生成本体论,generative ontology
1)generative ontology生成本体论
2)Ontology generation本体生成

1.On the Ontology Product System in the Article Taiyi Sheng Shui (《太一生水》(the pole star produces the water);论郭店楚简《太一生水》本体生成系统
2.Design and Implementation of Ontology Generator Based on Relational Database;基于关系数据库的本体生成器的设计与实现
3.On the Theory of Educational Constructivism: from the Existence of Noumenon to the Formation of Essence;从本体存在到本质生成的教育建构论
4.the main cost of collective feedlots was the cost for feedstuff, and account for 44.96% of total cost of production.集体牛场的主成本为饲料费,占总生产成本的44.96%。
5.Physical examination to be completed by the examining physician.体格检查,由检验医生完成本报告。
6.Establishment of Mass Production System for Low Cost in Seeding of Gardenia Jasminoides Eills;低成本大量生产栀子种苗体系的建立
7.The Research on Cost Control System of Multi-varietal Products;多品种产品生产的成本控制体系研究
8.The Research of the Matching and Integration Technology of Biomedical Ontology;生物医学本体匹配与集成技术的研究
9.On Calculation System of Average Educational Cost;高校标准生均教育成本核算体系探索
10.Research on Postgraduate Educational Cost Recovery in the Institutes and University of Physical Education;体育院校研究生教育成本分担的研究
11.Study on generation and match of question answering ontology网络答疑本体的生成与匹配方法研究
12.An Ontology-based Application for Test Script Auto Generation;本体知识库在软件测试脚本自动生成中的应用
13.General Evaluation of Ontology-based System for Automatic Generation of Text基于本体的综合评价文本自动生成系统研究
14.Ontology Automatic Generation and Ontology Mapping in Information Integration System;信息集成系统中本体自动生成及映射过程
15.Build a New and Human-based Service System for College Students Growth and Development;以人为本,构建新型大学生成长成才服务体系
16.The construction for the assurance system for cultivating university students from the perspective view of Students orientation;构建以生为本的大学生成才服务保障体系
17.Freshman Year Experience Program:A Program for the Study for Success in the United States基于大学生成功学习的美国本科新生体验计划
18.The results indicated that the main cost of individual feedlots was the cost for beef, and account for 68.69% of total cost of production;调查结果表明:个体牛场的主成本为购牛费,占总生产成本的68.69%;

Ontology generation本体生成
3)life ontology生命本体论
1.And also there were a lot of heated arguments about the literature ontology and many different theory schools,such as formal ontology,life ontology,practical ontology,active ontology,anthropology ontology,practical and ontological ontology,and so on.关于"文学本体"的论争非常活跃,出现了诸如"形式本体论"、"生命本体论"、"实践本体论"、"人类学本体论"、"实践存在论"等主张。
2.His life ontology used to have great influence in Taiwan and Hong Kong.他会通中西哲学创立的“生命本体论”,在台港地区发生过重要影响。
3.Life ontology philosophy has an integration progress in the development,through the impact of the philosophy of Schopenhauer and Bergson,the infiltration of Taoist cosmology,and the final combination with the"Yi Chuan"philosophy.宗白华先生的建筑美学思想来自于其深刻的生命本体论哲学,生命本体论的融合和发展有个进展的过程,经过叔本华和柏格森哲学的影响,道家宇宙观的渗入,最后在《易传》哲学上圆成。
4)existential ontology生存本体论
1.The existential ontology implied in narrative psychotherapy;叙事心理治疗的生存本体论含义
2.Real ontology holds in high esteem of logical thinking,while existential ontology has a close relation with intuition.实在本体论推重逻辑思维,直觉则与生存本体论相联系。
5)regenerating ontology再生本体论
6)Ontology life本体论生命

生成1.养育。 2.长成。 3.指生物。亦泛指物品。 4.指人民。 5.自然形成;生就。 6.保全性命。 7.必定。