物我同一说,Identity between object and person
1)Identity between object and person物我同一说
2)The Identity about the Matter and Me物我同一
1.“The Identity about the Matter and Me”and Ecological Ethics——Zhuangzhous Ideas of Ecological Ethics;“物我同一”与生态伦理——庄子的生态伦理思想新探

1.Paintings of Wumen Gate: of the Same of Thing and Self;吴门绘画:物我同一的“有我之境”
2.Cai Yongs Ecological and Aesthtical Thinking of Calligraphy;散怀恣性 物我同一——论蔡邕的书法生态美学思想
3.“The Identity about the Matter and Me”and Ecological Ethics--Zhuangzhous Ideas of Ecological Ethics;“物我同一”与生态伦理——庄子的生态伦理思想新探
4.Now, we always use different packing for different goods.我们一向是不同的货物用不同的包装。
5.I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches.我喜悦你的法度,如同喜悦一切的财物。
6.I have rejoiced in the way of Your testimonies, As much as in all riches.诗119:14我喜悦你的法度、同喜悦一切的财物。
7.The quality or condition of being the same as something else.同一性同另一事物相同的性质或状态
8.I also wanted this creature to have an exotic look and to be 100% biologic.我同时想要这个生物有一种奇异的外形和百分百的生物感。
9.The same room and hour, the same wisdom: and I the same.同一间房,同一时刻,同样的才智,我也是同一个我。
10.I agree there are two sides to everything, but this time I see only one of them.我同意任何事物都有两个方面,但在这件事上我只看到一面。
11.I have, previous to this meeting, consulted with a number of our leading men.我在这次会议之前,就同我们的一些领导人物磋商过。
12.For several days I had been cutting out valentines for my classmates.一连好几天我都忙于为我的同学制作情人节礼物。
13.We have been classmates all along.我们一直是同班同学。
14.Mr. XX firmly believes everything derives from the Almighty and that all the other living organisms have the same origin as humans.“万物与天一脉,众生同我共根”。X先生相信所有的生命是一脉相承。
15.We were figures in the same plot, eternally fixed together.我们是同一个图案里的人物,已被永远固定在一起。
16."All this seems to me to link them with life, and the origins of things. "在我看来,这一切似乎把他们同生命和万物之源联系在一起。
17.For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now.罗8:22我们知道一切受造之物、一同叹息劳苦、直到如今。
18.price line价格相同的一批货物

The Identity about the Matter and Me物我同一
1.“The Identity about the Matter and Me”and Ecological Ethics——Zhuangzhous Ideas of Ecological Ethics;“物我同一”与生态伦理——庄子的生态伦理思想新探
3)the unity of Brahma and me梵我同一
1.Comparisons of Chinese and Indian cultures in"the unity of Nature and humanity"an"the unity of Brahma and me".比较中印思维方式上的"天人合一"与"梵我同一"在具有共性的同时,还有各自的特殊性:两者在入世与出世、人的宇宙观、人生观上都具有各自的特点。
4)Allow me to remark.让我说一句。
5)Fellings and the perceived物我同化
6)identity hypothesis同一性假说
