上帝死了,God is dead
1)God is dead上帝死了

1.God Is Dead, But Language Is Alive: On "Minimal" by Shuntaro Tanikawa上帝死了,语言活着——谷川俊太郎诗集《minimal》论
2.That is the basic meaning of Nietzsche's statement: God is dead, so humankind is free.那是尼采的话的基本含义:上帝死了,所以人类是自由的。
3.God is Dead, But Dao Still Exists--On Intellectual Crisis, the Attractiveness of Dao Thinking and its Modern Impact;“上帝死了,道还在!”——论精神危机和道思的魅力及其现代意义
4.Davey: Im dyin boys. Jesus, Im so thirsty.戴维:我快死了,上帝啊,我渴死了。
5.The dying man commended his soul to God.这个垂死的人将灵魂托付给了上帝。
6.The priest said that she died because God willed it.牧师说她死了是因为上帝的旨意。
7.My lord, I have received my sentence of death from the Almighty.老爷,我已接受了上帝判处我的死刑。
8.If he were dead, she would curse God and die too.如果马真死了,她要诅咒上帝,然后自己也死掉算了。
9.Do you think the death of Lorenzo is the scourge God has propared for Florence?你们以为洛伦索死了,是上帝给佛罗伦萨的惩罚?
10.God has ordained that we (should) die.上帝已注定我们会死。
11.Let me live truly, my Lord, so that death to me become true.让我真真实实地活着吧,我的上帝。这样,死对于我也就成了真实的了。
12.A being was commissioned to arrest the fatal hand of death about to descend on him."上帝对那位老人,象对我们一样,派了一位天使来捉住了死神的翅膀。”
13.The Death of God and the Death of Man: A Comparative Study of Nietzsche and Foucault;尼采的“上帝之死”与福柯的“人之死”
14.The colours from my life, and left so dead/And pale a stuff, it were not fitly done上帝就明白。那连绵的泪雨冲尽了/我生命的光彩,只剩一片死沉沉的
15.Sothe Lord put a mark on Cain, in order that anyone meeting him should not kill him.上帝给该隐做了个标记,这样遇见他的人就不会杀死他。
16.Gatsby,a son of God,dies righteously--rereading the religious meaning and morals of The Great Gatsby;盖茨比:上帝之子 死得其所——重读《了不起的盖茨比》的宗教和道德寓意
17.Emperor Palpatine was killed, and in the aftermath Rebel forces slipped aboard his flagship, the Eclipse II.战斗中皇帝帕尔帕廷被杀死,随后反叛军士兵悄然登上了皇帝的旗舰,日蚀II号舰。
18.Jesus, triumphant over death and the body, became the way, laying down the ego of the will, accepting the crucifixion, and returning to God.耶稣战胜了死亡和肉身,成就了这种道,他放弃了意志的自我,接受在十字架上受难,并回归上帝。

death of God上帝之死
1.The Death of God and the Death of Man: A Comparative Study of Nietzsche and Foucault;尼采的“上帝之死”与福柯的“人之死”
2.From "Death of God" to "Death of Man"——Concurrently a Comment on the Posthumanism Aim of Foucault从“上帝之死”到“人之死”——兼论福柯的后人道主义旨趣
3.The article consists of three parts: the first part analyzes the meaning of the death of God, the second part discloses the view of anxiety in Heidegger and fortre s Existentialism, and the third part tries to point out the possible results.本文首先讨论了“上帝之死”的意义,在此基础上考察存在哲学的焦虑观,并分析走出“上帝之死”所造成的虚无主义之可能的路数。
3)God has foreordained that he die young.上帝预定他早死。
4)God called Adam into being.上帝创造了亚当。
1.The Exploration of Extraterrestrial Life and the Debate on Whether Is God from Cosmos;宇宙地外生命探索与有无上帝的辩论
2.The Image of "God" in Mu Dan’s Poems;穆旦诗歌中的“上帝”意象
3.Irony and Subversion——Comment on Vernon God Little;讽刺与颠覆——评DBC·彼埃尔的《弗农小上帝》

揭秘死海:死海有无生物?  死海是位于西南亚的著名大咸湖,湖面低于地中海海面392米,是世界最低洼处,因温度高、蒸发强烈、含盐度高,据称水生植物和鱼类等生物不能生存,故得死海之名。那么死海真的就没有生物存在了吗?美国和以色列的科学家,通过研究终于揭开了这个谜底:但就在这种最咸的水中,仍有几种细菌和一种海藻生存其间。原来,死海中有一种叫做“盒状嗜盐细菌”的微生物,具备防止盐侵害的独特蛋白质。  众所周知,通常蛋白质必须置于溶液中,若离开溶液就要沉淀,形成机能失调的沉淀物。因此,高浓度的盐分,可对多数蛋白质产生脱水效应。而“盒状嗜盐细菌”具有的这种蛋白质,在高浓度盐分的情况下,不会脱水,能够继续生存。  嗜盐细菌蛋白又叫铁氧化还原蛋白。美国生物学家梅纳切姆·肖哈姆,和几位以色列学者一起,运用X射线晶体学原理,找出了“盒状嗜盐细菌”的分子结构。这种特殊蛋白呈咖啡杯状,其“柄”上所含带负电的氨基酸结构单元,对一端带正电而另一端带负电的水分子具有特殊的吸引力。所以,能够从盐分很高的死海海水中夺走水分子,使蛋白质依然逗留在溶液里,这样,死海有生物存在就不足为奇了。  参加这项研究的几位科学家认为,揭开死海有生物存在之谜,具有很重要的意义。在未来,类似氨基酸的程序,有朝一日移植给不耐盐的蛋白质后,就可使不耐盐的其他蛋白质,在缺乏淡水的条件下,在海水中也能继续存在,因此这种工艺可望有广阔的前景。