化善为美,translating goodness into beauty
1)translating goodness into beauty化善为美
2)from static beauty to dynamic化美为媚

1.Beautiful scenery of the brook has ever not be drawn by anyone before now I describe it in poems--Color description of classical poems to turn beauty into charm;溪光自古无人画 凭仗新诗与写成——谈古诗词色彩描写的“化美为媚
2.From Defiance to Kitsch:Anti-Americanism Narration and Contemporary Cultural Critique从反抗到媚俗:反美主义叙事与当代文化批判
3.We disdain flattering.我们鄙视谄媚的行为。
4.Not so much honouring thee,不是为了荣耀和献媚;
5.Sweet daytime, so cool,tranquil and clear,甜美的白昼,如此凉爽、安宁、明媚!
6.With the wonder of your love world of warcraft gold above always shines.拥有你美丽的爱情,太阳就永远明媚。
7.Flattery and real compliments are very different.谄媚与(真的)赞美是很不一样的。
8.To make or become beautiful.美化使变得或成为美丽
9.Cultural Pandering to the Public: the Inevitable Result of the Development of Cultural Market;文化媚俗:思想文化市场化的必然结果
10.What is pretty?The sun says bright sunshine is pretty.汉译:什么是美丽的?太阳说明媚的阳光是美丽的.
11."Obsequious Beauty" and "Being Dizzy and Confused"--One of comparisons between aesthetics categories of Schopenhauer and Wang Guowei“媚美”与“眩惑”——叔本华与王国维美学范畴比较之一
12.Populariged Mass Culture, Vulgarization and Catering to the Masses;大众文化的流行与"庸俗化"及"媚俗
13.A woman regarded as gaudy or tawdry.娼妓被认为是媚俗或低俗的女人
14.Mr. Slope's civility had been more than ordinarily greasy.斯洛普先生的礼仪比平日更为谄媚。
15.Our Beauty salon is willing to serve newly-married couples with exquisite makeup.本美容美发厅愿为新婚夫妇精美化妆。
16.The first lesson is that flattery and real compliments are very different.第一堂课是:谄媚和真正的赞美是非常不同的。
17.Autumn in New York is always sunny and beautiful.纽约的秋天总是阳光明媚,而且风景很美。
18.Ben:Women are too unpredictable. Shake it off. Go chase another pretty!女人心难测ㄚ!醒醒吧,去追另一个美媚嘛!

from static beauty to dynamic化美为媚
3)to turn ugly into beauty化丑为美
1.Comments on the creative art to turn ugly into beauty in Les Fleurs de Mal;论《恶之花》化丑为美的创新艺术
4)Sino-US charity culture中美慈善文化
1.This essay states different characteristics between Sino-US charity culture reflected in the enthusiasm of the public in donations,the amount of donations,the number and types of charitable organizations and the character of charitable organizations.阐述了中美慈善文化的不同特征,主要表现在民众捐赠积极性、捐赠的数额、慈善机构的数量和类型以及慈善机构的性质等方面。
5)weishan(be kind)为善
6)beauty and goodness美善
