本体论性,ontological nature
1)ontological nature本体论性
1.In view of this, an attempt has been made to re-explain aesthetic categories with the sublime as the central form of aesthetic activities in order to fully display and totally understand the ontological nature of aesthetic activities and to correct the partial understanding of aesthetics as the science of sensibility.针对审美感性论、审美学是感性学的偏颇,本文尝试以崇高为中心重新解释审美活动,试图通过对诸审美形态的考察,全方位地显现审美活动的本体论性,以校正对审美活动及审美学的片面理解。
2)perceptual ontology感性本体论
1.The bitrh of perceptual ontology was an important event of the development history of western philosophy in the early of 10 th century.感性本体论的诞生,乃是19世纪上半叶西方哲学发展史上重大的哲学事件,它标志着长达两千多年来的西方传统哲学开始遭遇重创,一个崭新的哲学时代开始来临。
2.Under its influence, China s literary theory of the new age has achieved the aesthtic tendency and showed the trend of aesthetic monism and perceptual ontology of aestheticism in such respects as aesthetic experientialism, aesthetic perceptivism, aesthetic formalism, aesthetic transendentalism and aesthetic essentialism.受其影响 ,我国新时期文学理论具有美学化倾向 ,在审美体验论、审美感性论、审美形式论、审美超越论、审美本质论等理论环节上显示出审美主义之审美一元论和感性本体论的倾向。
3.Under its influence, China s literary theory of the new age has got the tendency of aesthetic appreciation, and shows the trend of aesthetic monism and perceptual ontology of aestheticism on the theoretical links between aesthetic experientialism, aesthetic perceptivism, aesthetic formalism, aesthetic transcendentalism, and aesthetic essential.审美主义是在近现代西方出现的人生观、世界观和艺术观价值取向上的审美一元论思想 ,受其影响 ,我国新时期文学理论具有美学化倾向 ,在审美体验论、审美感性论、审美形式论、审美超越论、审美本质论等理论环节上显示出审美主义之审美一元论和感性本体论的倾向。

1.Entering the“Perceptual Philosophy”Once More--On the Establishment of Feuerbach s“Perceptual Ontology”;再度走进“感性哲学”——论费尔巴哈“感性本体论”之确立
2.From Feuerbach to Marx--On the Establishing Course of Perceptual Ontology从费尔巴哈到马克思——看“感性本体论”的确立历程
3.The Perceptual Ontology, whose naissance was very important in the history of western philosophy in the early 1800s, was firstly advocated by Feuerbach.感性本体论的诞生,是19世纪上半叶西方哲学发展史上的重大事件。
4.Christianity accepts that there is a transcendental foundation in human being's existing, but Nietzsche builds up an ontology of sensibility.但是,与基督教承认人的生存之超验性基础相比,尼采经营的是感性本体论
5.On theoretical generalization of perceptual practice;论感性实践的理论概括——“实践本体论复活了形而上学”说质疑
6.Discussion on Media Value Pursuing of Sports News Emotion and People Oriented;论体育新闻的情感性与“以人为本”的媒介价值追求
7.Purified and Restrained Sentiment --On the Emotion of Ontology in Liu Xie s Poetry;情感的纯化与情感的节制——论刘勰诗本体论的情感论
8.Universe Ontology·Reason Ontology·Anthropology Ontology ──New Exploration on the Evolvement of Western Tragedy Theory;宇宙本体论·理性本体论·人类学本体论——西方悲剧理论嬗变新探
9.Body,Sensibility and Freedom--New Annotation of Sport Essence;身体·感性·自由——体育本质新诠释
10.On the Basic Requirements of the Emotion Taste in Music Appreciation;浅论音乐欣赏中感情体验的基本要求
11.The Influence of Instinctive Sense of Muscles on the Percentage of Hit in Penalty Shots;论肌肉本体感觉对罚球命中率的影响
12.The ontology possesses inherent consistency with human nature.本体论与人的本性具有内在的一致性。
13.On Noumenon of Marxism Humanism Rational Philosophy--Noumenon of Human Individualistic Life论马克思人本理性哲学的本体论——人的个体生命本体论
14.On the Emotional Experience and Rational Expression in Musical Performance论音乐表演中的感性体验与理性表达
15.The Ontological Studies of Translation from the Perspective of Relevance Theory;辩证性——关联理论的翻译本体论阐释
16.On the Modernity and Toleration of Economic Theory System in Das Kapital;论《资本论》经济理论体系的现代性和包容性
17.Brief Discussion on Training of the P. E. Teachers Sense of Teaching Efficacy;论体育教师培养教学效能感的重要性
18.An Research to the "Emotion Ontology" Changes in Li Zehou s Later Period Esthetics Thought;对李泽厚后期美学思想“情感本体论”转向的考察

perceptual ontology感性本体论
1.The bitrh of perceptual ontology was an important event of the development history of western philosophy in the early of 10 th century.感性本体论的诞生,乃是19世纪上半叶西方哲学发展史上重大的哲学事件,它标志着长达两千多年来的西方传统哲学开始遭遇重创,一个崭新的哲学时代开始来临。
2.Under its influence, China s literary theory of the new age has achieved the aesthtic tendency and showed the trend of aesthetic monism and perceptual ontology of aestheticism in such respects as aesthetic experientialism, aesthetic perceptivism, aesthetic formalism, aesthetic transendentalism and aesthetic essentialism.受其影响 ,我国新时期文学理论具有美学化倾向 ,在审美体验论、审美感性论、审美形式论、审美超越论、审美本质论等理论环节上显示出审美主义之审美一元论和感性本体论的倾向。
3.Under its influence, China s literary theory of the new age has got the tendency of aesthetic appreciation, and shows the trend of aesthetic monism and perceptual ontology of aestheticism on the theoretical links between aesthetic experientialism, aesthetic perceptivism, aesthetic formalism, aesthetic transcendentalism, and aesthetic essential.审美主义是在近现代西方出现的人生观、世界观和艺术观价值取向上的审美一元论思想 ,受其影响 ,我国新时期文学理论具有美学化倾向 ,在审美体验论、审美感性论、审美形式论、审美超越论、审美本质论等理论环节上显示出审美主义之审美一元论和感性本体论的倾向。
3)temperament ontology心性本体论
1.Compares the main point of his philosophy ideology to the character of the Confucianism theory,and analyzes the meanings an influence of his temperament ontology.针对学术界对周敦颐评价的几个问题,审视周敦颐之前的儒家心性论是否有本体论的根基,对其哲学思想的主旨并与儒家的理论特点进行对比,进而分析周敦颐心性本体论思想的意义和作用。
4)Reason Ontology理性本体论
1.Universe Ontology·Reason Ontology·Anthropology Ontology ──New Exploration on the Evolvement of Western Tragedy Theory;宇宙本体论·理性本体论·人类学本体论——西方悲剧理论嬗变新探
5)poetic ontology诗性本体论
6)the ontology of attribute属性本体论
