China;在矛盾中完善自身——中国古代人性、人学、文学深层关系略论
13.The good life for human beings, then, is one in which this essential nature is most completely manifested.那么,对人来说,善的生活是这一特性得以完全展示的生活。
14.The Consummation of the Filing Reviewing System for the Standing Committee of Local People s Congress Normative Documents;地方人大常委会规范性文件备案审查制度之完善
15.A study on increasing the Tax exemption of Individual Income Tax;个人所得税免征额提高的效应分析及完善性研究
16.On the Construction and Perfection of Rural Financial Institution Liquidity Monitoring and Evaluation System;对建立完善农村法人金融机构流动性监测评价体系的探索与思考
17.Construction and consummation education system to strengthen the actual effect of law and discipline education in the countryside school;建构和完善育人体系 增强农村学校法纪教育的实效性
18.The course of making personality perfect and life more beautiful--thesis about the course of musical quality for non-musical major students.;完善人性、美化生活的课程——谈非音乐专业大学生音乐素质课程

perfect personality完善人格
1.The learning process comes from intuition to abstract,from geist to nous and from nous to practice,it is the increasing point of“diathesis education”,the intersection of“multi-thinking”,the growth point of“innovative thinking”,the developing point of“creating intelligence”,the acting point of“perfect personality”and the sustaining point of“innovative ability”,It is of unsubstitutable function.其学习过程由直觉到抽象、由感性到理性、由理性到实践,是“素质教育”增长点、“多种思维”交错点、“创新思维”生长点、“创造智能”发展点、“完善人格”着力点及“创新能力”持续点,对培养发展学生的完善人格和创新能力,具有其他学科不可替代的作用。
2.This view makes people reexamine what life value is and realize life leaming is the inexorable choice of survival and development,the only way to perfect personality,the impetus source of harmonious and continuous developing society.它使人们重新审视人生价值,认识终身学习是生存发展的必然选择,是完善人格的必由之路,是社会和谐、持续发展的动力源。
3.As a qualified grade adviser, he should have full of understanding his students and offer them appropriate guide on studying, getting along with others and forming perfect personality.作为一个合格的班主任 ,应该在充分了解学生的前提下 ,采取适当的方式 ,就学生的学习、与人相处和形成完善人格等方面给学生以恰当的引
3)perfection of personality人格完善
4)perfection of man人的完善
1.The purpose of the classical knowledge and virtue is the same for the perfection of man,and they are radicall.古典知识和德性的目的都是人的完善,在根本上是一致的,这就是苏格拉底的著名论断"德性即知识"的涵义。
5)consummate personality完善人格
1.A master is one owns consummate personality, which embodies the tension between the finite of human s situation and the infinity in his pursuit .完善人格体现了人类处境的有限性与其理想追求的无限性之间的张力。
6)perfect person完善的人
1.And the dissimilation of human being and the loss in human spirit world have appeared, which has caused the disintegration of "perfect person", enhanced the dissimilation of education and learning, and intensified the instrumentality, systemization, rationalization, scientism, mechaniza.技术理性时代科学、技术、理性在一定意义上成为统治人的异己力量,出现了人的异化,人的精神世界的失落,导致了"完善的人"的消解,加剧了教育异化、学习异化,加剧了学校教育工具化、制度化、理性化、科学化、机械化和终身化。

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